Avatar of Nightmare Bites
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 120 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Nightmare Bites 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Be unique.
9 yrs ago
On a trip~
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9 yrs ago
바보 !
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9 yrs ago
Even the moon has a dark side.
9 yrs ago
Spacing out.


Hello !

My name is Nightmare Bites.
Indeed it is pretty long to write time after time...
So you can just call me Night.
Easy to remember right?

I have experience in role-playing,
but I don't remember how long exactly.
I love to role-play the darker themes with a lot of drama,
as well as more fluffy ones.
However I draw the line by rainbow unicorns who live on candy clouds.


Most Recent Posts

@Orior Hmmm, I understand where you're coming from and I'm going to edit it now. ^^
I wasn't sure on how to write things and just tried sketching her like the way I did now.
I'll be sending her first through PM before posting it here again.
@dndragons Good question. Euhm...Year 850. Monday, October 30.
<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bites>

Fantastic! And yeah I'll put down occupation as a teacher, that ought to be fun. Our characters can be buddies lol

Yeah, who knows. *blinks* Good luck with that. xD
<Snipped quote by Nightmare Bites>

OK I'm almost done. Just need to finish her history. Also I forgot to ask, but I will now, would you mind it if I was the Garrison Commander? If not its OK. An easy fix.

Also I wana be your co-GM if you need one *^*

Garrison Commander is open so it's ok if you want to take on that spot. Are you also going to be one of the teachers since it's going to be revolving about the Trainees Squad the first few weeks of the story.

Sure, you can be co-GM. Since we're in different timezones you can keep an eye on all of this while I'm away. ^^
Just because... Bacon.
@OneWayOut Also once your character is made I'll be making up the first post. ^^
@Nightmare Bites Working on my CS. Has the second titan shifter been taken?

Nope, you can have him/her. ^^
Hello !

I have decided to set up this thread as I'm in a search for someone to RP with.
Well, yeah that was probably obvious already without me saying it.

About Me

I'm not really a difficult person to get along with though I have some strange traits that you will start noticing after a while. I'm a person who really likes to hear all the ideas that are roaming inside of your head as there got to be one just absolutely fantastic and I don't want to miss that. I can be a bit slow and lazy, so keep that in mind. A kick in my ass will help me move faster but don't go pestering me with a million messages... Also I live in Europe (UTC+1), if this bothers you because of the time difference than this is not the place for you as I'm not going to stay up all day long since I need my sleep. And a tired me is an angry/annoyed me.


Well, this is the section of what is required to me in order to have a nice role-play. I like to read something, more than just one line which is why I try to avoid one-liners. I can do 18+ scenes, I don't have a problem with those at all. It's human nature so I'm not going to freak out about it. Swear as much as you want but don't do it all the time please. Also I am fine with MxM and FxM but I just cannot get into FxF so I'll be leaving this one as it is now. I prefer playing OC’s in fandom RP’s but I don’t mind if you want to take on the Canon characters.


~ Boss x Employee
~ Neko x Human
~ Cousin x Cousin
~ Tutor x Parent
~ Mangaka x Editor
~ Mangaka x Fan

~ Fairy Tail
~ Ao No Exorcist
~ Brothers Conflict
~ Haikyuu
~ Kuroko No Basket
~ Black Butler
@fij707 Your character has been accepted.
@BCTheEntity Have been discussing this with the owner so now I'm waiting for more correcting that I have to do.
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