Avatar of Old Amsterdam
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    1. Old Amsterdam 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I hope you like Symbiotes....
7 yrs ago
Shameless plug for a friend's RP I've applied for: A No More Heroes RP by BC over in Advanced. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
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7 yrs ago
Another shameless Status plug for my Tokyo Ghoul interest check in Casual. No knowledge of Tokyo Ghoul required to join and enjoy!
7 yrs ago
Just a friendly reminder that I've got a Tokyo Ghoul check up in Casual. No prior knowledge of Ghoul required if you're interested. ^^
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7 yrs ago
Tokyo Ghoul Interest Check is up in Casual! Give it a look if you're interested. ^^
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So... Not big on Bios... Prefer people just talk to me if they'd like to know shit.

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Torrent was idly shocked at the reply and the forcefulness of the warning. So others had been trying to contact this being as well? That way oddly disturbing. She definitely hadn't been praying. Who the hell was the weirdo praying?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of the large beetle as she uncovered the... Things. TOPAPOS? Whatever. Enemy.

Torrent hissed at Mourningstar tacked the thing and Oberon fired something at it. They were too close, but....

Moving quickly, hoping that the beetle would be sufficiently distracted by the others, she moved to the other side so that her attack wouldn't harm them. Hopefully. Concentrating she tried to channel a Fireball from her mouth instead of above her as it had done before, wanting to hit the side of the insect with the fire.

With that cast she went for the only thing she knew: bloody, angry combat. Darting in towards its legs she planned to severe them with her teeth and claws and venom.
I've been suicidal for almost 15 years, but...

If you can portray the suicide aspect accurately and with taste....I won't have an issue with it.

If you don't, however, I will be dropping a message here.

Either way, thank you for the notice.
Wards: How Do You Like Your Coffee?


Lillian froze as Elliot replied, tensing as his words struck at tender parts of her past. Tears dropped into her hot chocolate, slowly but consistently, as he left. She didn't register Kendall's question, her mind replaying his words in a circle in her head.

It was hard, didn't he get it? Didn't he get that reaching out across a gap that he had made was impossible? She wasn't strong enough for that! Her fists clenched under the table, shaking, as the tears fell faster.

Didn't he get she didn't want to be alone? She didn't want to - she wasn't....

She took a shuddering breath as Alessa spoke up and Evelyn left, failing to center herself or calm the guilt. She had Alessa, but for how long? She didn't have anyone else. She didn't know how to prove she didn't hate him when he wouldn't even let anyone try.

He was right, wasn't he? She was weak. She'd always been weak. She stood up suddenly, wiping at her wet face, as she came to a decision she didn't even know she was making until it hit her.

She just wouldn't be weak anymore. Problems solved.

It really was... That easy.

The tears still falling she motioned for the other two to follow. She caught Evelyn saying something about a gap before she planted herself right in front of Elliot. Stepping closer, looking up at him, she let out a shuddering breath.

"You're right. You're an asshole, and you're just as bad as I am, but we're going to go back to HQ, convince this backstabbing jerk that he can be important for once, and we're going to leave a mark against the Community. Today," she said with a surprisingly steady voice. "You don't know anything about me either, Elliot, and you've never tried. From the day I joined until now you've always purposely avoided me. Well no more. Cause damnit I'm tired of crying and being the weak link. I don't know how to bridge gaps or make friends or be a hero but..." She moved, wrapping her arms around his midsection in an awkward hug. "I'm sorry for my part in making you feel like I did for all those years. I understand if I can't fix it, but I want to."
The Community Strikes Back

Chapter One: Lethal Force
Things did not look good for Lethal Force. While it didn't seem like the two Community heavy hitters were trying to kill them, they definitely didn't seem like they were holding back by much. Sonika, the ever cold hearted professional, however... Well, she wasn't used to strong emotions. She'd managed to keep her focus so far but when Mantis released the rage inside her there was a moment where her perfect mask cracked. The air inside the room whipped violently, uncontrolled, as Mantis fired his gun from his free arm. Xolotl flickered in and out of his breaker state, thunderous crashes deafening everyone in the room.

Most shots went wide, but two managed to find their mark. One entered and exited at her left shoulder, the arm hanging limply afterwards. The other caught her right side.

Between the anger and the pain Sonika's normally cool exterior twisted, a crack become a shattering. And then.... Everything went still. Farce made her break for the window at the same time Sonika released a high pressure explosion directly in front of Mantis and Xolotl flashed forward, a blur of electricity, before becoming solid as Sonika's attack ended. With the momentum from his breaker form his fist connected with Mantis' head.

"Pathetic mortal, challenging a god," he sneered as his foot came down on Mantis' head, bringing darkness with it.

The duo looked at the window, a silent agreement between them. They had the culprit, the leader. Lethal Force was finished, and there would be plenty of time to deal with the other. They let Farce escape.

Farce had managed a fairly safe landing, though it was entirely possible Whip had taken damage on the landing. She caught the dog as it followed after them, before they promptly took off.

Chapter Two: The Rockers
While Sheila was dealing with her uninvited guests her phone suddenly buzzed with an incoming message.

RED, 2

What did that mean? It was from one of her men, but there didn't seem to be anything else coming....

(Open invitation to Independents to get involved)
Chapter Three: The City
As Outsider checked on Sylph they could hear his mad cackling grow a little fainter as he moved towards the more populated area nearby. Outsider abandoned there scene to ward off the helicopter, which turned out to be a news helicopter. The pilot panicked at the sight of Outsider approaching, temporarily forgetting that he was a hero. Then again, with the city in such chaos it wasn't entirely unreasonable to assume the worst. The helicopter banked hard, losing altitude in the process, before the tail end clipped a building, sending the helicopter out of control! Outsider would have to act fast if he wanted to save them.

Sylph, however, had a choice to make herself. She could hear the sounds of crashing and screaming from the direction of Eyeblight getting worse and she might be the only one around who could hope to stop him before he put hundreds in the hospital or the morgue. Eyeblight was having the time of his life, by the sounds of things, and she'd need to hurry up if she had any desire to try and combat him.

Abaddon had deflected the bullet, her instantaneous breaker form far faster than the bullet, and much more durable than her fleshy body. Lamprey grinned in response, taking a step forward before Abaddon grabbed the car half to throw at them. She dived to the side as Celia holstered the gun and decided to play catch with the half of a car. Grabbing it she was knocked backwards down the street by a few hundred feet, leaving a trail in the pavement. Lamprey looked up as the bone spear suddenly landed not five feet from her, her eyes narrowing, as the half a car (now in even worse shape than it had been) went rushing past her at Abaddon.

Several gunshots rang out as Celia opened fire on the cape on the rooftop whole she casually walked back towards her partner.

"Celia, be a dear and deal with the pest, will you? I'm going to go teach our little friend a lesson in respect," Lamprey said as she turned towards Abaddon. She started walking forward before turning it into a run. Close the distance and let her power do the talking.

Celia nodded once in response before launching herself at the building Metanoia was on, climbing up the side of the building quickly. Indents were left behind where her fingers crossed the concrete, dust trickling down beneath her.

Torrent nodded along to Ash's quick recap of prior events. They really had diverged their paths after being split up. It was kinda interesting to see the differences, honestly.

As she inspected the bark, mildly pleased at the results, she glanced over at the requested dig. Simple enough.

Digging up what Oberon wanted was simple. But she didn't forget she was still in unfamiliar lands, and so she kept her guard up. Back in the city there were the occasional stray that was pretty mean, and rats were surprisingly common. Ignoring the gangs and it still wasn't a safe place, and she didn't believe for a moment that the woods were safe either. There was a reason they got dropped in that cave, she was sure of it. But she had no one to confirm anything.

"Why'd you make us so weak?" she muttered, thinking about the Demon King. She could've done so much more of she were more than a week old or something. She honestly didn't have any concept of time, but she knew it'd been at least a week.

Really though, he wanted them for something and he just.... Plopped them somewhere with nothing. Barely their own memories, even. Sure she grew quickly, but she's almost died. A lot, actually. She'd had to grow to become a killer just to survive and... Well, she kinda liked it. But that didn't excuse this Demon King in her mind.

She wanted answers. Not dumb riddles and memories she can't remember.

Mourningstar had accepted her offer to leave, and the Sprite joined them as well. A little three monster party would -

The lizard thing spoke. So it was the one from before, evolved like herself. She nodded, turning back around to face Ash. "Yeah. Before Rattle and those goblins crashed our little party. He's dead now, at least. Walk and talk?" Given Ash was agreeable, she continued on with the others, a bit back.

"I ended up with some others, struggled to survive, and here I am. Lesserwurm. Weird evolution things. Looks like you did to. New skills. Don't like straight fighting, don't like sitting around. Don't like the cave anymore, not going back. What happened to you?" She continued on, listening quietly.

They'd made it to the little area and Oberon talked about what he'd seen, Torrent glanced around. "I don't know what's food that isn't meat," she admitted to the others. "But I have skills for digging. I can dig anything up you want." But before that line could go any further Mourningstar mentioned her intention to evolve. Torrent whipped her tail back and forth momentarily before slapping it on the ground.


She moved away from the wisp, and the potential food, and looked at a tree. Almost lazily she blew a Poison Cloud at it. She was idly curious how wood would react. And a bit of practice wouldn't hurt anything.
I just want to say, thank you Lugs for giving me a chance to play Zer0. I'm having way too much fun with these posts, even if being mobile only makes it a little hard to get a decent length going.

Level 1 - (6/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Lower Canyon
Word Count: 415

Zer0 was in heaven. He was pretty sure, anyways. Where else would he get to beat all these challen-

Oh, yeah. Pandora. Oh well. This could be Pandora 2: Zer0 Strikes Back!

As he finished off the last of the visible enemies above, and the cowards of the enemy ran like pathetic LOOT Bots, he took a moment to enjoy the odd music that the Merc had been playing. In the middle of a spin, however, there was an audible clank nearby. He saw the weird ass bomb and promptly noped the fuck into a dive.

But unlike the Merc he didn't have the luxury of a big ass rock blocking the worst of it. The shockwave caught him, shoving him into a wall with a resounding SMACK as he stayed down until the explosion stopped. Slowly he stood up, retrieving his sniper from The ground at his feet, and he carefully assessed the situation. Assuming assessed meant activating his stealth and quickly moving to the flank of the enemy.

"How hilarious
You just set off my trap card
Your death approaches."

With the first utterance he began his attack, methodically attacking at the weak points. The first victim was in one moment preparing another spear when in the next moment there was suddenly a spray of blood and a sword sticking out of his neck. Zer0 was fast, agile, and had years of being aware of his surroundings. He was a skilled swordsman that few could hope to match.

And these mooks? They were no match for his blade. Just like butter for his toast.

Or maybe jam would be more appropriate, considering the color and goopy mess of flesh laying at his feet.

"Zer0, can you cover me while I look for that bomb-lobbin’ asshole?"


"Pilling corpses at
My feet, cover I can give
Forming from bloodshed."

From there Zer0 focused on the remaining distance fighters, killing them brutally and efficiently in an almost casual way.

How do you kill someone casually when you had no face?

Hell if he knew. Hell if he cared.

Slipping his sword into the heart of an enemy, Zer0 pondered briefly about the situation. There seemed to be a Badass approaching, if that bomb was anything close to an indicator.

Oooooh, maybe it would be an Ultimate Badass. Those were always at least mildly challenging, and they were all the more satisfying to remove.

Level 1 - (5/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Lower Canyon
Word Count: 308

Walking through the canyon reminded Zer0 of fighting through Hero's Pass. Big old rock wall filled with holes. The only difference, really, was that he wasn't having to fight through elite Hyperion soldiers and bots. And there was no Jack, no Warrior, waiting for him at the end.



Zer0 didn't flinch as the boulder fell behind them, blocking off the easy escape route.

As if he would run. Ha! And it looked like the merc agreed! Perfect. It would be just like old times.

It was then that a figure rushed past directly at the incoming horde. The one called Death. Zer0 was reminded briefly of Kreig, that Psycho. If Death was anything like his name implied, though, it would be helpful. While he and the merc engaged in close contact, however, Zer0 wouldn't just sit and wait.

Pulling out the Sniper he started moving, aiming, zeroing in. He moved erratically, fully aware that other long range fighters would be targeting him. Hyperion Hawks always had. But they were just a sample of himself, in the end, with their crappy ass cloaking tech that couldn't even hide their movements.


Just like all of these... What were they anyways?

Oh, right. They were dead.

With a mighty bang, click, bang, click Zero began firing, headshots and headshots being his target. All the time moving, his movements overly sure.

This was his element. Ambush? Please. You don't ambush Zer0, he ambushes you.

They did, however, get to attack back. They always did. A stray spear clipped his side, throwing off his aim for just a moment. That wouldn't do. Carefully planting a shot at the offender's head he continued his onslaught until there were no more enemies above.

And if anything was dumb enough to get closer... Well, there was a reason he was called the Assassin.
Wards: How Do You Like Your Coffee?


Lillian was mildly disgusted when Kendall promptly vomited into her drink, her concern quickly shifted with Evelyn's words. Yeah, she could imagine that the projection could solve the problem of capture. Somehow.

And Alessa had a much better idea than what she had, which was a huge relief. She could definitely get behind this, and it seemed much more likely to work. Wards overreaching? Completely believable! Hadn't they done just that when Collin had been 'incapacitated'?

Huh. Was that all part of the scheme? Had they walked into that situation to either be caught or to set Collin up to be the perfect mole? That was unsettling to think about, so she put it out of her mind. Which was a good thing, considering Elliot's choice of words at this moment. Her eyes fell to the table as her shoulders slumped. This wasn't important to him. Was anything here important? Were the Wards just something he had to deal with?

"Fine. You're the best actor out of all of us, but if you don't want to help then fine. Don't. Go home or go to school or go do whatever you do. I'm not going to force you to help. I know we don't talk much but I always thought we were all a team. I'd risk my life for all of you, but I guess it was pretty childish to assume anyone else would feel the same," she said quietly, continuing to look down. Meekly she gestured towards Alessa, passing over control of the situation with her next words. "Alessa's plan makes more sense. Unless there's objections we can figure out how exactly we're going to do that. If you want out of this, well, now's the time to walk away."

She'd just keep her mouth shut unless she had to contribute anymore. She wasn't a leader and never would be. There wasn't any point pretending she wasn't out of her depth here. No shame in admitting that, right?
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