Avatar of Obscene Symphony


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3 mos ago
Current Guild fr if you want me to sign up to a patreon or something I will, these ads are making the site unusable
3 mos ago
when will you troglodytes ascend to enlightenment and start hosting your rp images on the guild
4 mos ago
My jokes are of utmost seriousness
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4 mos ago
Days like this it really pains me that the guild loads with the status bar open automatically
5 mos ago
revert back? we never left!


child of the storm

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If you're interested in some short completed pieces of mine beyond my regular RP posts, feel free to rifle through my filing cabinet here.

About me:
  • Birth year 1998
  • Female
  • Canadian RIP
  • Time zone: Atlantic, GMT-4 (one hour ahead of EST)
  • Currently judging your grammar
  • Not usually looking for 1x1s but if you're really jonesing, my PMs are always open
  • Discord Obscene#1925

Most Recent Posts

^^ dreamscar 65

prida36 60

bilboswashcaps-regular 65

Ostensibly complete

Eli doesn’t know it yet but I’m gonna have him eventually specialize in Artifice (enchantments)

Before Roan had the chance to fully regain his bearings - and if it took this long for him to realize he was still inside the execution room then it wasn’t looking good - the chaos surrounding them suddenly came to a standstill. He only noticed the oppressive crackling of electricity when it stopped, ears ringing in its absence, and it took him a moment to follow the gazes of all present to the source of the disruption: Inquisitor Hasgad had captured one of their number, and was holding him hostage in exchange for “Lyra.”

A quick glance around revealed that the only woman in the room was the girl who’d freed him from his shackles, and it took a brief moment for Roan to piece together that that was the “daughter” Hasgad was talking about. Wait, no, that couldn’t be right. Lilie-damn-Luscin, the leader of Dawn Rising itself, did not send her only remaining child on a rescue mission for him. That would be monumentally stupid. No, Hasgad had finally zapped his last brain cell, and he was mistaking the girl for someone else.

It seemed this group was well-practiced, though, because they all played along seamlessly. One of the vampires derided the hostage, and the hostage himself offered a trade. Oh yes, clever! The gravity kid could pull the girl in, and then once she was close, she could reduce the crazy fucker to ash - or at the very least, distract him with some fire while the two vampires came in for the kill. It was a good plan, even more impressive to come up with on the fly, but it didn’t account for the reinforcements Roan could (barely) hear tramping through the facility.

Damn, what else, what else! Roan didn’t move a muscle for fear of triggering Hasgad and messing up the plan, but he looked around desperately, searching for any other opportunity to escape or fight back and coming up empty. Dammit, if only he had his magic! He was probably rusty after so long, but he could make some kind of noise or shockwave, maybe stun the Inquisitor long enough to escape - or, no, that would stun everyone else too, and even if he tried to make a concentrated origin point near Hasgad he’d end up catching the gravity kid in the blast. Well, maybe stunning everyone else would be fine since the vampires would recover the fastest, but-- Dumbass! You don’t have magic!

Wait! The girl used shields! That was protection magic, right? That could probably dispel his wards! He had no idea if that was true or if it would be possible in the time they had, but it was worth a try. While the Inquisitor was distracted with the posturing vampire and negotiating mage, Roan shot the girl a pleading look, flicking his eyes down and crossing his wrists in the hope that she would get the hint that despite her freeing him from his shackles, he was still bound.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 12 copper ✧ @Hero

Kyreth wasn’t sure if he agreed with Lilann’s optimistic assessment of his fighting prowess, but luckily the rest of the day’s traveling didn’t necessitate any more demonstrations. Rain threatened again, but did not fall; the damp chill in the air lingered, though, and Kyreth was all the more aware of it for lack of his cloak. And to think he used to complain about the old scrap of canvas he was using before - apparently, it did a lot more for the weather than he gave it credit for.

For all their chilly walking, Esvelee seemed to get the worst of the trip, visually souring as she listened - or was subjected to - Cerric’s endless chattering. Kyreth only half-paid attention from his spot at the rear of the caravan, eyes trained on the undergrowth along the road for any movement. It was a small comfort that he might be forewarned of another ambush by a buzz in the ambient aether (ideas that were still foreign to him, even after a firsthand lesson) but he wasn’t willing to trust his new extra sense just yet.

But they made it safely, Selene be praised, and once again Kyreth was making for a spot farthest from the campfire when Cerric addressed the group. A shiver wormed up his spine at the mention of Rot, and immediately his thoughts went to the black sludge he’d been coughing after inhaling so much smoke off that burning wolf. Shit, could he be infected with Rot too?

Eila seemed unconcerned, thankfully, but worry ate at Kyreth all the same. Maybe he could pull her aside later and see if she could check him for Rot, too. Of course, it seemed she found him first, loudly proclaiming her surprise at his aetherborn status for all the group to hear.

Me neither, he thought exasperatedly, I’m even more surprised than you are.

“Uh… not particularly, you could say,” he replied noncommittally, although he soon remembered how unnerving that might sound to the others. “But I do now!” he quickly added, “Um, Lord Mystralath is instructing me. That’s, uh, actually why I’m here. Studying the aether.” He gestured stiffly at the surrounding woods, hoping not to attract any more questions.

Heavily WIP but in case anyone wants to see what's in the works bio/personality-wise
This sounds awesome! I love the lore rich setting here, and I've been itching to plah some kind of mage recently. The only two things I either missed or otherwise didn't see were the technology level of the world, and the racial make up of its inhabitants. Is this a modern fantasy setting, with technologies similar to ours today? Or is this more of a medieval fantasy? And from what I could gather it seems like there are only humans here, right? No elves or dwarves or anything else?

I know the tech level is renaissance sans guns, can’t speak authoritatively on races tho
someone help me decide between insufferable magic law student and angy necromancer

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 12 copper ✧ @McMolly @Hero

Kyreth nodded mutely to Lilann, struggling through another bout of coughing before his lungs finally felt (mostly) clear. He accepted Eila’s healing readily, although not without a little squirming. He’d never been the subject of healing magic before; the pain subsided quickly, for a mercy, but it was accompanied by a tingling warmth and a queer crawling feeling as his flesh readily knit itself back together. His eyes widened at the process, and a sigh of relief escaped him; just like that, good as new. He could only imagine how handy it would have been to have someone like her around on his travels before now.

Once healed, he reached to replace his hood, only to grab thin air. Right, damn - what was left of his cloak was stuck in a stinking, smoldering heap on the roadside. He opened his mouth to apologize to Eila, feeling horrible about having ruined her gift to him so recklessly, but she was already gone, jogging back toward the cart.

“It seems I’ve put myself in a predicament…” Kyreth took a go at levity, smirking halfheartedly at Lilann as he gestured to his missing hood. His voice was still gravely from the smoke, but that was the least of his problems. He really had just made things a whole lot harder for himself. He stood out enough with the benefit of a hood to cover his horns; now, not only had he destroyed a very expensive gift, he’d also made sure he’d be openly advertising his Tainted nature everywhere they went.

Damn. He allowed himself a groan as he pulled himself to his feet, hands healed but still feeling all the aches and pains that came with a violent roll with a savage beast. Cerric told him to stop apologizing for himself, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty. Lilann hid her nature well - better than he did even before losing his cloak - but with him among their number, he wouldn’t just be drawing negative attention to himself, but to the group as a whole. Dammit, he knew he’d be a burden on this trip, he just hadn’t predicted how creatively he’d manage to do it.

“Well, we’re alive, that’s the main thing,” Kyreth muttered, half to Lilann as he dusted himself off, but mostly to himself. He really should have counted himself lucky, all things considered. Feeling badly, sure, but he endured a fiery accident and got away with only some minor injuries, and nobody else hurt to boot. Importantly, Lilann was okay.

Kyreth raised his eyebrows at that, the thought surprising him a bit. It occurred to him that he’d only known Lilann barely two days, yet there he was, keeping her at the forefront of his mind, throwing caution to the wind to help her. It was so unlike him, so utterly unlike his kind to put someone else before himself, it surprised him that he didn’t realize the oddness of it all until now. Hells, the last time he kept anyone’s interests in mind was with Berta…

He shook his head, putting the images of fire and smoke out of his mind. Similar incident, sure, but this time ended a lot better than that time did. He should be thankful for that.

Instead of stewing further, Kyreth reached between the buttons of his tunic to grasp his pendant and bowed his head, offering a silent prayer of thanks to Selene for her mercy. Once done, he made his way back to the cart - or where the cart had been, before that mad beast took off with it and left Cerric in the muck - and stooped to pick up the cloak pin he’d dropped, putting it safely in his pocket. Cloak or no cloak, he would be loath to let such a thoughtful gift rust in the dirt.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said warmly to Lilann, hoisting his (thankfully undamaged) pack back over his shoulder. He tried to fasten his hood again, failing again, and instead sheepishly combed through his hair, utterly unused to the feeling of wind in his hair. “Let’s hope the rest of the road isn’t nearly so interesting.”
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