Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Welkins took a look st the note. He couldn't wait for his classes to be over. Once Weaponry class was over he quickly ran to his next class. This one was special to only him. His father instructed this one and Welkins didn't really like it to much. The room was his office with only a desk and two chairs where in the room. Gunther Welkin was on the name tag on the desk with a man who looked a little like Welkins but without an eye piece. "Hello father." Welkins said happily. As much he didn't really like having a class by his father, nothing could ruin his day. It was only an hour so it wasn't to bad. "Hello Darion. You seem to be in a good mood today. Has something happened?"

Welkins sat down in the chair closest to the door. "In a matter of fact yes. I made a new friend yesterday and I'm showing her around town after class. Shes from the city." Gunther wasn't really paying attention and only caught bits and pieces of what Welkins said. He wasn't trying to be rude, but he had a lot on his mind today. "That's good son. I have a lot to do today so I won't be your instructor today." Welkins was concerned figuring it was about the attacks from Port Ashmer and decided not to talk about it. Instead he just placed his rifle on his lap and started to clean it.

After the long silent hour with his father, Welkins made his way to the double doors of the guild building and saw Reia waiting for him. She seemed to be there for a while, so he rushed on over. "Sorry that took so long. I had to spend a bit of time with my father before I could leave. You ready to go?" He smiled and held out his arm to her, trying to be as gentlemanly as he could.
Welkins saw the note that Reia past to him and smiled. He though it was pretty cute that she was writing him a note in the middle of class. On it she had asked him if he wanted to hang out with him for a bit in the free period and wanted his company. Ge grabbed his pen and started writing back right away. Of course he wanted to hang out with her. It wouldn't take long of him to show her the town, but anything to spend more time with her.

"Of course, I'd love to hang out with you. Since the town is so small it won't take long to see, but I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay with you."

He finished up writing and passed the note back to her. When he looked back at her he noticed her facial features. She was an elf just like him. That made him laugh a little. He figured he would ask her about it after once they got together again.
Welkins smiled at the question, but wasn't sure how to answer. "I don't really like to talk about it, but in a way yeah it helps me see better. It's helps a lot when I'm aiming too." He hoped that that was enough for now since it wasn't a topic he liked to get into. His eye wasn't deformed or anything, but it still made him uneasy to talk about. Noticing that Reia wasn't really paying attention to the instructor made him smile again. "Nothing he says right now is that important. If it is I can tell you about it later." He kept smiling and then winked at her. "I can't wait to show you around the town. This place is fantastic if you want it to be."

"Welkins!" The instructor called out in a deep raspy voice. "You may already know everything in this class, but that doesn't mean the rest of us do. Pay attention or shut up." Welkins lowered his head in apology. "Yes sir. Sorry sir." The instructor went back to talking about different weapons and what not. "Looks like we've been busted." He grinned and giggled a little under his breath.
Strategy class seemed to go on forever. At least that how it felt to Welkins. He already knew everything that the teacher was going over. His father had showed him all this before, but he knew he had to take it. Once the classwas over though, he rushed to Weaponry. He knew Reia was going to be there and couldn't wait to see her. Once he entered he sat down close to the window and saved the seat next to him for her. Reia came up to him and greeted him. "Hi! Yes here I am and there you are." He smiled and laughed at his dumb joke. Before she could sit down, Welkins got up and pulled the chair out for her, then pushed it back in and sat down next to her. "This is my favorite class. The first day is kinda boring but after today we get to use our weapons a lot and fight each other. I have the record for the longest distance shot with my rifle. It's all thanks to this." He pointed to his glass eye piece.
Welkins was up before the sun was and started to get ready for his day. He laid out his uniform and walked in to start the toaster. A bagel with cream cheese this morning for breakfast. The fire from the night before was still going, but was very low. Welkins went ahead put it out before getting dressed in his uniform. He couldn't wait to see Reia today, so he got all his stuff together and started his morning rounds through town. The rifle was slung across his back and both sabers at his sides. Today was going to be a good day. He though as we made it to the center of town.

"Nothing out of the ordinary today." Welkins muttered to himself as as he started to make his way to the guild building. "Guess I better get ready for class and report in."
Once Reia had closed the door behind him, Welkins ran back to his house. He grabbed some pj's and ran into the bathroom, turning on the water for a shower. The excitement was taking over and he couldn't wait for the next day. All he could think about was Reia and how he wanted to take her around the town and introduce her to everyone. The moment he thought of that he frowned for a bit. "I hope Isara won't be rude. Since I'm hanging out with another girl and all." He said out loud to himself. Whatever. If she was rude he would just stick up for Reia and hope taht eventually they would be friends.

After his shower, Welkins put on his pj's and started a fire to warm the windmill up a bit. It would only warm up his room, the bathroom and the kitchen/living room, but he wasn't going out star gazing tonight so it didn't matter much. Once everything was done and he was all cleaned up, Welkins laid down in bed and tried to get some sleep.
The next morthing, Roxas woke up naked besides Ophelia. He smiled and kissed her gently before cuddling up close to her for a bit. After a few minutes of the two of them holding each other, Roxas got up to put some clothes on. "We had better go check on the others. They had a rough night. You take it slow too love." He winked at her then walked into the bathroom.
"Oh!" Welkins said excited "We have weapons class and free period together." He smiled wide, feeling happy that they had more than one class together. Once he was done smiling he reached up to his glass eye piece and made sure it was still on properly. He could still see out of it which was good, but it would sometimes shift and come off, which wasn't good. "Well maybe in our free time I can show you around. The town is your home now so might as well meet some new people and see the sights."

Reia had moved to make some more tea then crossed her legs. She seemed to be very flexible. Welkins had never seen anyone so flexible. Then again he also had never met a girl who was a short as Reia, but that made her cute. A few sips later, Welkins had finished his tea and went to pour some more looking outside and seeing that it had gotten dark. "Oh I had better get home now. I have to be up early for my morning watch. Thank you for the tea and I can't wait to see you in class tomorrow." He said his goodbye then made his way back over to his house. Thinking about Reia the whole time.
Ophelia moved quickly to shut and lock the door then was straddling him and looking down at him. Her eyes were still glossy and he could tell that she was really high still. All he could do was giggle though since it took him by surprise. "Thank you baby." He looked at her as her hands started to run through his hair. Her hair was dangling down over him and he could feel it gently against his face. Roxas took his hand and brought it up to Ophelia's cheek then pulled her down to kiss her again. She squirmed against his body for a little while and he could tell what she was after. "Someone's not like herself right now are you." He grinned and kissed her again. "What're you thinking about?" His hand ran from her cheek, down her neck, then to her back. It took everything inside of him to hold back, but he didn't know how much longer he could take it.

Roxas wanted her. He never wanted a woman as bad as he did Ophelia. It was tough to stay composed, but he did it.
Welkins sat on the couch oposite of Reia and listened to her closely as we made up his own cup of tea. Two creams and three sugars. Just right. Once Reia was done explaining why she was here, he stayed quiet for a bit as he sipped on the tea. "Well I think that is a great reason to come here. I think that you'll find that the people here don't expect some huge reason why and they are happy to make you feel right at home. I just wish that you could have come at a better time. I don't know if you have heard, but one of the bigger powered city guilds are trying to march their way over and take over. I don't think they will come here, but I just wanted to warn you." He looked down at the cup for a bit then looked up again and smiled. trying not to seem like he was worried, but he really was. Going to war wasn't something Welkins was ready for.

Anyways Welkins didn't want to frighten Reia so he changed the subject. "What kind of classes are you going to take? Wendy said we might have a few together, but she wouldn't tell me which ones." This time his smile was genuine and excited. Nothing made him happier then to have a friend in a class. It made the day go by faster and as much as he liked going to th Order of Galia, he would much rather go on missions and walk the town with his rifle. Who knew maybe one day the two of them could go on a mission together, but that was a distant thought.
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