It was more than a little disorienting, charging Thrinax from her broom one moment and being patronized by Merilia the next. Gertrude wasn't exactly raring to get under the thumb of yet another Witch, but Merilia had already apprehended her and tossed her in with the Roses and this was her reward for acquiescing thus far (not that Merilia ever really gave her a choice, just like she wasn't really giving anyone a choice now). The expression on Gertrude's face was far less than content, even with their victory over Thrinax.
Gertrude clicked her tongue. It wasn't necessarily the geas that annoyed her, but the detestable reminder that she was now in yet another collar and the only decision to be made was 'which one'. Gertrude leaned towards Merilia in order to get on eye level, and tilted her head slightly.
"I'd appreciate if I didn't have to do this. You can either trust that I really don't care enough about the dead old people here to ever drop any of these names, or if you absolutely need me to accept this geas, I'll do so, but I won't be happy. You're obviously still sore about what's-his-face's betrayal. I get it. But one of these options will breed resentment instead of loyalty."
Gertrude drew herself back up to her full height, and sighed.
"It's up to you to decide if that's worth the cost. You've asked for an argument, and I've provided one."
She glanced over at Fionn.
"And for the record, I don't mind staying a little longer if it means I might get to watch Florian get his ass handed to him. I suppose I'm throwing in with the lout again."
Gertrude clicked her tongue. It wasn't necessarily the geas that annoyed her, but the detestable reminder that she was now in yet another collar and the only decision to be made was 'which one'. Gertrude leaned towards Merilia in order to get on eye level, and tilted her head slightly.
"I'd appreciate if I didn't have to do this. You can either trust that I really don't care enough about the dead old people here to ever drop any of these names, or if you absolutely need me to accept this geas, I'll do so, but I won't be happy. You're obviously still sore about what's-his-face's betrayal. I get it. But one of these options will breed resentment instead of loyalty."
Gertrude drew herself back up to her full height, and sighed.
"It's up to you to decide if that's worth the cost. You've asked for an argument, and I've provided one."
She glanced over at Fionn.
"And for the record, I don't mind staying a little longer if it means I might get to watch Florian get his ass handed to him. I suppose I'm throwing in with the lout again."