Avatar of NeutralNexus
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    1. NeutralNexus 10 yrs ago


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But a game should be cohesive and consistent instead of flippant, don't you agree? If we keep retconning, ignoring, compromising-- what will happen is it will hurt the stability of the game.

Defining magic would not affect the need to retcon or ignore. The two issues we had was someone started up an arc and left, and another person ended up being four different people that now need to be slowly written out. Defining an entire rules set for a very broad term would do nothing to fix that.

I will relent and say maybe a vague guideline, but I wouldn't go farther than that. Defining the rules would be fine if we were going to tell one story in a compact, right universe, but we aren't, and there lies the issue with a firm definition. We have different people telling multiple stories, with that kind of situation trying to force everyone into one specific line of thinking is going to limit the amount of contribution new players will have.

Its why I am participating in the discussion at all. I understand everyone is going to have their own take on something as vague as magic, and would like to accomidate to fit what people want to do with their magical abilities.
@VATROU I'll be happy to join in on your discussion, it'll be my pleasure to add anything regarding what I feel is appropriate.

Also, here's the thing about making 'one single theory' on magic, in the medium and setting we have in front of us, making one specific kind of method for literally anything is imppossible. We are in a forum with multiple people all with their own ideas on how their character or organization operates, and similarly they are entirely within their power to post a character with an entirely different method on how magic works or how one of their NPCs are going to take part. Trying to set up a single, solitary method for anything, or even making concrete lore, is something this kind of medium does not thrive on, there's too many creative minds with opposing ideas. Hell, not even actual comics have matching ideas on things like magic. Hell, I made the Shroud Syndicate as the biggest criminal organization on the planet, but I totally understand if someone brings another crime organization to that level, and actively will reach out to them to see how we can co-exist rather than tell them a specific way to play their character or organizations based on my actions. We just have to keep into account how many people are actually playing, and how their ideas are going to conflict with our own, and we shouldn't be able to override them because it doesn't totally mesh with our characters. Compromise is a much better way to create anything in this game as we are not alone in what we write, and working with the other players to create that will easy theories in much better. So I'll definitly put my thoughts on the supernatural in.

Also, update: @Fallenreaper@Melonhead@Athinar Posts are going to come a little slow. I was going to take a crack at them this morning, but I unfortunately forgot my roommate's birthday was today, I now have to go emergency shopping for a birthday present.
@Fallenreaper I'll make an effort to put my mark on that at least by tomorrow.
Also, I just noticed that my characters have caused 20% of Lost Haven's problems looking at the past arcs.

I'm happy about this.
I think at this point I'm going to hold off on applying until the Season 2 thread is open.

I honestly recommend the alternative. We are still very far off of getting to season 2, at least if you hop into the game now, you can establish your character for the next arc in season 2.
@Gowi Is there any way you have a different name for the crime family in Grant City? Having both The Shroud Syndicate and a group called the Syndicate is going to be super confusing to players.
<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Yes, while working I like to play a game I call 'Daughter or Sexual Partner'.

To put this into perspective, I work at Walmart. It's a justifiable concern somedays.

I feel you bro, I used to CSM at Walmart, that's a legitimate game.
Hmmm...if I were looking at me...well I'm obvious, 'Neutral' is in my name.

War-Pulse: Chaotic Neutral, there is literally no better title for the merc.

Cowl: Lawful Evil, Crime lord needs some rules, man.

Umbraxis: Fuck, that thing's just evil...I don't have a secondary definition.
Ded, why do you respond with such violence? Punching people? That's so rude, and all they're trying to do is have a good time while I sit here and make posts.
@NeutralNexusOH MY GOD!! What about an encounter between Hekate and Umbraxis? She's certainly not gonna like some cosmic blob encroaching on her playground.

Pft, like this is the first time the Destroyer of Worlds has been threatened by a Greek.

Umbraxis: "I don't have to destroy you, just everything you care about. I may not destroy your body, but I can break your will."

Look, now you angered it...it'll take me weeks to calm it down.

But seriously, though, would be an interesting mix to have Umbraxis converse with more immortals. It should at least walk with the gods, could be fun to see their ideologies mix.

Umbraxis may make another appearance on Earth, but i assure you @Fallenreaper I won't put it in the way of any current events, if anything, it'll just be observing for now.
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