Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Roxas walked next to Jax as they made their way back to his house. "Like I said I'm not going to tell you what to to do." After a few minutes he handed her bottle of water from his bag. "I'm sure Ophelia is fine and you can say sorry tomorrow. In the mean time lets get you to a shower then bed." He smiled then leaded off the path to his place. Jax seemed a little confused at first. "We're going to my house. Everyone will be there and you can talk to Morthos again when you're sober. I'm sure he won't think you're an asshole."

Once they made it to the house, Roxas lead Jax up to the guest room and showed her around so she knew where everything was. Once he got her comfortable he went back down stairs to check on Morthos who seemed to be passed out on the couch. 'Wonder if he made it to the shower.' He thought to himself, grabbed some water from the kitchen, then headed to his room. As he opened the door he saw Ophelia waiting on his bed and immediately smiled. She looked beautiful in her pj's. Roxas walked on over to her and kissed her deeply. "Jax is in the guest bedroom. She probably needs some time to be alone. You look stunning by the way." He kissed her again and sat next to her.
"Your dad seems like a very nice man to buy this place for you." Welkins smiled as he placed the bags down on the counter for Reia and helped put things away. She offered him some different types of drinks so he figured he could have a tea with her and get to know her a bit more. "I would love a tea if you wouldn't mind." He smiled again and sat down at one of the stools. "Is there anything else you would like me to help you with?" He said gently before sitting. He could tell she was looking at his glass eye piece, but paid it no mined. He was used to people looking by now. She had a very beautiful house though and was surprised when she said that her dad got it for her. He didn't want to seem rude so he didn't ask about it at all. He figured if she wanted she would tell him. "So why did you want to come to Galia? I'm sure there were other places that you looked at that were probably nicer."
Roxas stood and watched as Jax was yelling and then crying begging him not to tell Ophelia what she just said. "Jax I'm not going to ask you what happened to you. If you want to tell me that fine I'm here to listen." He sat her down on the step then sat next to her. "Look I'm not going to tell you what to do or how to feel or anything like that. You are you're own person and you are going to do whatever you want regardless of what anyone says. You know how I know that? Because that's what I would do and I have a pretty good idea that we are relatively similar." He leaned forward to look Jax in the eyes. "Jax you are a pretty great person. No matter what, you've got family and friends behind you. Ophelia will always be by your side and you've got me now too. I mean without you I probably would't be alive right now."

Roxas started to stand and held out his hand for Jax to grab onto. "Listen Jax. If you do give Morthos a chance and he does break your heart. I'll unleash all of hell on him and make him regret he was ever born. Sound like a plan?" He flashed her a smile and his eyes changed back to normal.
Welkins Looked around as he walked out of his house. The Windmill was a nice place for him to live. It was peaceful and out of town. Gave for a good look up at the stars. Looking around he noticed that there was someone close by. They were holding a whole bunch of paper bags and looked like they were going to fall. Welkins rushed over to help and noticed that it was Reia who whas holding the bags. His speed became a little faster and caught the bags before they fell out of her hands. "Hello again. Surprised to see you way out here." He smiled and laughed a little as he took some of the bags and helped her out.

"So you're the one who bought this house." Welkins pointed to the house in front of them. "Pretty place it is. Hope you don't mind me living next to you." Motioning over towards the windmill.
Roxas helped Jax out of the can. She was still quite drunk and trying to get out of what was coming to her. "No we aren't going to pretend that nothing happened. You could have really hurt that woman for one, not like I care though. You made a complete fool of yourself." He was pretty frusterated, but knew how to keep his cool. So he spoke low and smooth. "What the hell is wrong with you Jax. You're freaking out Ophelia and chasing away the only man that probably loves you for you and not your body." His eyes going red. "Now listen I get that you wanted to have a good time tonight, but if you didn't want Morthos with another girl then you should have said so. That ones on you." He walked up to Jax and stopped her dancing. "Look at me Jax. I know we had a rough start as being friends, but we are now. You helped me now let me help you. Or at least confide in me. I mean honestly who am I going to tell."
Welkins eventually made it back home after being stopped by quite a few people on the way. He din't mind it all to much though since he liked everyone. After kicking his boots off and placing his rifle and sabers down, he made his way to the kitchen to make some food for the night. Chicken and baked beans. It's wasn't what he'd normally have, but he felt really good about the day. Made a new friend and the town was still peaceful. He was mostly happy about his new friend Reia. He couldn't wait to see her tomorrow at class. It wasn't everyday that someone from Silvermoon Pier moved to little ol' Galia.

Once dinner was done he started to take off his uniform and put on some normal clothes. After washing all the dishes he used he grabbed his rifle and headed out again.
Roxas opened the door and heard the tail end of a conversation he was glad he missed. He looked at Morthos who looked like he was having a rough time and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Go to my place for tonight." He said gently to him. "I'll take care of her don't worry just focus on getting to my place and take a hot shower in the guest room. It's up the stairs you can't miss it." He smiled softly then let him go. As Morthos walked back inside, Roxas shifted his focus back on Jax. "Jax I know you're in there so come on out." There was a silence then Jax opened the lid slightly to look at him then closed it and answered. "Jax isn't hear right now. Leave a message after the beep. Beep." Roxas just sighed and flung open the garbage bin door. "You and I are going to have a talk." He glared at her and while she still sat under in the garbage bin.
Welkins looked up at the Windmill with Reia and smiled. "From the big city, huh? That really cool I've never been there before, but have it on my list of places to see. Yes I've lived here all my life and I quite like it here. It's small and everyone nice. Well atleast most of the time. There are a few who are rude, but don't pay them any mind." He looked down at Reia while she was still looking up. She was very cute and he really wanted to get to know her more. Hopfuly they would become good friends. She made a comment on his outfit which did seem very military like, but that's because it was. He had to wear it since his job in the guild was a scout. Which was another reason why he had a rifle too.

"Oh this?" He looked down and pointed to his outfit. "Nah I have to wear this everyday. I'm a scout for the Order of Galia. All scouts have to wear one. I just so happen to be the only one." Reia thanked him for showing him the way and started walking over to the grocery store. She looked back over her shoulder and flashed him a grin and waved. He smiled back at her and waved back. She disappeared into the building while Welkins just stayed standing there for a few minutes. He couldn't get Reia's grin out of his head. It was just as cute as she was. Everything about that girl was cute. In all his years of living in Galia he had never seen any one as cute as her. 'Better not tell Isara that. She might skin me alive.' He laughed to himself and started to make his way back home.
Roxas watched as Ophelia followed Jax into the bathroom. He knew what was going on in there and wanted no part in it. He was not looking forward to what was coming next. Especially since Morthos was with another woman and Jax was drunk as hell. 'Think is why I don't get drunk.' Roxas muttered to himself and immediately started thinking of where everyone was going to stay tonight. After a few minutes of waiting Jax and Ophilea came back out of the bathroom. Jax looked like hell. The moment she looked over at Morthos, Jax ran over and body checked the poor girl. It all happened so fast the girl went down and Jax got up and bolted outside then Morthos followed. 'I knew this was going to happen. What a bright idea guys. Getthe two people who obvliosly love each other drunk then stick the man to another woman. Classic.'

Roxas was getting annoyed now and figured he'd give the two of them a few minutes before he went out there and dragged them both back home. Once Morthos was gone out the door, he walked over to the poor girl. "I'm sorry for Jax. I don't know why I'm apologizing for her since she brought this on herself, but there you have it." After a quick smile he headed over to Ophelia. "Are you okay? Don't worry about Jax I'll take care of both of them. If you are able just meet me at my house I'll take them both there, if not I'll come back in and get you and we'll all go. I have enough crap in my medicine cabinet to bring an angel back to life." he quickly gave her a kiss then followed after Jax and Morthos.
Welkins heard someone behind him and turned around to answer. In front of him was the tiny girl from before. She seemed to be lost and he knew the whole town so why not help out. "Oh hello I saw you earlier at the guild building. I'm more than happy to help you find the grocery store. I'll take you there myself." He smiled excited to see the new girl. "I'm Darion Welkins, but everyone just called me Welkins. What's you're name?" He started to lead the girl out towards the grocery store which was closer the the center of town by the Windmill.

"You're new here aren't you? I've never seen you before. I guess it would only be gentleman of me to welcome you to our town of Galia." Welkens was very curious about the girl. It wasn't often that new people would come and join the Order of Galia. As they reached the grocery store, he stopped and smiled at the girl. "Well here's our stop. If you ever need anything just ask. You can usually find me around town or in the market. I can show you around sometime if you'd like." He just kept smiling, hopping he made a good impression.
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