Name: Eliza Bridde
Age: 23
Race: Angel (but more of a human with Bird wings)
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has semi-long hair(just a bit past her shoulders) that is light mouse brown that is usually kept up in one way or another. She has Hazel eyes, that you might be able to see if she ever took her goggles off (her goggles act like glasses for her since she has terrible eyesight and is afraid of having regular glasses fall off he face). She also has dark brown wings that have a few small scars on them, not really noticeable unless you get close. She usually wears overalls or some sort of semi fitting clothing for when she flies around. Stands at exactly 5 feet, 110 pounds.
Job: Courrier. She delivers messages and small packages around town, by either flying or by bike when she doesn't feel up to it with her wings (explained in the background).
Personality: Eliza is generally a laid back sort of person who likes to take things one day at a time. She can get a bit wild at times though, especially when it comes to flying. She really likes to be around people, whether it be her own kind or others. She likes to think of herself as someone that people like to go to and talk to. Tends to get nervous in tight areas with a bunch of people, especially those near her wings but its nothing she ends up freaking out about, but she does hate people touching her wings.
Background: Eliza originally had no plans on settling down anywhere. She wanted to roam the skies and be a free spirit. She never got the chance to though. The day before she was to go on her journey, she was knocked out of the air by another angel, who was racing and didn't see her in time to maneuver out of the way. The fall came nowhere close to killing her, but it did a number on her wings. It took nearly a year and a half to get them back to working condition and it took another half a year for her to work up the strength to fly fairly normally again and even now there are days when Eliza just simply doesn't feel up to flying (normally on rainy or about to rain days or just the day after flying more than usual). Eliza's dream of being able to travel around were over. But she decided not to let that get her down. If she couldn't travel around all the time, she was just going to move to someplace new and exciting. That's when she heard about Diehlstadt. Not exactly the most exotic place in the world, but a place that had tons of different species, including humans, co-existing was sure to have some excitement. Her life goal now is to live the new life that she has found herself in, to the fullest.
Roommates: (looking for roommates)