Don't open unless you want to read a critical small-rant of science and logic.Good points there but here is how we will get around those issues in this RP: - The Dragons ARE tough, they are fast, they have scales that could withstand bullets and laser blasts, the elder dragons can withstand grenade shells and explosives, just watch Pacific Rim, our dragons are as strong as those Kauiju (wrong spelling) . - The side that's controlling the dragons, the empire, aren't medieval barbarians, they have all sorts of military weapons well except mechs. So it is not just one dragon foolishly flying above iron domes. - In combat, the randomness of it, such weapons you mentioned wouldn't be used more than once before they catch a fireball or infantry sabotaging them in secret sub plot missions Join in, make a character, I admire your rant and would like to see you in, you got the brains.