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@Estylwen@ERode@Sifr@Psyker Landshark@AThousandCurses



Davil swallowed hard as he took in the events onstage, going from threatened to saved, unsure of his position apart from his starry-eyed appreciation for Ciara, giving her a small nod and smile. He seemed blissfully unaware of his lot in life, or otherwise choosing to ignore the undertones and implications behind his saving. To him, it was a kind gesture from a pretty girl, and no more or less than that. Life was so much better that way, in the end. So simple and unrefined, the life that the blissful lead.

"I guess I could play the part of the reliable upperclassman. Right, yeah, that's probably the way to go. I'll try to work through this. It won't be much longer, right, chum?" The question echoed towards Otis as Davil gathered himself, his facade as a brave katana-wielding warrior reaffirmed. Even as he took a slow inhale and exhale to finalize himself, some fooled by the act saw it as the meditative practice of a stern prodigy, trained beyond his years.

Eventually, desperation shifted. What was once senseless begging, became a crowd of dozens that gathered near Ciara's area of the stage, still from below, as various 'heroes' stepped forward with their best attempts to display their virtuous souls - their light and darkness radiating to varying degrees, but none reaching the shining brightness of one like Iraleth. Many, instead, were dull greys or dimming candlelight.

Some boasted of their boundless love or limitless compassion for the downtrodden, some even shoving each other around to step the most forward, more forward than any other competitor. Valen chuckled lowly at this, tracing patterns in the air with his index finger, leaning on his other arm with a bored fist pressed against his cheek. "You have truly brought the best of us forward with this request, chaff. I can only wonder how this resolves. Go on," he would mutter towards Ciara, still tracing patterns in the air casually in the direction of the masses, the dark rings around his eyes giving way to his exhaustion. To those well-versed on the study of the arcane practice of magic, they would know that Valen was slowly and casually weaving the motions of a "Fireball" spell - a blast of immense heat that would undoubtedly ash the entire crowd and at least a quarter of the auditorium if cast by a competent wizard. He was in no rush, but the spell would certainly be charged and cast eventually if he committed to finishing the hand motions.

From those that remained of the virtuous, a few began to step back - those that recognized the danger of those motions, clearly. Others, still, professed their heroism. "Why, I had once saved the city of Seer's Loft from a fearsome hydra," one would exclaim, hands raised aloft to mimic the looming, snapping heads of a giant many-faced snake. "Why, that is child's play, my fair commonborn. Why, I once vanquished the Flame Lich Jungmire in his own abode atop Castle Blackstone." A few turned their heads in confusion at this, pondering. "Isn't Blackstone that Rekordian fortress still overrun by the lich and his armies...? Jungmire's unalive and well, ya bum!"

Eventually, the one who made such a claim was booed and shoved out of the crowd entirely. Said individual promptly fled, tomato red in the face and sulking as he stomped away. He would slide down the wall and slump against it near Rio, who was still ignoring all the commotion and clumsily applying bandaids and bandages to Chloe.

Others, still, were bolstered by Iraleth's words. One would step forth in the crowd gathered near Iraleth, a lance summoned forth in his hand. "Perhaps you're right. This world is not so easily swayed by begging, so why would it be any different now in this situation?" Turning towards the small crowd behind him, he'd stab the lance into the ground, hand on the pommel as he looked across them. "We waste our time pleading charity, friends. Surely another method remains that we just need to think on? Time runs out, and we must find our way!"

The lance would disappear, and the boy would walk further towards the center of the room away from the stage, leading a small group of eight others to brainstorm in a corner. They passed by a group near the broken Foreteller, ripping pieces off of it and studying its materials. A few individuals among that group were already assembling makeshift stools from the wreckage, flimsy yet passable for the task at hand. Among them was the pale girl with the limp and the cane, running her fingers along the hard outer shell of the clockwork giant curiously. She tapped at it in certain points with the tip of her cane, finger to chin as she contemplated something.

Near the front of the stage, the clock clicked to 9:50 AM. Time was short, and as Valen recited a few incantations under his breath directed towards the panicked beggars as his finger movements stopped, the more observant near the stage grew nervous and prepared for the worst.
Gonna post relatively later in the round this time. Otis will finally establish a mental group chat with the others (minus Gulliver) and basically say something like "Yah, there's literally not enough seats for all of the beggars; tell me if there's any one of them that you're interesting."

And Nanaya, Otis is literally only interested in them if they have an interesting Ethos, a set of generally interesting specialties, or are already in the process of doing research. Otherwise, he thinks very little of a group of heroes that can't even make a goddamn stool to squat upon.

Yeah, that makes sense. In the end, regardless of power, a lot of people are simply cracking under the pressure. There are still a decent number around the rest of the room not begging, though. Remains to be seen!


Real quick, would Iraleth know if Valen is who he says he is? As in, did the Leuvalt family have descendants up to the present day?

The Leuvalt family would presumably still be around today, with their most notable member in public perception being Klara Leuvalt of the heroes who stopped the Five Year Apocalypse. They’d be a comparatively smaller Rekordian noble family, being that they originated there. Nero left, initially, out of well known disagreement with his family’s Rekordian views - while Klara’s reasons remained unknown to the public for abandoning her family.

Valen’s attire fits the role of a traditional Leuvalt heir, at the very least.
@Estylwen@ERode@Sifr@Psyker Landshark@AThousandCurses


As the crowd that was promised a heroic future grew, Otis would receive a 'ping' in his mind, and he would know it was a request for a two sentence mental message from Davil. Should he accept, he would hear Davil's nervous voice plugging along, saying, "Hey, so this is prooobably more of a minor thing, chum, but I can't find the 'other' Gulliver anywhere. Not sure when it could have happened, but he's nowhere to be found in this room, at least." Davil's expression would be maintained as its goofy, happy-go-lucky self as he sat up on stage, but a small sweat drop running down his left cheek and the slightest gritting of teeth betrayed a small puff of anxiety.

Meanwhile, the crowd itself exploded with life as Otis finished his proclamation. Some expressed fear, some enraged, and others still oddly seemed to find the whole scene amusing. Magical auras and all manner of powers began manifesting across the auditorium, including faces familiar to some, such as Rio, carrying Chloe in his arms as his shielded giant slowly began to form, eyeing up a half-dozen other students, clearly exhausted. Or the pale girl with a cane, leaning near a caved-in wall by the back of the room with a halfhearted smile of bewilderment plastered across her face.

The conflict quieted, however, as the sound of footsteps clicked and clattered through the halls. Eyes of many were directed towards the entrance, where the rhythmic waltz stepped through the doorway. It was as if the rays of sunlight pouring in from the now opened windows slowly shifted towards this boy who walked through, bringing his well-dressed crimson frame into view. His each movement was as if he were walking on air, with only the loud echoing of each step giving away that he were not truly levitating. His smirk was plastic, his eyes giving way to the rising disdain he contained. Rio's expression grew fiery as he took a step forward, his giant following, but a few of the students that were previously about to attack him now held him back from advancing. Eyes focused on this red noble as he made his unimpeded advance right to the front, crowds clearing the way with a mixture of caution and worry to grant him a clear path.

With an adjusting of his collar and cracking of his neck, the boy looked upon the students on stage from below, yet close enough to jump up if he wished. His gaze met each individual, holding for exactly five seconds before moving on to the next. Any words directed his way were ignored, other students seeming to contemplate whether they should stab him in the back. "Now that his guard's down, we can pay him back," one student in the tense crowd would blurt out to another, not realizing that his voice carried much louder in the comparatively silent auditorium.

"I must say," the scarlet stranger would finally speak, his voice lined with venom as he held his stare on Otis. "This all sounds very reasonable, settling things through worth. The strong should, by all rights, deserve their chance. Upon this stage in front, and in this crowd behind, indeed - many strong souls have gathered in this place today."

With a raised hand and a fluttering cape, the boy spun such that his left shoulder now faced the stage, and his right to the crowd, while looking upon the hundreds either locking his gaze or intentionally avoiding it. "Many. Many who would see change, who may perhaps even wish to become the champions that would ensure a second apocalypse never again saw our lands lost to senseless chaos. Admirable, truly."

His eyes met those on stage, one by one once again, while he continued speaking. "Yet all of them cower, in this moment. In what should be the start of the journey that would one day immortalize them in the history books for others to learn of, or for bards to write songs of, or for yet others to shadow the footsteps of, they all find themselves timid mice in this moment. And those that puff their fur in token resistance of I, find themselves not committing. Do you know why that is?"

Finally, his serpentine visage met Otis again, a small spark igniting in his otherwise soulless self. "It is because none of them could defeat me, nor allow a single scar to blight my features. Not a loose seam, nor a speck of dust. Try as they might, I held fast against so many desperate faces across the campus grounds for no other reason than to see who among them was worthy of becoming a Wing of Nero. You may think the injuries that the chaff around us suffered were inflicted by those puppets, but kindly think again."

Keeping his gaze locked on Otis and his smile growing, the boy took to the left side, levitating upwards to arrive on the stage, as if he belonged there all along. "I will play along with this game for now, chaff, because you have amused me by reducing the grand auditorium of Wingram to a splintered battlefield. In return, I will take my spot here from on high, as the wall that none could overcome. My name is Valen Leuvalt, and it is truly your pleasure to make my acquaintance."

At that, with a finger pointed to the ground, a golden throne materialized. He took his seat, and would seem uninterested in hearing any complaints. Chaos broke once again soon after, as dozens of students began clamoring to the front to look upon those seated atop the stage as if they were a panel of judges, expressing their reasons why they should be chosen. Others, still, began searching for fragments with which to build chairs with. Rio took to a corner by one of the windows, where he simply leaned the unconscious Chloe up against a wall and pulled out a first aid kit, seemingly doing his best to tend to her even as time fought against him.

Time was ticking, but for now it seemed to be a matter of begging, improvising and talking. Davil was doing his best to remain composed, but his facade was slowly cracking, seeing pleading eyes looking to him for approval as he looked across his fellow seated to gauge their reactions.
Sorry for the delay! Been keeping up, but yesterday was busy. Next round coming later today.

I'd say tackle it any way you want, and that goes for everyone! More students will definitely begin filling in at the end of my next post, so I'll probably just make it a shorter and more general round overall to allow the party to decide the flow of things once a crowd begins forming - including what they'd see or not see upon entering into the destroyed auditorium.

If he were to look, he'd see 9:40 AM.
@Estylwen@ERode@Sifr@Psyker Landshark@AThousandCurses


"Stay down... what is this? Just... just stay down...!" Gulliver's desperate pleas continued through grit teeth and bloodshot eyes as he looked upon the slowly approaching Iraleth, steam rising from his body as the last sparks crackled into nonexistence around him. She was dead on her feet, and yet the young Bronsteel couldn't help but find himself taking a slow step back as she neared the stage. "It's not right. None of this... none of this is-"


Cut off from his own denial. Darkness. All at once, the sole light now emerging from his waning barrier of essence, only occasionally able to see the stumbling figure of Iraleth closing in slowly but surely. He tried to raise his hand to let loose another bolt, but even the act of moving his arm to perform the proper casting motions proved too much, letting loose a pathetic shock like the dying dance of loose wiring. "W-Wait... no, this can't be all there is, right? No, no, no... my essence can't be letting up so soon. Damn that Umbralist witch. I prepared for this day for months. I just need to dig deeper...!"

Despite all of the wailing, however, all of his words after the final window's darkening could only be heard by himself in his bubble of a world. To others looking upon him, they would see him flailing and screaming, attempting everything he could to turn around this cruel fate befalling him. It was only as his own voice died down that he realized how little he heard. Tears filled his eyes as he screamed into an unfeeling, unhearing darkness as he felt his barrier encroached upon by unseen phantoms. He recoiled as if being struck as he felt his Mannekin disappearing one by one, helpless and alone as his numbers whittled into insignificance in seconds.

Hildegunde was disarmed, the kimono-wearing Mannekin slapping her gun into the dark of the room while continuing his rush. With the feral tenacity of a cornered animal, the two engaged in a brief melee, Hildegunde's teeth and nails meeting nothing but sturdy wood. With the swiftness of a trained warrior, the Mannekin pushed her away with another palm strike. Taking advantage of the stagger, it would take to the air and attempt its finishing move - an axe kick directly onto her head. Before this could resolve, however, the Mannekin would be consumed by the shadows and faced the gruesome fate that the remainder of Gulliver's soldiers would be subjected to.

The sound of crushed wood and the popping of artificial limbs rang out across the darkened auditorium, the Mannekin struggling to break free and fight against this unseen force. It all proved futile, however, as this was clearly a level of offense that they were not equipped to handle. Each and every one of them was soulless, and there would be no meal for the famished darkness among the army that fell to pieces in its wake.

In the midst of all this, Gulliver with a thousand yard stare in sheer horror - mouth agape and hunched over in exhaustion upon seeing his army driven to defeat - it didn't take much to catch the boy by surprise now. "Are you really just... going to stand there?" The questioning, dejected voice of Davil would ring out so painfully close, in the condensed bubble in which the only sound in Bronsteel's world would exist. Gulliver spun on his heel in that moment and let out one last desperate bolt, a spark that acted as a glorified stun gun more than anything, and met only air. Davil sidestepped the piddling bolt with a sad smile on his face, getting close enough to the young Bronsteel to almost touch noses, looking right into his eyes.

"Because this bubble, right now, is a world in which only our voices can be heard, I'll give you a bit of advice, okay? See..."

Gulliver swung his fist, but Davil simply swatted the weak punch away and shoved Gulliver off the stage. As he fell, as if in slow motion, Gulliver's gaze was drawn to Davil's lips in this silent world between them, soon to dissolve in mere seconds. A sentence was spoken, and it was only the ill-fated Bronsteel that would hear it. Was it a separate spell from within this chaos that would allow this to transpire? In that moment it was unclear, but regardless, his brow furrowed in confusion and fear as the words registered. It was too late to worry about that now, however. The last thing he would see of his beloved stage was Davil's form, staring down at him with an emotion approaching pity.


All at once, the barrier broke like glass, and so too did the silencing spell on Gulliver. Noise returned as his body hit the auditorium floor, and there would be one noise he would hear before all others - the approaching of footsteps, of which he knew it could only be Iraleth. He could tell she was close, and he was in a full-blown panic after being shoved off the stage. "I-I-I- Gaaaaaaaah!"

Primal instinct kicked in, and the disgraced noble began throwing amateurish haymakers into the darkness in the direction of Iraleth's approach. There was no longer a barrier. Not even the faintest glimmer of light near him. Exhausted and broken both physically and mentally, no more magic, Mannekin or defensive measures to fall back on, it would only take one punch to end his fish-out-of-water resistance.

It's all good, rest up and take care of yourself. IRL comes first. Sleep, especially.

Next round will be coming up in a few hours!
Thank you @Estylwen !
I'll try to get a post up tonight but if I am cringe and fail again Nanaya has full permission to skip me. I feel really bad but I'm mobile bound and not a good mobile types + aforementioned job and meds adjustment period.

Mobile posting sucks, I totally get that. I'll get to the next round if you aren't able to get a post up by tomorrow night (I'll be pretty busy most of tomorrow), but there's no pressure if the IRL situation's just not great this round.
Davil in Otis' workshop be like

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