Character Name: Reva Skysplitter
Rank/Role: Hykanatoi Caste of the Legio Custodes, Blade Champion

In the darkling hours of the Age of Strife when warlords ruled, there were stories of the Mad King under the mountain. He held no court and accepted no treaty, his intentions deciphered only through the nuclear warheads dropped from the sky like artillery. But there was no method to the slaughter, and instead life itself seemed the tyrant's enemy, snuffed out time and time again. All attempts at deposing the warlord were met with ruin, with neither the brave or the cunning having managed to even step foot through the doors. Entire solar decades passed, an entire generation living and dying in a world where the dark of the night fought a losing war against the blaze of nuclear Armageddon.
But one day the great war machine stalled, and sudden silence overwhelmed the boiled and blasted lands the Mad King had claimed. Then, from deep within the mountain two figures emerged. A young boy carrying an emaciated girl in his arms, her body soaked in so much blood that it could not be hers alone. In one twisted, gnarled and feeble arm, the girl clutched an ancient sword slick with gore. With each step they took from the labyrinth, the boy shed his disguise, growing grander and grander until before all stood the Master of Mankind with the poor unfortunate soul tucked into one arm. His loyal soldiers, at that point still so few, moved in to sweep the charnel house and reclaim its archeotech for his grand design.
The girl soon found herself uplifted, dragged from under the mountain to stand as one of the Ten Thousand, a far cry from the candidates offered by Terran nobility. For centuries she has trained herself to the pinnacle of martial prowess and sharpened her mind to match. Her skills are vast, extending from painting and poetry to politicking and logistics. To be an envoy and companion to the Emperor is to be a key for many locks.
In these twilight days of Terra's unification, Reva has been tasked with hastening the inevitable, and dragging Terran holdouts to heel before all eyes turn to Luna.
Rank/Role: Hykanatoi Caste of the Legio Custodes, Blade Champion

In the darkling hours of the Age of Strife when warlords ruled, there were stories of the Mad King under the mountain. He held no court and accepted no treaty, his intentions deciphered only through the nuclear warheads dropped from the sky like artillery. But there was no method to the slaughter, and instead life itself seemed the tyrant's enemy, snuffed out time and time again. All attempts at deposing the warlord were met with ruin, with neither the brave or the cunning having managed to even step foot through the doors. Entire solar decades passed, an entire generation living and dying in a world where the dark of the night fought a losing war against the blaze of nuclear Armageddon.
But one day the great war machine stalled, and sudden silence overwhelmed the boiled and blasted lands the Mad King had claimed. Then, from deep within the mountain two figures emerged. A young boy carrying an emaciated girl in his arms, her body soaked in so much blood that it could not be hers alone. In one twisted, gnarled and feeble arm, the girl clutched an ancient sword slick with gore. With each step they took from the labyrinth, the boy shed his disguise, growing grander and grander until before all stood the Master of Mankind with the poor unfortunate soul tucked into one arm. His loyal soldiers, at that point still so few, moved in to sweep the charnel house and reclaim its archeotech for his grand design.
The girl soon found herself uplifted, dragged from under the mountain to stand as one of the Ten Thousand, a far cry from the candidates offered by Terran nobility. For centuries she has trained herself to the pinnacle of martial prowess and sharpened her mind to match. Her skills are vast, extending from painting and poetry to politicking and logistics. To be an envoy and companion to the Emperor is to be a key for many locks.
In these twilight days of Terra's unification, Reva has been tasked with hastening the inevitable, and dragging Terran holdouts to heel before all eyes turn to Luna.