Name: Dargo Slynn
Legion: XIth, Astral Wardens
Homeworld: Kracsis III (Civilized World)
Psyker Grade: Delta. Dargo's primary use of his psychic abilities is to amplify his already prodigious strength and stamina to devastating levels, and he shows little interest in training them for anything else. They are already perfect.
Skin Like Stone: All primarchs are strong, but Dargo would count himself as the most sturdy. Even when out of armor, his latent psychic powers prevent most mundane weaponry from even drawing blood. Of course, like any psychic power, can be worn down over time if he is forced to maintain it.
Nothing You Build Can Keep Me Out: Dargo takes the direct route towards his goals. Fortifications crumble under his feet, and walls burst apart when he steps through them like they don't exist. This is yet another manifestation of his psychic ability.
Crafty and Cunning: While Dargo himself rarely has to worry about complex battle plans, the men and women in his service are a different story, and their fragile mortality thanks them for his consideration. A consummate tavern brawler, Dargo delights in laying traps and executing feints, often presenting himself as a diversion on the field of battle while his soldiers execute far more clandestine plans behind enemy lines.
Concept: A lover of lost lore and seeker of ancient artifacts. Dargo was created to be a historian and warden both, gifted with curiosity enough to dig deep into humanity's past to enrich their future, and strong enough to cage whatever must remain hidden. He collects antiquities both grand and small, keeping the greatest of them for his own personal collection aboard his flagship.
Dargo also is also possessed of incredible wanderlust, never satisfied on one planet for terribly long. Even prior to his official recovery by the Emperor, there exist many stories across many planets of his sudden arrival and equally as abrupt departure.
Legion Name:XI: Astral Wardens
Associated Primach: Dargo Slynn
Concept: Masters of void warfare, the Astral Wardens saw little activity until after Terra was unified. Their doctrine most closely resembles the swashbuckling ideal of naval warfare. This includes such things as broadsides, naval ramming, and boarding actions being common. When they do deploy planetside, it is almost always to accomplish a strategic objective with shock tactics before returning to their vessel. They tend to grow rather irritable when forced into a prolonged engagement. A symptom of their primarch's wanderlust perhaps.
Associated Primach: Dargo Slynn
Concept: Masters of void warfare, the Astral Wardens saw little activity until after Terra was unified. Their doctrine most closely resembles the swashbuckling ideal of naval warfare. This includes such things as broadsides, naval ramming, and boarding actions being common. When they do deploy planetside, it is almost always to accomplish a strategic objective with shock tactics before returning to their vessel. They tend to grow rather irritable when forced into a prolonged engagement. A symptom of their primarch's wanderlust perhaps.