Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

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Lillian glanced at the others as the order came in and Ev sprang into action, a tight look passing over Lillian's face as the trap closed. This was it.

She continued to make pleasant small talk until her phone vibrated. She nodded, slipping it back into her pocket as she moved. It was time. She remained quiet as she set off in front of the others, her enhanced senses would give them a heads up in case anything was wrong, as she clenched her fist.

The Community would pay for this. For doing this to her heroes she'd looked up to all her life. They needed to be taken down once and for all.


As Jason, Chatterbox, and Whimsy arrived in the concourse with Alloy, he shook his head. Had the threat just teleported? It looked like he'd glitched forward almost. At least Jason assumed it was a he.

"Should I punch him?" he asked with a strained chuckle. This guy looked more like a kid, and damnit he was tired of fighting kids...

Torrent nodded distractedly to Ash's suggestion to wait before testing her new ability. It made sense, especially still being so close to an obviously hostile creature.

And then Digby underwent his transformation, causing Torrent to inspect him carefully. Walking around him, her tongue flitting in and out, as she inspected the strange markings and new form. He seemed much different than she'd expected him to. He was almost like Crispy, in a way, but different. And not just the colors. Something seemed different. Let alone the weird aura he'd exhibited.

She nodded once her inspections were complete, turning in the direction Ash had mentioned.

"I'll go ahead slightly so I can start digging," she said softly.

"Yeah, sure, and I just did that. Target secured and complacent and not a single injury to anyone. I don't like it." Her voice was smooth, but her irritation would be obvious to her Boss. He knew her better than anyone, after all. "This just felt like a waste of my talents. I didn't even get to flex Paralyzer except to travel. Please tell me this isn't all I'm going to be doing? They brought in a broken kid, for crying out loud. I can work with a crocodile and some guy who looks more muscle than brains, and hell even Leonard would be a suitable long term partner I think. But her? Bringing in a kid who knows nothing was bad, Boss. I don't like it. I can't stick with her and protect her and still finish missions but I do not like her being alone."

She was mildly surprised by the words that she'd just said. They were true. She didn't like Mieke being so unprepared and vulnerable. In that moment she began walking, making her way towards the girl's last location as she talked.

"I'm going to check on her. Do I need to return to HQ for my next briefing or are you gonna tell me?"

Torrent hissed in surprise as she got the level up skill. Unsurprisingly she had gained fire resistance from nearly dying. What was surprising, however, was these magic break and cancel spell skills. She supposed that's the second might be from her cancelling her fireball skill? It was the only thing she could think of.

But more importantly she had begun developing fire breath!

"YES! 8 points into Fire Breath, one point into Rabid Fit, system," she said clearly. "After Digby is done I have a skill that I need to test. Fire breath. Unfortunately I don't have a crystal for your, Ash. I'll stand guard, though, while Digby evolves," she said while she dug a small little trench around the goblin as he conked out. She didn't really know what she was doing, but after seeing all those circles from Jason and then that one from Digby she was convinced that circles were some kind of special symbol. So she made this one with the intent to help protect the little guy.

She curled herself inside the circle, partially around Digby, as she kept her eyes on the burrow.

"I want to leave as soon as he's ready. A safe place would be appreciated, and having that unknown creature at our doorstep isn't ideal. Ash, you're a smart one. I trust you. If you think upstream is better then upstream I'm willing to go."

When Digby posed his question, Torrent had been about to answer when the others handled it for her. She closed her mouth again, focusing on the trek.

This world really was beautiful, she decided. Even as something darted past them and the weird thing bounced off faster than she could run. She was mildly intrigued by the thing in the burrow, but she was captured by the water.

Rushing forward to the stream she started drinking greedily, trying to sate the torrential thirst and dryness that permeated her body. Once she'd had enough, now full and quenched, she made her way back to the group to catch the tail end of the conversation.

"I agree. I have superior digging abilities now. Prefer stealth than a straight fight. Not repeating being blown up." she shuddered. "Tell me where, and we can dig our own burrow. Also, two messages from the thing that brought us here."

She paused momentarily to watch Digby while she thought. As he finished his chanting she spoke again.

"He said to stop praying to him, though I don't know who was trying to pray. I wanted answers. And when I died there it was like when we were born. Or when I was born. Whatever. And he spoke, saying we were chosen because we could become strong. For what it's worth."

She glanced back at the burrow warily, thinking. "I only know killing. Sneaking and killing. I need to know more. I'll help people understand fireball if you'll help me learn to be better."
I hate to be one of those people, but your post involves actions that don't take Zer0's into account. Figured I'd point out in case your just overlooked things thinking that Zer0 was still somewhere else or something, but he did just pull off an aerial maneuver to knock the hat off of the Rabbid in question. (Which may or may not work, obviously, but it's still attempted.)

Level 2 - (5/20) EXP
Location: Scrapyard
Word Count: 268

Zer0 paused momentarily as the Courier started working at one of the robots. Almost like Gaige would do to Deathtrap sometimes, but this took longer and seemed to involve less physical work. Odd. It honestly seemed like he was - ah. So he was hacking in? If only they had Angel to phaseshift in their authentication, then they'd be able to do this much more efficiently.

And then everything went to hell. Because of course it did, it always did. The other sniper had fired on their temporary allies, utterly yeeting their supporter out of existence. Which, naturally, caused the strange creatures to go into at frenzy. The one with Bowser's hat went after the fat friendly that had shown up recently, and Ratchet was calling for someone to get the hat free.

Far be it from Zer0 to turn down a challenge like that.

Carefully he pulled his sniper up, aiming with deadly proficiency, and... Didn't fire.

Deftly he started running, using a robot to launch himself onto Roadhog's head. He pushed off, launching himself higher towards the Rabbid in question, and pulled out his sword. As he sailed forward he whapped the hat with all his might with the side of his sword without an edge, promptly disappearing from view.

Landing in a roll, he stayed down and moved into his back, firing off shots at robots. These creatures had been allies, and the Courier hadn't mentioned attacking them. Until the robots were removed he would continue to treat them as irrelevant

After the robots were finished, however.... If they didn't stand down he'd put them down.

At last, she was free. Swinging her head experimentally, her gaze took everything in as she hissed in displeasure. But her hunger was overwhelming, so she turned her muzzle down to devour on the Topapo at her feet until she was full.

The goblins were having some kind of challenge, which irritated her. She opened her mouth, summoning a Fireball like before, before Ash spoke. Quickly she banished the flames licking at her mouth, watching as Oberon came down to repeat the instructions.

"I'm fine. Digby, bring the Topapo and my skin, please. Those bastards don't deserve to put their grubby hands on it. I need water." She spoke slowly, switching thoughts as a new one came. "I'll have to assassinate them another day," she muttered as she turned away to follow Ash.

"Fucking beetle..." she spat as she moved away from the scene. "I'll be stronger next time. Not gonna almost die to some scummy insect..."

Level 2 - (4/20) EXP
Location: Ancient Gardens → Scrapyard
Word Count: 399

Zer0 had remained fairly quiet since his fellow Vault Hunter to be friend had gotten the odd weapon. If these creatures gave up loot when killed, this place would be much more similar to Pandora than he had expected. This was mildly different though, for instead of dropping the weapon they had these things gave up...a weapon similar to their tactics, perhaps? It was hard to say, and it left Zer0 mildly excited.

From there they rejoined with the main group, and Zer0 found himself thinking back to the days when he and his allies had first found themselves in an unknown wasteland fighting new enemies. This really wasn't any different. Betrayed by an unknown entity, blown up by Jack. Awoken face first in the snow and piles of wreckage, awaking to find he'd nearly killed the creature that had released him. An unknown world full of new creatures to slaughter, an unknown —well, that part was the same at least.

He stayed by the Courier's side as he reported back in to the big lizard. Who promptly lost his hat, which apparently kept the little pink thing safe. Zer0 pulled up his rifle, only to watch as the offender was promptly reduced to paste, which made him giddy inside. He looked at the man with the sniper, which he had initially ignored for looking like a White. Now he reconsidered, wondering if he wouldn't be able to make a trade for the gun. That thing had the power that he found himself missing, and that shot reminded him greatly of the Skullsmasher. He'd need to pull this guy aside later. Maybe they could create a Dupe...

He kept Pace with the Courier fairly easily, casually taking potshots that increased in number as he realized that b0re was back to working. As the Courier worked with the robot, Zer0 stealthed, reappearing besides the man as he took cover. Poking his rifle over their cover he took aim, firing a bullet through several of the robots. These weren't even up to Hyperion standards, if he was being honest. And that was saying a lot about their quality.

Bam, Bam, Bam he fired, ducking back down between bullet flurries.

The Courier thought that the little white things were fairly rodent-like and benign, which was the only reason Zer0 hadn't started blenderizing them yet. There was no challenge there.

Blue glanced at Leonard before she responded. "I think it would be beneficial for all involved if you took a ride back with my colleague here. The Foundation will be able to give you all the information you want and help you get settled. It can be a lot to adjust to, and he's better suited to keep you company until then than I am."

She pulled out her own phone, flipping through the contacts for a specific entry. Upon finding it she nodded to herself before speaking. "I have an important personal matter that demands my attention now that you're on the way to being settled. I'll check in on you when I get some free time."

With that said she moved away, hitting the dial button as she began to leave hearing range.

"You've got some explaining to do," the two men would hear before she left their range. "Why the hell am I running search and rescue and public relations and shit, Boss? You know this isn't what I do."
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