Kisa inhaled softly as she saw what appeared to be a Tyrannosaurus Rex, walk into the room. She raised her eyebrows as he introduced himself as their homeroom teacher, how ironic that they both had a dragon and a dinosaur in their class. Kisa wondered if it was more than mere coincidence, but then Mr. Suika was talking about them declaring themselves, as if they needed to explain why they wanted to study at UA. Who didn't want to study at UA? It was the top school in the country for aspiring heroes, Kisa could only count herself monumentally lucky that she had scored a spot for herself.
The first one to stand was the athletic girl Kisa had talked to earlier, Akeno, declared first that she wished to be a hero. The next to stand was Lizzy, and Kisa found herself smiling softly when the robot girl talked about keeping people safe. That was why Kisa wanted to be a hero, after all. Next the boy who had boasted about breathing fire declared that he too, wished to be a hero. Kisa knew that she would eventually have to stand up in front of the whole class and declare that she wanted to be a hero as well, but she found herself extremely nervous. Shaking slightly in her seat, Kisa stood slowly with her eyes cast on the floor.
"Hi...m-my name is K-Kisame Momosake and uhm," Kisa took a deep breath and swallowed thickly balling her hands into fists at her sides as she bit her bottom lip nervously, steeling herself. She really needed to work on her confidence.
I'm not the most confident or the strongest, but I've wanted to be a hero since I was a kid. I've always admired those willing to sacrifice everything to help those in need, I've always wanted to be like that! When I got my quirk I felt like it was my responsibility to use it to help those that couldn't help themselves, and so I decided to become a hero someday...to do whatever it took, " Kisa said in a soft voice and looked up at Mr. Suika, knowing she was probably being way too dramatic for the situation. She didn't care though, she needed to declare herself right? Kisa knew that if she was going to start being confident in herself, she had to be honest with why she was at UA. It wasn't just because she wanted to learn how to use her quirk to save people.
She wanted to learn how to believe in herself too.
"I know that UA can help me become a more confident person and teach me to believe in myself! I know that I need to learn how to trust myself, to be a better hero. So I'm not just here to become a stronger hero, I'm here to become a stronger person as well. I'm tired of being scared and anxious all the time," She said and grit her teeth as she realized she'd said that last part much more forcefully, the passion seeping into her tone. Kisa blushed a deep red as she ran a hand through her long hair and once again looked down at the floor.
"Sorry I know that was really long-winded and you probably just wanted us to keep things simple but... I had to get that out, to be honest about why I'm here,"