Avatar of Nikki Moonlight


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5 yrs ago
Current So, wont be getting replies out for a while. I was recently diagnoses with a severe disorder and am dealing with some stuff regarding that... So once well enough to reply I'll be back! Thank you.
5 yrs ago
Oh no.... SNOWING...
5 yrs ago
Okay. Question. If I got a group together for a discord server for an RPG for a specific fandom, would it be considered advertising inappropriately?
5 yrs ago
Responses might not come for a bit. I'll respond as I can. Being homeless and attempting to find a home is a bit of an arduous task.
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5 yrs ago
Six hours on my feet, no breaks....I'm dead


Hey, y'all!

So I've been a long time RP'er since I was 13, and am constantly working on honing my skills as a writer.

Side note: Please check my statuses regularly if you have a roleplay going on with me. I have a lot of stressors in my real life so I will post a status to update my partners on what's going on, and if I cant reply as much as I usually do. Even if you dont wanna hear about my life offline, it still is a good idea to read my statuses so you know if I cant reply in an immediate manner. Thank you for understanding.

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Athena@DriveEMOut

Hana winced as they injected her with a medicine to numb her as they began to sew her back up again. The head medic said, "That was brave Cadet Misaki, but don't go out into battle until the stitches heal. That Titan's teeth were sharp and took a lot of flesh off you earlier." Hana sat there quietly. "I did what I had to..." she finally said softly. "I couldn't let him die." Her gaze went to him for barely a second before they went to the floor, ashamed he thought badly about her now.
Name: Hana Misaki
Age: 17
Appearance: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/3d/e.. (Images don't work with me right now)

Personality: Feisty, yet somewhat cold and distant from the others. However, once you get past her walls and guards she puts up, you have a loyal person who will never turn her back on you even at the cost of her own life.

Brief Backstory: Hana was born to two Oriental parents and at about the age of five was caught by human traffickers and sold. Eventually she escaped from her captors and she made it back to her home. But by that time the Titans began attacking the Outer District. She escaped with the other children but she never stayed in one place for too long, for fear of making friends that she would later lose. She decided to join the Police Force as a Scout so she could kill the creatures that killed her parents.

District From: Outer

Squad Aiming For: Scout, she doesn't know which squad she wants to be in, as long as she is a scout.

Skill Level: On a scale of 1-10, she is a 7.

Hana heard his screams and she immediately got gassed up and got new blades, picking him up and getting him to safety. It hurt her back to carry both her own weight and his, but she managed. She got him to a rooftop and she panted, the wounds on her back having split open again. Blood was trickling down onto the roof from her back. "You're an idiot, you know that?" she managed to pant, poking his forehead like she did when they were kids. A small pool began to form under her as her wounds bled.
@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Hana sat down staring outside HQ with that thoughtful frown fixed on her face that she always got when she was deep in thought. She was on the roof, sitting down. She felt tears in her eyes. She cared deeply for Archer, in truth he was the only friend she had ever had. All the other kids would make fun of her for being Oriental. She sighed softly. She did trust him. But he hadn't given her room to finish, he had made assumptions before she could say how she felt about him.
@DriveEMOut@Lady Athena

Hana sat alone, still pondering as to why Archer had kissed her. She frowned deeply. Didn't he hate her? She got up and walked around, sighing softly. Her back was bandaged up but the wounds were still bleeding a little. She winced as someone bumped into her from behind. "Sorry, Hana." It was one of the top ten she knew had a crush on her. She said painedly, "Watch where you're going next time..." He quickly went away, a huge blush on his cheeks. Hana sighed. Men... She couldn't figure them out.

Aya did not answer him on that. But she finally said, "Why do you want to know how my assignment has been? Do you always stick your nose in other people's business?" Her voice was icy, quite cold, but there was an underlying hint of something else in her tone. Something unreadable. This guy had no reason to poke in on the assignment SHE had been given. So why was he?

Her mission had been to dispatch an enemy of the syndicate Headmistress Hibana had asked her to go on. The man was a huge pervert and it had been easy to seduce the man, using her womanly charm to get close to him, then take him out. Sure, she had lost her virginity to the asshole, but she was successful. She had read a file on him beforehand, knowing he liked younger women. Much younger. The man was a pedophile on his own time.

Hana was soon released after a lecture from the instructor not to come close to their mouths. She sat a little ways away from Archer, still thinking he hated her but confused on why he had kissed her.
@Flightless_Soul@DriveEMOut@King Tai

Aya followed the boy very discreetly. She was new in Class Noir, just enrolled after she fought on the grounds of the school and had swiftly but efficiently taken down Class Noir students, unknowing to her, that got her into the Class. She felt like she had a hunch on who Daiki was, and what Class he was in.
@Lady Athena

Hana already notices she just doesn't know how to approach her.
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