Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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Also, speaking of new thread/seasons... I have a question. Since we're likely to do Seasons, meaning there will be more than a few, does this mean every new IC year will have a new thread or what is the time span for when another 'season' is required?

Seasons, as far as I know, do not correspond to years in the IC. Usually when the game has proceeded long enough (we have 665 and will surely grow before we end this season), we start a new thread and have a short time jump. We have been discussing jumping forward to spring time (June, I believe). So about three months.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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<Snipped quote by Fallenreaper>

Seasons, as far as I know, do not correspond to years in the IC. Usually when the game has proceeded long enough (we have 665 and will surely grow before we end this season), we start a new thread and have a short time jump. We have been discussing jumping forward to spring time (June, I believe). So about three months.

Hold on. You mean when the new thread starts, it will literally start in June ICly? You realize for the arcs that aren't wrapped up, due to RL or posting pace, and don't finish in your set time period... that will mess up the timeline for that arc right? I mean how do I explain an ongoing event having suddenly a 2-3 or 4 month gap in it realistically? Literally without breaking some established knowledge and literally cutting people off suddenly. This was the original issue I was concern about and was trying to get addressed. -_-

I thought the time issue was only in relation to the 2 weeks for RL after the Pax arc finished out.

I'm also referring to the future as well. It might be a good idea to determine ICly or whatever, it would be a good time to alter to a new season timeframe wise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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This time skip isn't going to work unless everyone's time sensitive events are finished first, you're probably talking closer to a month or two months IRL time to finish Pax and the Gene-Co Virusy Natural Selection Arc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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This time skip isn't going to work unless everyone's time sensitive events are finished first, you're probably talking closer to a month or two months IRL time to finish Pax and the Gene-Co Virusy Natural Selection Arc.

Everyone's pace is different. It took Tearstone and Hero and me about... several months to get the riot scene done and that's a 5 segment collab and one scene.

Add on: I don't want to create a literal timeline split again since the last one was confusing for a lot of people unless people label when the reply took place. So I'm trying to prevent an issue before it happens as that situation had both pros and cons.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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@Fallenreaper: Obviously, if people really need more time, we can extend it.

The time jump gives both an easy entry point for newcomers because they don't have to worry about current events and an opportunity for current players to write different story arcs (i.e. not in the winter).

So the big question is, how long do you think this arc will take?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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@Fallenreaper: Obviously, if people really need more time, we can extend it.

The time jump gives both an easy entry point for newcomers because they don't have to worry about current events and an opportunity for current players to write different story arcs (i.e. not in the winter).

So the big question is, how long do you think this arc will take?

Bad part I'm not sure because it primary depends on how steadily we can keep a pace, RL issues (I might vanish and for an unknown period due to RL issues, though I'll leave a way for the others to continue the arc) and how it ends. The plotline is pretty straight forward and despite the end, it's easy to work in the months skip if we make it that far. That is if we keep a steady pace then I have high hopes it will wrap up before yours but I wasn't sure what would happen if it didn't.

I know the arc isn't a world one but I don't want it holding players from joining in the present for the new thread. However if we can extend the time frame, I'm a little more at ease knowing this will be a safety net.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

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@Fallenreaper Speaking of that arc, has it been set back any after raptor's absence or were any of their characters involved? I sort of skimmed over the last few pages so if this was mentioned I apologize.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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Well, it seems like only the initial week or so (IC) is time sensitive for this Arc, the infected individual has to be kidnapped early on and delivered to Gene Co, once that is resolved one way or the other the time skip wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Depending on where Racheli ends up the time skip can be attributed to her allies planning to free her, or her hiding underground and waiting out the Virus' progression.

Just my take on it, uninformed as it is.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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@Fallenreaper Speaking of that arc, has it been set back any after raptor's absence or were any of their characters involved? I sort of skimmed over the last few pages so if this was mentioned I apologize.

As far as I know, there shouldn't be any setbacks with raptor's absence.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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@Fallenreaper Speaking of that arc, has it been set back any after raptor's absence or were any of their characters involved? I sort of skimmed over the last few pages so if this was mentioned I apologize.

It's alright and thankful NN was the one I had the most to do with currently. So unless he turns into a minion, we're still good to go. ^-^ I'm currently collecting the information and placing it in a gdoc for those interested to get a link. Also feel free suggest a name or vote on prior selection.

@Sep: Since you turned your attention to Umbraxis, I take it you're not interested in the arc story? Just making sure as when I send it, I'm sending it to people interested in it and not annoying them. :p
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by fdeviant
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fdeviant Witch o' the Wood

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@Fallenreaper Attack on GeneCo or Natural Selection sound like great titles for the arc name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Well, it seems like only the initial week or so (IC) is time sensitive for this Arc, the infected individual has to be kidnapped early on and delivered to Gene Co, once that is resolved one way or the other the time skip wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. Depending on where Racheli ends up the time skip can be attributed to her allies planning to free her, or her hiding underground and waiting out the Virus' progression.

Just my take on it, uninformed as it is.

That's pretty much the nail on the head though there's more twists and turns depending on the choices we want to take and how we all add to this. I have a vague outline of the events but also options that lengthen or alter the end result. ;) it s also like a chose your own story. XD
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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None of raptorman's or his affiliates were involved in this mini-arc(which now looks to be a full-blown arc) which means it can continue as planned once I make the requisite PMs and posts to really get the ball rolling.

As for this time skip to season 2, I think we need to take a small step back and clarify a few things. We all have to keep in mind that the 2 week timeframe is taking effect once the pax metahumana arc is over, and we have no set time for when that arc ends, could be in a few weeks, could take months, we are busy people and we barely even know anything about the villain other than War-Pulse giving him a lousy name, so I don't see that arc coming to an immediate and anytime soon.

That being said, if this arc Fallen and I start ends up being cut in the middle due to a time skip, it would be a bit of a complication. While I can set up contingencies, I'd prefer to have everything compact(despite how many moving parts it has) and finish it by the end of season 1. I know that is a difficult request, but I understand Fallen's concern and hopefully we can establish a sort of compromise. Maybe the time skip is shorter or we can make a contingency, I'd like that to be up for a debate with the GMs in case of either result.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NeutralNexus
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@NeutralNexusOH MY GOD!! What about an encounter between Hekate and Umbraxis? She's certainly not gonna like some cosmic blob encroaching on her playground.

Pft, like this is the first time the Destroyer of Worlds has been threatened by a Greek.

Umbraxis: "I don't have to destroy you, just everything you care about. I may not destroy your body, but I can break your will."

Look, now you angered it...it'll take me weeks to calm it down.

But seriously, though, would be an interesting mix to have Umbraxis converse with more immortals. It should at least walk with the gods, could be fun to see their ideologies mix.

Umbraxis may make another appearance on Earth, but i assure you @Fallenreaper I won't put it in the way of any current events, if anything, it'll just be observing for now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VATROU
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So there's going to be a Ratchet and Clank movie coming in April. I don't know much about it other than I think it follows the plot of the first game. But really I'm kinda guessing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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<Snipped quote by Gowi>

My upcoming character has some similarities to Cross. I hope they don't have too much overlap. I can, however, see some upcoming conflict between them

Good thing they likely operate in different cities, then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Umbraxis may make another appearance on Earth, but i assure you @Fallenreaper I won't put it in the way of any current events, if anything, it'll just be observing for now.

I don't think I need to worry. Personally, I would enjoy Rach meeting him, both at her lower stages and even provoke her into her final evolution at some point for her Phylactery. Namely since it's best described as an energy parasite and complete opposite of Gabriel's. That's currently a long ways off though and thankfully, in order to reach it she has to get into a mind set she doesn't fully enjoy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

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As for this time skip to season 2, I think we need to take a small step back and clarify a few things. We all have to keep in mind that the 2 week timeframe is taking effect once the pax metahumana arc is over, and we have no set time for when that arc ends, could be in a few weeks, could take months, we are busy people and we barely even know anything about the villain other than War-Pulse giving him a lousy name, so I don't see that arc coming to an immediate and anytime soon.

That being said, if this arc Fallen and I start ends up being cut in the middle due to a time skip, it would be a bit of a complication. While I can set up contingencies, I'd prefer to have everything compact(despite how many moving parts it has) and finish it by the end of season 1. I know that is a difficult request, but I understand Fallen's concern and hopefully we can establish a sort of compromise. Maybe the time skip is shorter or we can make a contingency, I'd like that to be up for a debate with the GMs in case of either result.

Obviously, when two weeks have passed, we will not come in here and say "okay everyone, stop what you are doing. Time to move on to "Season 2". We will give leeway for people to finish up loose ends. Just keep in mind while planning this crossover that we would like to move on to Season 2 after the Pax Metahumana and after tie the loose ends with Raptorman's characters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Alright, I think for the first Gene Co/Cowl arc I'm going with Natural Section.

My reasoning for this is pretty simple because out of the all the future arcs, that name fits the best. However, the following arc (yes Gene Co has multiple street level arcs) is more fitting for the title of Gene Therapy since the missing homeless are being taken off the street and used for genetic experimentation. The title 'Attack on Gene Co' feels more suitable for an arc where our PCs are actually literally taking on Gene rather than following bread crumbs, so I think I will use that title for when the heroes actually decide they've had enough of Gene Co and plan to take the tycoon down since the title provokes excitement and an important event in my mind.

Also, I'm nearly finished with the gdoc format. Since there's been mention of alternative plans I'm assuming the list for those involved stands, besides me and NN, at this:


If you're on the list, and not wanting to be, or off the list and wanting to be on it then this is your last chance to speak up. When I send the PM... you'll be very, very limited to when a good time would be to come into the arc story.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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@nitemare shape@Dedonus@Hound55 And anybody else that might want to weigh in on this.

Was 9/11 a 'thing' in this world/universe?
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