Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1729 (0.64 / day)
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

Most Recent Posts

The Community Strikes Back

Chapter Two: The Rockers
As Creep made the call and sent the text, men and women began to exit the building. Pester was not seen among them, though there were still more inside. Barely a third of the Rockers on base had left when the two receptionists made it through the doors and suddenly collapsed, two arrows clattering against the ground beside the two of them. A second later a series of crashing noises could be heard from inside as something seemed to be demolishing walls if the sounds indicated anything.

(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
As Outsider guided the helicopter into safer territory it seemed someone had gotten through to the pilot as he began shutting down the systems. The crew was still filming, it seemed, not that Outsider could really tell.

Sylph, meanwhile, was courageously attempting to bring Eyeblight to ground. And that was easier said than done, especially considering that she couldn't risk looking at him. In the mere moments that he had been in this new area, however, he had already caused a fair amount of mayhem. A fire hydrant was spraying water against a car that had hit it, and there were power lines that were dangling over the street. Combined the two hazards threatened to cause significant harm to bystanders that hadn't succumbed to the madman's raving attempts to draw attention to himself.

Speaking of, he could be heard cussing profusely nearby. Perhaps to her front and right? There was a scream entwined with a sob and the sound of a body falling and colliding with concrete. Not a sickening splat, but it didn't sound pretty. Whatever Sylph was going to do the had better act fast if she didn't want more people injured or killed.

As Meta prepared for Celia, the villain scaled the building effortlessly. As she gripped the side of the roof, however, she seemed to pause. And then suddenly she was on the rooftop and moving quickly towards Meta. Like lightning her fist struck out, connecting with the lower section of the shield with a thunderous crescendo of cracks and snaps. Her fist continued through, the section of the shield around the impact zone shattered and breaking as cracks extended out. Her fist connected with Meta's midsection before jutting back to grab onto the edge of the hole in the shield as her other hand grabbed the edge and she pulled, hard.

Down below Abaddon was resorting to aggressive measures. Lamprey's face set into one filled with determination as she dived forward, carving out a small indent into the ground as the wreckage soared over her and further down the street. The smaller piece of metal bounced off of her back and legs, tearing into cloth and the surface layers of skin. She ran forward, making a dive in an attempt to catch Abaddon before the breaker could ascend above Lamprey's range.

@Crusader Lord
Chapter Four: The Girl
As Allison left the room, much to various levels of worry and consternation, the PA system crackled to life again.

"Well now, what do we have here? Little Allison the useless drunk. Scrapes by in class more from the teacher's pity than her own skill. If only she'd known that she could've just taken advantage of the situation to appease that nymphomania with her lusty old teacher to get those A's. But, of course, she's too fucking stupid to think of something so obvious. Did you know your parents are the only reason you're here, Ally? Poor little Dean boy here took a fat little bribe to keep you here. They didn't even know about your whore ways, but they knew you weren't going to last by yourself. Couldn't stand having you come back home, so they made sure you wouldn't have a reason to."

As Allison rounded a corner there was a spray of automatic gunfire from up ahead, bullets tearing into the walls around her.

"Dean takes bribes, your professor is more interested in getting some than teaching, and will you look at this! The school sports teams have been deflating balls and slipping the good old Roids just to win and keep their scholarships! You really did surround yourself with mediocrity, Al. Makes you feel like you're more than the trash that you really are, doesn't it? Pathetic."
Feel free to skip me this round. I'm having trouble coming up with a post that's not just filler of Zer0 following after 6.

Jason glanced down at Sofia as he listened to Chatterbox's directions. It seemed his teammate forgot that his clothing didn't exactly jive with a costume underneath, let alone the specialized helmet he'd have to carry. He would stand out in either situation, and being seen in costume was the preferred option with that in mind.

"I'm just going to suit up," he said quietly, moving to change discreetly.

Stepping back out a few moments later he crouched down, since Whimsy would've been ready long before him, and offered the girl a chance to ride on his back yet again. With her power and his own physical capabilities they'd make it in no time.
Haven't heard back in the discord, so dropping this here:

Official call-out for the City Event. 5 says to update or contact me. I'd like to not hold everyone up for too much longer now that the holidays are over.

Level 2 - (3/20) EXP
Location: 1-1, Canyon Exit
Word Count: 215

Zer0 was pleased to note that his shots hit where he wanted, but was mildly disappointed at the apparent lack of his skills beyond decepti0n. b0re should have made those shots more than enough to kill such meager Badasses.

He was coming closer to the ground now as the idiotic creatures decided to become Suicide Psychos before he could even process the change in behavior. His visor popped a '0w0' as he braced himself. The explosion went off as he was coming down, slowing his descent mildly as the shockwave nearly knocked him unconscious, and he landed on the backside the crater with a simple roll to his feet. Sword out he looked around before relaxing. They seemed to be in the clear, at least. He took a few moments to pull bits of shrapnel from his body, lazily tossing the pieces behind him.


"Badasses go boom.
Their attempts at destruction
Were all for naught, ha!"

Carefully he walked back towards the mercenary as he made to crush the odd little ball thing in his hand. He seemed fairly unhurt, which was good for teamwork, and Zer0 decided that he'd work alongside this man for the immediate future.

"Vault Hunter, you
Have my loyalty. Badass
Verified teamwork."

Torrent would've opened her eyes if she could have as she was pulled back from the brink. She was in agony with only her mouth left as a sense. She couldn't see, hear, or use her nose. Nostril? Whatever. All she had were her memories and the system messages.

She was still in trouble. She could feel movement around her as little jolts of pain rocked into her at every turn as her body moved from breathing or outside influence. This pain was maddening, but she fought against it. Carefully she swallowed as she considered what to do.

She'd finally gotten that response she had been searching for. Not weak. Strong. She'd remember that for the rest of her life. However short that was looking to be.

She couldn't speak, attempting such bought pain in her raw throat, which left her little in the way of options.

She was splitting apart, she could feel it. Which wasn't good because -

Wait. Splitting apart. Skin. Could she take this opportunity to use that Shed Skin ability? If she could do that then she could move easier, get her senses back too.

Hissing from the pain and effort Torrent focused on moving her body in a way to exaggerate the splitting. She'd force herself out of her own skin somehow, she couldn't just sit here and wait for some two-bit predator to show up and eat her. She wasn't prey! She was the predator here, damnit!

As Elliot declared himself a failure Lillian shook her head against his chest. "You're not a failure," she said softly. "I couldn't even kill myself right. If either of us is a failure it'd be me."

He was struggling against her and she was both afraid to let go and afraid to maintain contact. They weren't so different, were they? They'd both had it hard and that wall that separated them from others had gotten in the way again.

How terrible.

"Please don't leave," she murmured as she released her grip and stepped away awkwardly. Alessa was talking but she hadn't really heard much of anything from her. And Kendall too. Her face flushed a little as she cleared her throat. Thankfully this was when Evelyn stepped in and directed everyone back to the task at hand, to which Lillian silently mouthed a 'thank you' at the older girl. Hurriedly wiping at her face she took a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

"Okay. Okay. Yeah. Let's do this," she said, seemingly to herself. In truth she was still feeling a little raw from Elliot's initial jabs and more than a little emotional from this little scene. She was just happy that they'd at least made a start and that no random bystanders had been around for all of this. Which was a little weird, actually, now that she actually noticed it. It was almost like that calm silence before a big rain... She really hoped that wasn't a metaphor for their mission. Because that would be horrible. With that parting thought she took the first step back towards the HQ.

Entering the HQ building all together would be a terrible idea. While traffic might be light this morning it wouldn't do to risk giving away their identities somehow.

But that's why there was the back entrance. Slipping into the parking garage and heading down to the second floor there was a fairly boring looking door with a passcode and watchful camera. Quickly entering in their weekly authorization code let them open the door and slip inside into a small little hallway that was pretty scarce. Following that would get them to the internal checkpoint where they would then, again, provide authorization through retina scans before entering the building proper.

From there it was a simple matter of going to the Wards HQ where they could pull off their deceit. With Decoy informed and watching, it was up to them to be convincing.

Level 1 - (8/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Canyon
Word Count: 234

As soon as the little remote appeared, Zer0 knew what was coming. He immediately dived forward, scooting forward with the shockwave as it passed him, and looked up to see a rocket get fired his way.

Why did they always want to use rockets? As if the Hyperion Hawks weren't bad enough about using elemental rocket launchers. But these weren't Hyperion, they weren't even Torgue, let alone a Maliwan. Almost idly he decided to go for a proper challenge.

What better challenge than to return a projectile to sender? It'd be just like the Antagonist shield... But more badass! Only a Vault Hunter could be a real badass!

But this wasn't like a normal rocket. He couldn't just flip it back at them, he suspected, and he didn't feel like being blown up again.

Fucking Jack. Stupid bastards with stupid explosives.

Zer0 ran at the rocket, deftly jumping over it and using the ensuing blast to push him up into the air. He would've smiled of he could've as he pulled out his sniper and began to fire at the cart from above as the merc started firing below him.

He couldn't be certain but his forward momentum in the air might be able to close the distance enough for him if this damn cart didn't just explode like it was supposed to.

"Falling through the air
My bullet a meteor
To bring extinction."

For one glorious moment Torrent was enjoying the fight. A new for had appeared and was legitimately giving them a quick little issue and in just a minute it was going to be -

Pain. Pain. PaIn. Agony. She screamed but she's couldn't.


Obtained Item: Baked Topapo x2


Fire burning melting loss can't thought it's wrong all busy terror



Need more stop no plea

Broke missing lost mommy where kill you not fair not wright mesh fear





Suffering no not don't stop please

Darkness. Blissful darkness as her mind fled the horrors of her body. She was going to die. She couldn't believe it. Even as she had thrashed in torment, her mind fleetingly grasping at understanding, it had seemed almost unreal. But she knew this darkness and what it brought far too well.

She was going to die. A final end, perhaps. The bastard Demon King hadn't even felt fit to answer her demands... She didn't expect him - it - to save her.

She didn't want to be saved. She wanted to survive through her own means. All that anger had to be worth something! DAMNIT WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE?

Her body fell still.

Level 1 - (7/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Lower Canyon
Word Count: 269

Zer0 looked around as a question mark popped from his visor as the mad laughing returned. Almost comically his head followed the mine as it was thrown before it suddenly disappeared and the one question mark became three. He almost missed all the enemy running away and Death sprinting on after them as the mines started falling. Who the hell did these people think they were? BewmBoom? Fucking explosive obsessed little psychos.

He took off after the merc, visible, since he seemed to have some way of detecting the hidden explosives. No point in risking his own skin, as they say, if he didn't have to!

But then the merc, for some fucking reason, decided to blow their surprise advantage when they finally caught up to the remnants of the horde. Might be as dumb as Brick was big if this was the norm for this guy.

The situation wasn't ideal by any means, especially thanks to the lost advantage, and that meant one thing for Zer0: stealth. Disappearing from view he tried to help the foolish merc by killing the enemies he stunned, breaking his stealth in the process and taking his own share of impacts, but it was quickly apparent that this was the wrong focus. Why focus on the grunts when you could take down a Badass? He'd gotten caught up in the blood when the challenge was right there.

He disengaged quickly, moving forward with his superior agility, slicing through the crowd on the way. He kept half his attention out for whatever was throwing those mines, whatever Badass that he needed to take down.
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