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Assuming Chloe accepted Otis' offer, this would be the seating arrangement, based on what I've read from everyone's posts. Hildegunde would be seated on the floor somewhere between Otis' desk and the teacher's desk, and anything labeled 'blank' is an empty desk. Next round coming in a few hours!

Oh, Rio and Davil weren't sitting by a window, they were just standing next to one having a chat. But I will shortly provide my best MS Paint skills for a classroom map.

Do you think you'd be able to have a post up in the next two days, or should we go ahead to the next round for now? No pressure!
That's all good! @Sifr is also up.
Y'know, I hadn't really thought about that. Huh.

With ties to primal teachings and her life in Vaal Kastrix, Ciara would likely feel some measure of familiarity with the classroom similar to her hometown's 'feel'. Closer to the feeling of being near a spot due for essence eradication, in particular.
Shorter post, but I figure this round's more of a player talk-y one anyway.
@Estylwen@Psyker Landshark@ERode@AThousandCurses@Sifr


The hallways of the main building were pure chaos. Students rushed from place to place, desperately seeking their classrooms and panicking as minutes ticked on. Others found themselves more composed, moving with purpose as they entered into their respective rooms, avoiding the rising tension of the halls. At the very least, fights weren't breaking out - not yet, anyway. Perhaps now that people knew their positions were secured, there was less need to attempt murder on one another.

For the students of classroom 103, otherwise known as Compact 3, there would be no such troubles in the first place as they made their respective ways over; even as the clock ticked over to 8:55 AM, the teacher of their class was nowhere to be seen. A sticky note was attached to the top of each desk, noting the seating arrangement of the class. The room itself was rather mundane, showing little sign of the prestige associated with Wingram's larger than life presentation, and may have even felt nostalgic with its faint aromas of eraser shavings and sweaty leather. Davil and Rio could be seen chatting by a window near the front of class overlooking the courtyard, sunlight shining in on a bright day for Vaal Nero's future heroes. Chloe, meanwhile, was slowly examining each desk to find hers, all the while trying to make as little eye contact with her classmates as possible.

Despite its mundane appearance, the flow of essence was strong in this room. It was charged, as if a spell or ritual of some kind need only have its words spoken aloud to initiate something massive. Even to one not attempting to gauge the area's essence, that much was obvious, as if a sixth sense triggered as a reflex. For now, though, it remained a regular classroom with seating arrangements to be discovered and a teacher yet to appear. Chloe would throw a glance towards Iraleth every now and again, and Davil would continue pulling Rio into a one-sided conversation while occasionally throwing very different glances towards Ciara and Otis. Rio, however, remained relatively expressionless.
The next round would be the classroom, so if @Estylwen wanted to make a response post to Otis and @AThousandCurses wished to elaborate on Chunji's cafeteria adventures, I'd be good with waiting on that! That way, my next post could be the classroom proper.
Plot twist, I chose the middle of the road: the "sleep is for the weak" route, in which I stayed up later than I should have, but ultimately decided it's fine!
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