Without starting another argument over another of your previously unmentioned unnecessary and easily managed restrictions, if I get the spare time I will throw my character up.
Not to sound rude or anything, but that sounds like you're trying to start an argument. And if you don't like the way I GM, you don't have to stick around. You may think it 'unnecessary', but I did this for a reason, and as the GM I have the ability to add and/or change rules as I see fit. You do not have to agree with them, but statements like 'another of your previously unmentioned unnecessary and easily managed restrictions' makes it sound like you aren't just voicing an opinion, but trying to argue against what I, the GM, have said.
But so far this thread isn't offering a lot of hope to unsure dedicated players. Besides being in a fairytail setting I have no idea what else to expect.
I should not have to do anything special to keep you guys around. If you feel this doesn't offer you anything, then leave. Simple as that. I will not be walked on, and told how to run
my roleplays, simply because the way I do things isn't 'offering anything' to you. Even if the IC was made, you still wouldn't know what to expect down the line, because there are multiple arcs planned, and really anything can happen.