Updated character sheet ft. storm reaction and expanded ability explanation.

{ ”I-I'm not so sure about this…” }
| Izmara "Izzy" Abdulin |
| Name |
| Nickname |
| Date of Birth |
| Age |
| Sexual Orientation |
| Relationship Status |
| Occupation |
| In-Depth Appearance |
| Quirks and Habits |
| Hobbies |
| Likes |
| Dislikes |
| Fears |
| Personality |
| Abilities |
| Limitations |
| Place Of Origin |
| Background |
Izmara "Izzy" Abdulin

{ ”I-I'm not so sure about this…” }
| Izmara "Izzy" Abdulin |
| Name |
Izmara Cadivan Abdulin
| Nickname |
| Date of Birth |
April 7, 1996
| Age |
| Sexual Orientation |
| Relationship Status |
Too Ace for This
| Occupation |
College Student/Animal Shelter Volunteer/Petsitter/Blogger
| In-Depth Appearance |
Izzy is a spindly, androgynous person who stands roughly 5'8" or 1.73 meters. Most of their height is in their legs, which are rather gangly and not so useful at the gym. They're a relatively petite person in terms of build, weighing in at 131 pounds/59.5 kilograms. They tend to walk with a bit of a hunch, and have a clumsy and awkward gait.
It's difficult, if not impossible to determine their birth sex, as they're usually wearing baggy hoodies and jeans, and they style their dark hair in a scruffy, above-the-chin manner. Their eyes are hazel and constantly alight with some manner of anticipation, preparing for a potentially threatening or unfamiliar event. They usually wear some kind of hat if they aren't hooded, and have a large collection of unisex earrings.
It's difficult, if not impossible to determine their birth sex, as they're usually wearing baggy hoodies and jeans, and they style their dark hair in a scruffy, above-the-chin manner. Their eyes are hazel and constantly alight with some manner of anticipation, preparing for a potentially threatening or unfamiliar event. They usually wear some kind of hat if they aren't hooded, and have a large collection of unisex earrings.
| Quirks and Habits |
They have been diagnosed with high-functioning autism and severe anxiety, and receive disability payment. They struggle with social interaction, particularly speaking, photosensitivity, aversion to loud noises, and must maintain a schedule to feel secure. Their cat, Tommy, is registered as a therapy animal. They try to function regardless, and are hoping to become a successful author or veterinarian.
Izzy likes to spend most of their time on their own or with animals, as interaction with people is incredibly taxing for them. They tend to fidget and hum a lot, though they rarely speak. They use sign language with those who know it.
They react very negatively to breaches in their schedule, which they've cultivated for years. It brings them a sense of stability and security in their life which they absolutely need in order to function.
They are a nonbinary person and their birth sex is near-unidentifiable; indeed, they might even be intersex, though their parents raised them as a girl and their body primarily fits that of a female.
Izzy likes to spend most of their time on their own or with animals, as interaction with people is incredibly taxing for them. They tend to fidget and hum a lot, though they rarely speak. They use sign language with those who know it.
They react very negatively to breaches in their schedule, which they've cultivated for years. It brings them a sense of stability and security in their life which they absolutely need in order to function.
They are a nonbinary person and their birth sex is near-unidentifiable; indeed, they might even be intersex, though their parents raised them as a girl and their body primarily fits that of a female.
| Hobbies |
Izzy is an avid blogger, skilled in the verses of online conduct and content production. They make They are a rather paranoid person and constantly prepare for worst-case scenarios. One of their most popular sideblogs centers around this.
A naturally sensitive person, Izzy channels their caring emotions into their relationships with animals. Be they playing with their cat, volunteering at the animal shelter, or petsitting for neighbors, Izzy is quite the animal person. They are planning on becoming a veterinarian.
Izzy is a silent observer; while they do not necessarily interact with people, they can often be found sitting in a coffee shop or on a park bench, seemingly an inconspicuous book-reader, but actually taking in all manner of information from those around them and storing it for later.
A naturally sensitive person, Izzy channels their caring emotions into their relationships with animals. Be they playing with their cat, volunteering at the animal shelter, or petsitting for neighbors, Izzy is quite the animal person. They are planning on becoming a veterinarian.
Izzy is a silent observer; while they do not necessarily interact with people, they can often be found sitting in a coffee shop or on a park bench, seemingly an inconspicuous book-reader, but actually taking in all manner of information from those around them and storing it for later.
| Likes |
* Cats
* Animals in general
* Alone time
* Reading
* Observation
* Analytical work
* Predictable settings
* Blogging
* Impersonal relationships
* Classical music
* Animals in general
* Alone time
* Reading
* Observation
* Analytical work
* Predictable settings
* Blogging
* Impersonal relationships
* Classical music
| Dislikes |
* Interacting with people directly
* Change
* Social environments
* Speaking
* Loud noises
* Wide-open spaces
* Change
* Social environments
* Speaking
* Loud noises
* Wide-open spaces
| Fears |
* Forced in-person interaction
* Change outside of their control
* Sudden noises or lights
* Breaches in their schedule
* Harm befalling animals
* Change outside of their control
* Sudden noises or lights
* Breaches in their schedule
* Harm befalling animals
| Personality |
A veritable ball of anxiety and goodwill, Izzy is, quite frankly, a mess. They're very much a kind, giving, if not timid person, always trying to overcome their fears to help others. They take a lot of online classes and work with animals in order to evade direct interactions with people, and rarely speak. Their voice is quiet, high, and somewhat husky. Izzy spends most of their free time curled up in their bed, browsing forums or reading books with their pet cat, Tommy. They actually run a semi-popular blog on deconstructive fiction, and enjoy textual interaction, so long as it doesn't become too personal.
Izzy tries their very best to keep everything neat, organized, and functional. They have a fixed schedule they adhere to and apply their skillset as effectively as possible to solve problems. They're regarded rather highly at work for their sheer productivity, though their people skills leave something to desire. They don't work very much, though, as they are easily overloaded with the sensations of the world, and could live off disability, though they are trying their best to become independent one day.
Izzy tries their very best to keep everything neat, organized, and functional. They have a fixed schedule they adhere to and apply their skillset as effectively as possible to solve problems. They're regarded rather highly at work for their sheer productivity, though their people skills leave something to desire. They don't work very much, though, as they are easily overloaded with the sensations of the world, and could live off disability, though they are trying their best to become independent one day.
| Abilities |
Izzy possesses a sort of short-term precognitive ability they have coined the “preflex.” As the name suggests, it allows them to react to events slightly before they occur, rather than after. This grants them superhuman reaction speed and generally boosts their insight.
Jumping out of the way of an incoming truck, dodging a punch before it's thrown, responding to an insult that hasn't been made yet--it's these sorts of scenarios in which the preflex will trigger. It's instantaneous, though with quick thinking Izzy can slightly modify their reaction from the initial instinctual one.
Jumping out of the way of an incoming truck, dodging a punch before it's thrown, responding to an insult that hasn't been made yet--it's these sorts of scenarios in which the preflex will trigger. It's instantaneous, though with quick thinking Izzy can slightly modify their reaction from the initial instinctual one.
| Limitations |
While their reflexes have improved, their physical abilities have not. There is only so much a normal human can do, even with prior knowledge of an incident. In addition, the preflex only extends up to ten seconds before an event occurs, most commonly only a few, and they do not have control over what they foresee.
| Place Of Origin |
Born and raised in Brighton. Has never left the city for longer than a day.
| Background |
Izzy never really socialized with the other kids. Always silent, always fidgeting nervously. They were homeschooled until the tenth grade, and even then they rarely did anything except scribble quietly in the back corner. Their parents have five other children and were always busy with them throughout their childhood. Izzy, being the fourth born, suffered the fate of most quiet middle children in big families and were largely ignored by their parents and siblings alike. They were not diagnosed with autism until they were well into the eleventh grade as a result, and even with medical assistance and therapy continued to struggle with everyday living.
Izzy's family didn't value them very much. Noncomformity combined with an inability to make much money was not something they wanted to deal with, and they had Izzy leave the house soon after they graduated from high school. Izzy was never very close to their family, so this was more of an issue of loss of shelter rather than loss of kin or home.
They currently rent an apartment themselves with the help of disability payment. They attend college using the revenue their blog makes and the money they make from odd animal-related jobs.
The storm didn't change very much for Izzy. After seeing reports of superpowers emerging in Brighton all over local forums, they began to wonder if they were impacted by the event as well. Sure enough, they realized their cat-like reflexes had leveled to Bask-like reflexes--so that wasn't a trick of the anxiety! Currently, they use this ability to function better in regards to their animal care jobs, trying to keep the fact that they developed an ability a secret. They don't want the attention. In fact, the preflex has worsened their anxiety, to an extent, though at least it helps them catch typos before they happen!
Izzy's family didn't value them very much. Noncomformity combined with an inability to make much money was not something they wanted to deal with, and they had Izzy leave the house soon after they graduated from high school. Izzy was never very close to their family, so this was more of an issue of loss of shelter rather than loss of kin or home.
They currently rent an apartment themselves with the help of disability payment. They attend college using the revenue their blog makes and the money they make from odd animal-related jobs.
The storm didn't change very much for Izzy. After seeing reports of superpowers emerging in Brighton all over local forums, they began to wonder if they were impacted by the event as well. Sure enough, they realized their cat-like reflexes had leveled to Bask-like reflexes--so that wasn't a trick of the anxiety! Currently, they use this ability to function better in regards to their animal care jobs, trying to keep the fact that they developed an ability a secret. They don't want the attention. In fact, the preflex has worsened their anxiety, to an extent, though at least it helps them catch typos before they happen!