Avatar of Old Amsterdam
  • Last Seen: 17 days ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

Heads up, but from the 2nd until the 11th I'm not sure how active I'll be able to be. Flying out to Oregon to spend time with my girlfriend.

Everything was - she could see everything. From this core to the cave to the - Crispy was coming and she wanted, no needed him. She knew it. With him and maybe some others they could stop everything. They could learn and grow.

She needed more.

She could even see down into the depths of the central pool, down, down, down...through solid rock and packed earth, into a hollow chamber shimmering with the water’s reflection…

Something with blue eyes looked back at her.

She was taken aback, between knowing she could go higher, that something hidden was down there, and that this thing was looking at her.

And then it started. She was praised. It was hard to tell, but she knew it.

And then she was stuck, with this thing looking at her.

Nothing else to do, so she tried to look at it. Find out what it was. See anything she could of it. Inspect it, learn. What was it? Why was she being watched? How?

...and that cavern. The message had said she could borrow? Could she burrow down there? Was this thing down there?

She needed to know.

Lillian watched on anxiously, very much aware that there wasn't anything she could do to help. She sat there, gently tugging on Alessa's hand when she stood up, avoiding looking at Ev. She couldn't help but connect her current mental state to that thing, especially after that Glow earlier.

She was ashamed to admit she was scared.

And then everything seemed to settle. The incident was over, the discussion ended, they were dismissed.

Lillian looked around a little dumbstruck. She hadn't expected it to end so soon. She leaned into Alessa, releasing breath she hadn't realized she was holding, and quietly whispered, "Meet up tomorrow?" It was a request, and she waited just long enough to get her answer before standing up and approaching the Director.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, sir. I was wandering and I didn't think before getting involved," she said quietly, glancing at Decoy. "I actually needed to talk to Decoy about something and I kinda got lost in thought. Do - Is there somewhere private or a meeting we could make or something, please?" She ended on a stressed note, emphasizing the please in her desperation. Decoy had worked with Ira. He would know what happened to make her leave, wouldn't she? And... Maybe Decoy could tell her she was crazy for her doubts.

Having taken note of the odd Stand, Blue opted to ignore the apparent lack of effect for the time being. Focusing on the user would do her more good.

Blue smiled easily, nodding at his initial question before glancing casually at the laughing man as she helped pick up the cards. "Y'know, I wouldn't worry about people so much. They're not worth it, I've learned. Heck my own family tried to make me something I'm not. They kinda succeeded, though, but I learned that people who don't help and understand themselves are the broken rocks from the cliff side that have fallen all the way down to the bottom. They're beneath people like us." Her words were light, genuine, but mildly firm. She handed him the last card, helping him stand straight again, and brushed off some dirt from his front. She stayed close for a moment, adding, "Now, with that said, can you be the bigger man? Will you be the cliff or the rock that falls down? I'd love to go sit and talk and maybe see some more of your tricks. But I need you to be the better here."

Unspent Skill Points: 12
Current Skills:
Stun Fang II (2.225)
Poison Spit I (1.6)
Muffle II (2.75)
Poison Glob I (1.35)
Poison Breath I (1.3)
Crafting (0.2)
Alchemy (0.4)
Alert (0.4)
Stealth Kill (0.5)
Fireball (0.325)
Warcry (0.3)
Poison Fang (0.1)
Blunt Resistance (0.5)
Smash (0.1)
Rabid Fit (0.9)
Scale Shift (0.2)
Magic Break (0.1)
Suppress Presence (0.2)
Overwork (0.2)
Curse Word (0.6)
System: Rain

Rain looked on at the corpse as the bastard finally died, breathing heavily.

Quickly. Quickly. No time.

7 points into Fireball, 5 into Stealth Kill, Rain thought quickly.

This gave her Fireball, finally, and what was the best way to test it?

Ideally she would burn the bastard body, but others were working at it. That wouldn't do. She turned, instead, looking up. At the ceiling, then.

She stood there, concentrating, before attempting a Fireball.

Regardless of success or not, she followed Jason and the rest. As they neared the... Thing... She moved to the safest spot in the little cavern area she could reasonably manage.

"I'm going to change." Simple words that she didn't feel needed more explaining.

With that, she made her choice.


With a light wave to Rhyperior, Alice moved back to Vivia and Skylar with a smile on her face.

"Great! Traveling with friends is always better than walking alone," she said brightly. "Maybe we could start heading towards that gym the Professor mentioned, if no one else had any ideas. Maybe we'll find some new friends along the way?"

Assuming everyone was agreeable, Alice would set off with Cici in her arms. First stop, the Pokecenter! And then... Things could begin for real!

She was excited as she stoked Cici's head softly. This was everything she had wanted, and she couldn't hold herself back anymore! She was going on a real adventure with friends and there was nothing that was going to stop her from meeting that mysterious champion and seeing Rhyperior again as promised.

Caesar followed slowly, staring at the hole where the angry man had gone.

He should've tried. Maybe then all this wouldn't be happening.

Outside.... It was a maze? Of plants? How did that make a -

Oh. A hunting fight. Two hunters, one winner. He wouldn't have been useful here, didn't know how to aim a gun accurately. Cannons were easier.

Maybe there was a hand cannon out there?


He was a little shocked at how the fight developed, though. He had believed in the little Jo's confidence, and she was as good as dead. Would've been, if it wasn't for the odd ammo they used.

Bonekid got excited and immediately regretted it, opting a small chuckle from the Mink, as he nodded in agreement at the call for Boone.

He was, really, the best shooter on the crew. If anyone would win from their crew, it would be him.

His eyes traveled to the cannon man. Alien magic. Could he have beat him, if he hadn't failed against Launcher?



For a fraction of a second all she knew was darkness. That damn notification about health again.

Fuck that.

Things devolved quickly as she opened her eyes. Rattle was being put on the defensive, even if he was too stupid to understand that.

She watched the odd magic as if in slow motion, already moving herself as she pushed through the pain, and hissed in pleasure as it tore through the armor and flesh of the bastard.



She had seen his muscles work, she had seen him pull out the leaf.

He was distracted.

He was her's.

She pushed herself to her limit, moving as fast as she could along his legs before he could stand. Stealth didn't matter, awareness of his actions did, he'd feel her anyways.

She snapped for the leaf, and if he made it impossible to steal then she'd just poison it with a Breath.

And then...

If she wasn't thrown off she'd continue the assault, attempt to put a Glob in his open wound, and bite and rip and tear at any skin she could reach, calling him every vile thing she could think of when her mouth wasn't busy.

Alice smiled softly at Vivia, before turning to her Rotom. Putting on a Stern face she spoke slowly.

"You should be nicer! Listen! Maybe she wouldn't feel like she needs to just super kick you if you weren't being a brat." she stuck out her tongue, smiling a little. "Would you like to join us when we leave, Vivia? I don't know what we'll do, there's just so many possibilities..."

She held up a finger, distracted, before....[running off to do the events of previous post]

"Thanks, Professor," she said distractedly, leaning in to give an awkward hug to Rhyperior. "There's so much I want to see and do! I'll see you again, Rhyperior! Professor!" She cleaned up Cici carefully, smiling, before handing back the towel with a soft 'thank you'.

With that she returned to Vivia and Skylar, thinking. "I want to stop by the Pokecenter, maybe there'll be a good rumor or something. There's supposed to be the occasional Shuppet floating around town at night, that could be neat. But I do really want to find a Beldum, which is up in My Edge.... But there's also the Gym nearby off Route 1 the Professor mentioned.... Skylar, what do you think?"
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