Location: Forgotten Ruins.
Mae and Branwen made eased pace through the corridors. Neither seeming overly rushed to get through the obstacles; mostly due to Mae's concern of Branwen's capability of getting through more dense area's. But it wasn't a bother to Mae, she wasn't alone in this madness now and so the slower pace was acceptable.
Suddenly their avoidance of obstacles hit a wall, literally. Well, almost literally. A large wall of fallen rubble had blocked their path. At the top of the pile there was a small crawl-way that they could fit through, but the other side was not a guarantee. After quick conversation they agreed Mae would go first to check it out.
With a careful climb up the tower of rubble Mae finally found herself at the entrance of the hole. Peering through she found light at the end, a promising sight. Mae pulled herself into the narrow crawl space and pulled and crawled her way through as carefully as she could; trying not to cut herself on any sharp edges. After a short time she made it to the other side and with a aerobatic flip off the side of the rubble pile she cleared the distance and landed on some flat ground.
She checked her surroundings quickly to make sure this was a pursuable route and not another dead end. From initial assessment it looked like a solid path, at least given the situation. She turned back towards the rubble and was about to call back to Branwen to come through. But a sudden, distant rumble that shook the hallway corridor. And while the shaking wasn't too aggressive it was enough to make the loose rocks above the block to break more rubble and completely seal the crawl way. After the small explosion came the distant sound of war cries.
"BRANWEN! SOMETHINGS HAPPENING! BE SAFE, WE'LL FIND EACH OTHER WHEN WE CAN!" Mae yelled at the pile of rubble, hoping that Branwen heard her.
Taking action Mae sneakily glided down the corridor towards the T, coming to the end she peered down both halls. One was blocked with fallen rubble and the other lead towards the sounds of battle. She had little choice. She might have been able to crawl through some spots in the rubble but if she was caught in the wall, she would have no defendable position. So towards battle it was, and hopefully she could use the chaos as a cloak.
Making her way down the new path as quietly as she could she finally found the big room, filled with chaos and bloodshed. Her teeth gritted with thoughts of home. These skirmishes were familiar, though not mercenaries and adventurers but common folk versus the military. She shook the memory from her mind, she needed to be present and aware. Peering around quickly for a route to take she found a large lizardman and arm clad elf seeming clearing a path of their own. And a path like that would definitely something Mae could take advantage of.
Quickly Mae burst into a full sprint, skirting around the edge of the large room away from the chaos and towards the pair. If any took note and tried to confront her, seeing a small foreigner made her an easy target, but they under estimated her. With quick strikes she disoriented her attacker as quickly as she could before moving on; not taking the time to put them down but give her a window to move past.