
Name: Chris Lange
Alias: None
Age: 15
Alignment: Villain
Loyalty: Independent
Appearance: Chris has long, thick, red hair, somewhere between wavy and straight. It rests just above her lower back when not tied up. She normally keeps it in a ponytail, if its even visible within the dark green hoodie she normally wears. Chris is pretty short, standing at 5' 2", with a very young face befitting her age. Her normal expression around strangers is obvious discomfort, and she has a hard time warming up to people.
Chris is only touchy with people she wants to manipulate, of whom the number is expanding. Chrissie is noticeably thinner than most girls her age. Chris's ethnicity seems to be Irish, and her face is without freckles unlike her fathers. She very recently created a mask out of paper mache to hide her identity if need be. The mask is a bright red mixed with striking blacks, and looks to be a demons face. She sometimes carries it in her purse, though it is a bit bulky and she has been known to leave it at home.
History: Chris grew up in a middle class family in Denver her entire life, with a caring father and a mother. Though her father very rarely talked about it, he was in fact a super powered individual, though his power was fairly innocuous. The basic set of better sight, balance and the rest. He never had any aspirations of being a cape, and didn't so much settle for mediocrity but preferred it. The expression of his power was found in the minutest details, such as pointing out owls that were very hard to make out on a cold night, or catching a jar of jelly Chris accidentally bumped off the table.
Her mother on the other hand was not super powered in the slightest (through Chris's comments about her being super bitchy
could be misinterpreted). Her mother was a drinker, but not in the fun party kind of way, but in the not so fun, drinks and abuses the gentle giant that is Chris's 6' 4" father. In this way, Chris's father's gentle nature got the best of both him and his daughter, forcing her to grow up in a less than ideal situation. At the point where panic attacks becoming a major issue for Chris, her father divorced Chris's mother. Too little too late, though Chris would never admit it.
Schooling went rather poorly for Chris as she never applied herself, or found within herself the motivation to succeed though she did keep high enough grades to pass her classes if just barely. Slowly Chris developed a tight knit group of friends that she could enjoy the presence of. They'd always see her as the outsider of the group, and she didn't seem to mind.
Beginning around January of 2005, when Chris's mother started 'stalking' her. The disgruntled parent ended up kidnapping Chris. causing her to trigger. The direct personal relationship, mixed with the direct nature of the threat greatly influenced the expression of her father's power. Where enhancement of physical and mental prowess was the name of the game for her father, Chris's power revolved around manipulating others senses, and changing their perception of the world, After Chris's trigger, she got a hand on her mother and forced her to crash the vehicle, killing her mother on impact, and leaving herself (fortunately) unharmed.
The adaption to home life after her trigger event was hard, and she didn't find herself confiding in her father like she thought she would. Instead she kept it a secret, and started rebelling more in general, putting undue pressure on her father. The only kind of crimes she has committed involve gaining entry to clubs she normally wouldn't be allowed to enter. As such she hasn't gotten a cape name, though she has been getting more adventurous with her power usage recently.
Motivations: Chris takes part in her villainous ways as a sort of catharsis, using the heinous (and less than heinous) acts as an outlet for her stress.
Sexuality: Chris hasn't quite developed her sexuality fully. She is experimental right now.
Likes: - Scary movies
- Socializing with close friends
- Traditional hip-hop
- The Beatles
- Paper mache
Dislikes: - School
- 'Fake' friends
- Disingenuous people
- Jocks
Derangement: Chris sometimes has a hard time grasping what is real and what isn't. This can vary in intensity from becoming a little off balance to full grown panic attacks. This is mixed with, in an ironic fashion, hallucinations of her own. Chris takes Xanax every morning to try to combat this, and carries a couple extras just in case she feels a panic attack coming on.
Skills: Chris has fairly decent memory, and has gotten pretty good at deceiving people. She has been practicing her sleight of hand, and is able to easily socially engineer most people into letting her touch them, even if it's only the slightest brush.
Classification: Stranger and striker
Details: Chris can, upon creating physical contact with a person's clothes or body, make them hallucinate. These hallucinations are precise, and can be molded to fit what Chris wants to achieve. She can force one to experience touch, vision, kinesthetic, and auditorial hallucinations with pin point accuracy to their real life counter parts. Once she touches you, unless you know what is coming, she has hijacked your brain for her insane joyride.
Chris can also remove sensations, making it seem like she stopped touching the person, or remove the pain from a bullet wound. Chris has a very slight thinker ability, in the way that she can multitask for each person she is forcing to hallucinate, though the individuals hallucinations do suffer in quality because of this.
Limitations: Although Chris goes to agonizing lengths to ensure her hallucinations are accurate, she is severely limited in terms of control. She can't literally force someone to move, speak, or anything of that sort. At best she inspires reactions, and doesn't create them. Chris's hallucinations also immediately stop once contact ends, with practically zero time between.
These limitations mean that once she starts making someone hallucinate something complex or especially dangerous, she has to get a very good grip on them, and be prepared for them to fall. Though it may seem to the person she is touching that they have been pushed back thirty feet into a wall, in reality they're flailing around on the ground.
Chris also has a hard time creating things from scratch. She can choose to make a feeling persist (like the sensation of her victim standing on their feet looking down a corridor not going away while their being handcuffed), she can't make the feeling of being shot with a laser perfectly accurate.
As a final point, Chris can make multiple people hallucinate at once, though this will quickly lead to a backfire and a massive headache. The longest she has managed to maintain a hallucination is thirty minutes, at which point she started to develop a headache. This time limit exponentially lowers the more people she is forcing to hallucinate, and the accuracy of the hallucinations suffer as well. If she uses her power for thirty minutes in one day she will start to develop a headache, and if she persists her power
will backfire, leading to migraines, loss of consciousness, and dizziness.
Equipment: A straight razor, and a garrote she made out of piano wire and two pieces of wood.