Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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eyyyy! The Forsaken! I missed that guy!

Also, Cowl post is almost ready, time to actually start making moves. Raptorman has one more week before I simply move War-Pulse back into the big picture.
To all whom it may concern: I shall be returning to the Guild when Summer rolls around, and my activity will improve. For now, however, I'm focusing on finishing school on a positive note.

This seems to be a common theme, I'm sure activity will pick up around then! Hopefully I can make some War-Pulse posts around then as well. I've been working on a Cowl post, but I really have to wait for some superhero activity to come flying around before he becomes important.
Because PLOT of course!

Also, cooking up another Cowl Post, and I'll wait another week or so before posting another War-Pulse post, just to see if Raptorman will post again. He has a habit of appearing right when I am about to lose patience and posting anyway, so I'm going to give him a little bit of a 'due date' and hopefully he will swoop in and get another post out.
Would it be possible for someone to give me a good summary of D-Day? How did the demons get in Lost Haven, who fought them, how were they defeated and what did they destroy, etc.?

Certainly! While I am a little hazy on most of the details, I can give you what I remember. People who had bigger roles than I would be able to probably fill in the blanks.

The demons were brought into Lost Haven as an invasion force, cracking open the rift between heaven and Earth in an attempt to destroy for the simple reason of "because f@!k the world and everything in it." Out of Character, this was a stunt done by a player who wanted to introduce their character, Styx, who was one of the demons who escaped from the gaping hell portal.

Anywho, literally everyone with a superpower was involved, and many who weren't. Arachne ended up fighting some large snake demon in a sewer, and found put she had some god-like potential in her by killing it with one kick(though this was in a sewer, so I think only homeless people and rats saw it). Lyger ended up getting some action, killing demons on the ground with sweet enchanted claws, and I believe some supers who no longer play did most of the other warring around town. There were a bunch of NPC heroes that popped up to, implying that Lost Haven has a WAY bigger super population than originally thought.

The final push came from five supers. The posterboy Icon, the metal juggernaught The Iron Knight, a highly advanced AI in a mecha suit named ArchAngel, the mercenary War-Pulse, and the Yin to Icon's Yang known as Vigilante.

While War-Pulse, Iron Knight, Archangel, and Icon attacked the hell portal and tried to close it with a powerful energy assault, Vigilante fought a human turned demon known as Frankie Cane(Thought I don't remember the purpose of Frankie), and since Vigilante was some alternate version of himself from a parallel universe(or something, like I said, it's hard to fill all the blanks on my own) him punching the hell portal was enough to de-stabilize the portal's integrity and allow the other four heroes to overload it with energy blasts.

Since the activity happened in Sherman Square, the area around was the most damaged, which is now secretly being repurchased by members of the Shroud Syndicate.

What the normal public would know is that demons popped up in Sherman Square, destroyed a couple miles worth of the city and were stopped by the supers of the city, with the most known participants probably being the Iron Knight, Archangel, and of course Icon. Vigilante's role was huge, but since he was on the ground with no superpowers, his role was probably overlooked. War-Pulse may have been involved in the final fight, but since he isn't exactly a hero, it is unlikely he'd get any reward for his assistance.

Does that cover everything?
I think we're all in the same boat. Between RL and some posters having much harder RL problems, things are going a little slower than usual. My thoughts are that once the summer hits, some people will be freed up slightly to post more. I'm holding my breath, but if I gotta wait for another two months for a post, I may just start batting out another character like I keep saying I'm going to just so I don't feel stuck in a rut with War-Pulse.

"Gentlemen, I am very glad you could all make it to this little gathering."

The Cowl's smooth baritone stretched over the small assembly of his trusted lieutenants, men and women of different Occupations and roles in the city of Lost Haven, many being in surprisingly high positions in the administrative and political ladders. They were gathered around a large mahogany dining table, complete with an elegant embroidered tablecloth of the finest silks, surrounded by paintings, candles, and expensive atmosphere. The location of such a fancy dining room was unknown, most of these men and women were brought here by inivitation alone, meaning those present were the only ones who knew where this place was. Many had brought loyal subordinates as well, who stood away from the table as their superiors ate and conversed, watching as the meeting began to take place.

However, that did not mean this place was not overseen, in the other rooms lurked those most loyal to The Cowl and to the Shroud, those who were dubbed "Shades" under Cowl's direct supervision. These men and women wore outfits similar to The Cowl himself, draped in hoods and masks to conceal their identities, master assassins and mercenaries hired and trusted directly by the Cowl, and hence are found at the corners of this meeting.

"It...was a pleasure, Mister Cowl." Piqued Julius, the City Councilman that was already visited by The Cowl personally. "But you did not really specify why this meeting was taken place...and while this may be impolite, many at this table have matters we need to attend to. I know you have a..." Julius wiped his brow with his napkin, taking a shaky breath as he spoke. "Lavish way to conduct things, but we need a purpose to be here."

"Of course, I was just getting to that, dear Julius." The Cowl replied, palming a drink with his free hand. "But I do appreciate your need to attend to what you were assigned to." Without making any motions, The Cowl called to one of the many men behind him. "Are all the new deeds in order, by the way?"

"Y...yes." Smith replied, scratching his chin as he held a PDA in front of him, stepping briskly to the left of The Cowl's chair as he spoke. "Everything that was destroyed in D-Day is either purchased or soon to be purchased and repaired by either members in this gathering or by subsidiary companies owned by members in this gathering."

"Then we are one step closer to having our old stranglehold of this City," With a strange elegance and smoothness to his movements, he stood in his chair, beginning to pace at the head of the table, slowly moving clockwise down to the attendees. "One that we should have been able to keep, if I am being honest."

As he walked, many of the guests began to slump over their seats and stare at the table when the shadowy man strode by them, attempting to avoid eye contact.
“I take it by the silence you all think I am upset with the current state of affairs.” The Cowl asked to the increasingly disturbed crowd. With a small, affirming chuckle, he raised his glass. “You would be wrong. While I am a little disappointed, be assured I do not think it is your fault for the current state of affairs. There could have been no way for any of you to predict superhumans in spandex zipping around the city doing battle with demonic horrors in our skies, and anyone who had would have been called ridiculous.”

It seemed all the guests breathed a sigh of relief, The Cowl raised a single finger as he continued his stride around the table.

“However, now that these events have become known, this does not mean we can continue how we always have.” He paused in his stride, eyeing the guests once more as he placed a hand along the table, leaning forward to bring his hood under the light of the overhead chandelier. “We are no longer competing with detectives and lawyers. The old gangs and cops are no longer our primary concern.”

The guests, now all fully aware of the importance of this conversation, were maintaining all eyes on the hooded figure, leering at him as he made the round back to the head of the table.

“No, now we are dealing with beings that we could not even fathom within the past years. We deal with beings that can fly, lift entire buildings, and shoot lasers out of their eyes. We deal with people who cannot be pierced by bullets, nor can they be bought with simple bribes.” He stopped back at the head of the table, turning to face his onlookers. “We are competing against what could be considered gods.”

“And...how would you say we deal with such a threat?” Came another voice, a street-level thug by the name of Jack “Two-Blades” Munson. “I got my boys on the street gettin’ their shit kicked in, and nothin’ to show for it, capes are takin’ out cells left and right!”

“Calm yourself, Mr. Munson. I assure you we can outmaneuver these ‘capes’ as you call them, but it will take patience and resources. Everyone has weak points, and it is up to this consortium to find them.” The Cowl gestured to the gathering as he spoke. “For now, we can only watch and wait, gathering as much property, intel, and power as we can.”

“And how’s that going to help?”

“All in good time, Mr. Munson. All in good time.” The Cowl said, leaning onto the table. “For now, let me assure you, that the Shroud will hold in this time of peril.” He raised his glass, signalling the rest of the table to rise and salute The Cowl in a toast. “And this city will remember exactly what kind of people they're dealing with.”

The crowd, all raising their glasses, responded in turn, all chanting in one unanimous tone.

"May the Shroud hide us all."
Welp! Got a War-Pulse post up, almost done with that Cowl post too!

Before War-Pulse even had time to follow through on his brief offensive, another sonic scream came ripping through the air, forcing the mercenary to again huddle and cover his ears, trying to avoid permanent damage cause from such a horrid noise. Before he knew it she was on him again, seemingly unfazed from his previous assault. However, he was ready for her attacks this time. Jumping back from her, he brought his arms up in a defensive posture, her fists and feet colliding with shockwave-inducing force into his forearms. He was able to keep up with the renewed offense, weaving around her reach and catching her strikes before contact though unable to really strike back due to the disorientation from the scream she had delivered.

However, while he was able to contend with her martial prowess during the exchange, he was unprepared for the attack with her hair. His eyes popped wide as the glimmering tendrils wrapped around his form, giving a small yelp as he was lifted into the air. The electric current surged through his body before he could free himself, his muscles contorting and flexing and he cried out in pain. He felt himself hurled through the air, bouncing off of the hard, concrete floor and crashing into a pile of crates, shaking the room as he impacted and shattered the area around him.

He scurried to his feet in a quick fashion, surprisingly the grin on his face still unwavering as he resumed a fighting position. As she screamed at him, he replied with the same machismo he had been carrying from the beginning of the fight.

"What? You're not? But this is such a fun game!" The air around his body crackled and distorted as he chucked some of the debris out of his way. "Oh well, I suppose if you're going to start taking this seriously, I could pick up the pace as well!"

That's when she encased herself in a suit of armor, the metal plating appearing from out of nowhere and transforming her into an armored juggernaut.

"Oh, so Now you bring out the big guns!" He called out. "I'm honored, really, but I think I can handl--"

His voice was almost immediately cut out by the sound of her plasma rifle discharging a large bolt.

"Oh, crap." He murmured to himself as he just his hands out in an attempt to pull up a kinetic barrier, trying to cancel out the blow. However, it was too late, and the searing plasma connected with a deafening crash, causing him to soar back, flying end over end until he burst out of the side of the warehouse. The momentum continued to push him, bouncing along the street until he caved in the side of a car, causing the machine to nearly flip over. As War-Pulse rose from the dented machine, he dusted off his coat, giving a short laugh once he saw the damage to the car.

"Ohohohoho! Now that's what I'm talking about!" He said as he buried his hands into the hunk of disabled metal, hurling the car back at the hole in the warehouse before following up with a beam of kinetic energy, trying to keep the armored foe on his toes as he barreled in after his attack, his feet creating craters in the ground as he lunged back through the warehouse, leaping at the armored woman to unleash a series of punches and kicks of his own, testing the durability of this new mecha suit's capabilities.

"Yeah, if I'm going to die, it's not going to be to a glam-rocker hair-flipper with a tin can suit!" He shouted at her as he ducked underneath her strike zone amidst his flurry of blows. With a twist of his body he attempted to finish his assault with an uppercut, increasing it's momentum with a kinetic burst from his elbow to launch the woman into a perfect follow-up position. If it worked, he would attempt to catch her off guard with another energy burst, trying to launch her into the ceiling and bounce her back down to him so he could end this with a well-timed rising knee to the descending opponent's face.
<Snipped quote by NeutralNexus>

Surprise! I'm back and the long awaited Alsia post is now up. Marra and I will be working our asses off to get that next collab post up tonight as well. Sorry for the long crossover purgatory guys. Things are looking up though, so much more time at last. :)

Oh, bitchin! I'll get a post up ASAP!

Also, I think a few months has been LONG enough for no reply from Raptorman to get War-Pulse back into the game, so I'm going to get a post coming from him as well.
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