Avatar of Old Amsterdam
  • Last Seen: 17 days ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts


A collab between @BCTheEntity and @Old Amsterdam
Featuring: cute stuff

Caesar watched on in anticipation as the captain entered the maze. It was, ultimately, a tough match that made Caesar antsy.

But the captain proved himself to be resourceful, in the end, and while he barely won he did manage to defeat Chaka. Who, as it would turn out, was a woman.

Which was rather a shock to everyone present, apparently. Launcher moved forward to help her comrade, and with all said and done that left only two more matches.

The canon. And... The chef?

Caesar perked up in confusion, wondering how on earth this could be a real match of combat. Eating? It just seemed... So asinine, really. What were these people? Crazy?

Was everyone in the Grand Line crazy?

Blue watched, intrigued, as the fight left the guy. It was.... Almost as exciting as cutting someone open. The way the life left them. She'd need to try and break her targets in the future before killing them. This was almost fun, and this reaction was absolutely worth the effort.

Nodding slowly Blue reached forward and patted his shoulder carefully. "No matter what, you proved you have the potential today. It takes someone strong to be willing to alter their course. And I may have some resources and friends who would be willing to help you out. And then you could let me know when you're going to do a show. I'd enjoy dropping in to watch," she said slowly. "And being around people like my friends will do wonders for helping you figure yourself out and everything. It certainly helped keep me from going crazy." She laughed lightly, pulling out her phone to glance at the messages. "Looks like one of my friends is on his way, actually. I think you'll like him, his name is Leonard. And mines Laurie Blue, in case I didn't say it earlier. I prefer Blue, though."

Torrent emerged onto the ground, quickly spinning and backing away as the ground caved in along her path. Maybe next time she should go deeper... And maybe think about what might be between her and her destination.

That was when the water was disturbed and a rather odd looking fish came at her. Not taking a second to even consider the thing, Torrent spun hard and fast to slam her tail into the thing in instinct, moving sideways slightly in the process.

(if the fish was knocked away, she'd take a moment to examine it carefully, avoiding getting close enough for it to bite)

(if it managed to catch her, she'd casually smash it repeatedly on the ground if possible or use a Glob on it. Once dead or off of her, she'd inspect it if possible)

With that matter taken care of, she heard a loud crashing sound from the direction she had left. Despite her desire to leave this cave and rest, she trudged back to find an odd group, including Digby and Jason.

"You don't have to look far. I was... Testing my new abilities." She spoke up as she got near, speaking loud enough too be heard easily by them all, even if they had retreated to Jason's little area. "I'm leaving the cave though, if anyone wanted to join me. I don't like it here. The lake is full of fish with many teeth, the air feels wrong, all these messages about death.... "
Post Meeting Seriousness

A collab between @ProPro and @Old Amsterdam

"You'd be surprised. My entire life I tried to be one thing. I tried to build myself up to be something awesome and amazing. And my family did their best to break that." She paused, looking into the distance. "They succeeded. My life is forever tainted by the hits and boulders, I am forever broken. I made peace with this, embraced it, but it is not a life you want to choose. My life is hardship, pain, suffering, and death. You don't have to go down this path, and I'm giving you the choice to move on. To build that cliff, to be great, to be everything you could hope to be. And all you need to do is take that first step with me. Let me do for you what no one did for me. Please."

Things were going well, all things considered. Sure she was a little slow and it was dark and cramped, but this beat dealing with whatever hell was going on up top!

At least until she broke into the pool.

Water flooded in and she instinctively dug her claws into the dirt beneath her. But this wouldn't last long, especially not with the increasing amount of water flooding in. She needed to act fast.

The easiest option, of course, was to dig up. Hopefully she could hold her breath long enough for this, though she had at least not gone very deep into the ground on her first foray.

At last.

She was free.

At last.

With an experimental twist, she tested her new body. It was better. Stronger. She was more flexible and now she had proper claws. And she was a deep green tinged with blue.

She huffed, looking at the crystal with mild irritation. She could remember a sense of determination and a desire to.... Go down? It was hazy, but she could remember being watched and.... Blue? She shook her head, turning towards the digging goblin.

Casually she patted his shoulder with her tail, speaking as she did so. "I'm leaving now. Outside. This cave is not safe after everything. I don't like what I've seen. Come, or don't I guess." With that she began to burrow, her claws digging in. She turned herself towards the direction of the entrance and began to dig her through and back into the main portion of the cave.

She'd go a ways before surfacing, trying to get as close to the cave entrance as she could manage, and from there she'd just need to take her time and stealthily exit. Maybe she could find somewhere safe for a bit and then.... Something. Something. She could survive alone, but a group was better...

Such.... Odd words. Why would she bring someone else here to take what she saw? She's the one who saw it, not them. Even if it was just investigating....

But she was done here. There wasn't anything else of interest. She needed to be back down where her body was. Is? Whatever.

She struggled to return, growing angrier the longer she was delayed, until she was fighting just as hard mentally as she had been physically against Rattle.
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