Avatar of NightinGem
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 117 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. NightinGem 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Hey, so I won't have home Internet the few days at least so I won't be around much. But I officially moved into my apartment! Cheers, folks!
8 yrs ago
I named my Rowlet plushie Round Boy as a joke and now I can't let go of it for a more official name
8 yrs ago
I referred to an upcoming outing with my friend as a "playdate." Not only do I look 10, but I act it as well.
8 yrs ago
BE the dad you want to see in the world. I'm gonna be the best goddamn lesbian dad anyone's ever seen


I'm an eighteen-year-old autistic trans boy with a great love of people and Pokémon. I play Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop RPGs, and am heavily involved in the Nuzlocke Forums. I tend to ramble quite a lot and can seem rather pretentious, as I have a large vocabulary and tend to utilize it without thinking. I swear I'm a nice person I just sometimes Aspie out and end up going on super intellectual, disjointed rants.

I'm an advocate for civil rights and hope to become a journalist some day. I'm very queer and have a wonderful girlfriend, and hope one day our love will not be regarded negatively.

I generally enjoy well-executed genre deconstructions and stories which focus on plot and characters. Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Gintama, Baccano!!, Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, and Avatar: the Last Airbender, among others. As a roleplayer, I tend to lean towards these shows and elements.

Most Recent Posts

In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Updated character sheet ft. storm reaction and expanded ability explanation.

In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@HushedWhispers Aaaah shoot, I must have missed that part. I'll have them fixed up by tomorrow. And yeah, absolutely do research, heck it'll help me flesh out the ability a little more. I want it to be suitable and fun for this roleplay, so whatever works~
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@HushedWhispers I fixed up my form and added some more detail, plus updated the character to be a little more interesting and realistic. I hope they're a pleasing character!
"Doesn't look all Negari, though." Keiko squinted through the lens of her scope, tiny fingers adjusting the device with such speed and ease it had to be instinctual.

"Hummingbird-san, it is not polite to make such accusations without proof. Still, it does seem an improbable story-are you certain that's all that happened, Shadowrender-san? I assure you, all we wish to do is hel--"

"Looks like...dunno. Keiko is confused. Tsubame's words were doomed to an early grave yet again as the Hummingbird's wingbeats and voice casually entered the audial fray. The young magical girl backed up a little, hovering a foot or so above the ground as she tilted her head. No angle seemed to supply the information she so craved. "Who?" Again the grade schooler asked, genuine perplexion wrinkling her brow.

"Apologies, Shadowrender-san. Hummingbird is still learning to interpret magical auras, and often gets confused. Though I must ask, is there any reason for her to be confused outside of her own error?" Drat, that was a bit sloppy. Tsubame was beginning to doubt Shadowrender was telling the whole story, but that was too direct for her tastes. First priority, however, was to make certain Tsubame herself was seen as the aggressive one--Keiko did not need to make enemies. Her nosiness, however unintentional, could potentially antagonize other girls, especially one proud as Shadowrender.
@VitaVitaAR No worries, just checking in!
@VitaVitaAR Quick question--are you waiting for me to respond to Masako, or is it your turn in conversion? I figured the latter since the last thing I did was ask Shadowrender a question, but I can whip up another response if that works better.
@Raineh Daze Congradulations!
@VitaVitaAR I'd argue the teenage boy-->girl thing could work if the character in question was a trans girl to begin with, but otherwise agree. In fact, I had a trans girl character I was going to use before Keiko came to mind.
@BurningDaisies I like Saki's concept, personally! It's quite original, potentially balanced and there's a lot you can work with. Definitely highlight her flaws as well as strengths and work realistically with the implications of growing up [edit: deaf because I'm an idiot]. You...can't really speak well (your tone is off and tends to be quite high) if you're deaf, though you can certainly sign and the like, which threw me off and made me think you were mute. ...then I realized wait mute people can't speak, and was an idiot, again. There are also so many things you could do with her powers, and her apparent interest in tinkering! If you'd like to bounce ideas or workshop, feel free to PM me!

@HereComesTheSnow Rest well, friendo!
Thanks for the help, guys. I always struggle with socialization and what's appropriate, and overexplaining is rather common for me. x_x Good advice, too.
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