Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Diehlstadt has always claimed a close connection to other worlds. Haunted houses, gnarled woods, and deep ocean crevasses and grottoes. Strange tales of mysterious figures at night, unexplained sightings, and stories so old they aren't even written down. When the idea came up to make a town where humans and mythological beings would coexist for the first time ever, Diehlstadt was the clear candidate.

It wasn't long before they began to show up. First it was a trickle. Centaurs, red onis, dullahans. Then more and more showed up, eager to experience the new and unknown. Restless ghosts, harpies, mermaids, even fey. Then the more reclusive ones moved in. Vampires, eager to prove they weren't like the old stories. Demons, Angels, and more. All living in one town. Diehlstadt grew, becoming a tourist attraction for all races. There was tension, to be sure. Old stereotypes and misgivings had to be broken down. But soon, it almost became normal, all these creatures from other worlds in one place.

In this small mythical town of ours.

Within this world, you will be playing as an inhabitant of the modern town of Diehlstadt, where humans and mythical beings have begun to live together for the first time. This RP focuses on character relationships and dynamics *I always encourage romances!* instead of combat or the sort. This means a few things to keep in mind!

Since the focus would be on character relationships, you are expected to set goals for your character, be it find true love, overcome their past, become the best *insert job here* or whatever. Obviously, whenever you choose to remove an over arcing plot for such a free roam idea, the pace will be set by the players. So this will be a more laid back, slower paced RP that focuses on character interaction. That means:

- No heavy combat *I won't say no fighting, because who knows, some of us may get into brawls from heated arguments or rivalries, but the focus of the RP would not be combat based* However, I encourage conflict, and will probably throw conflict at you in the form of Minor Characters and the like. That said, don't bother emphasizing regeneration, immunity to wounds, etc etc. This isn't that kind of RP.
- No evil, insane, or sadistic characters. You can be dark, gruff, maybe even mean spirited, but you aren't a villain.
- The players will be setting their own goals. Meaning your character should have a drive, passion, or reason for being there. Not having a focus or direction generally means your character will be exceedingly hard to write for or that you'll have no reason to get involved.

There will be town events, things that occur from time to time that your characters may wish to participate in *or potentially be forced to participate in, depending on the event* to help give impetus.

I would like a somewhat larger group, mostly because I know a lot of people tend to drop out due to life and responsibility, but also because this particular type of RP works well with more people, mostly due to giving you so many different wonderful personalities to interact with. And to help with your own story, you are free to make any minor characters you deem is necessary for your story, provided they don't break any of the above rules as well!

Try to avoid thinking of this as High Fantasy, and more Slice of Mythological Life. Again, this is a lighthearted, laid back RP. The goal is to have fun, and get some fun interactions going.

I'm gonna try leaving the sign ups open through out the RP, as this particular scenario works well with large groups of people. Your character will be considered a new tenant who is moving into the town at the time your sheet is accepted, don't post till I accept your character though.

If things get too chaotic, I'll close sign ups then, but for now, let's see what happens.

Here's the character sheet (please don't put your characters in the character tab until I accept them)

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Ian Carver
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: A Minor Demon of Mischief and Chaos, also part Incubus due to his mother being a succubus. As a chaos demon, Ian can basically cause little accidents to happen, anything from wardrobe malfunctions, to tripping when there's nothing to trip on, even making people spill an embarrassing secret or two, though that takes a lot more focus and energy than it's worth. His Incubus blood, however, gives him a sort of natural attraction to people, regardless of gender or sexuality, and to those who actually could be sexually attracted to him, it'll make them a little hot under the collar. Other than that, he has a strong prehensile tail with the typical arrowhead-tip(which also happens to be a weak spot of his and he usually keeps it hidden), and his eyes tend to glow red when ever he gets excited. Ian wishes that he could develop the power to shapeshift, cause then he'd use that power to turn into a woman. Why you ask, I'll answer with one word, and one word only: Lesbians


Job: He works part time at the "Birdie Deliveries", his nimbleness working well with delivering packages.

Personality: He loves two things in this world, Women and Adrenaline. Basically he will hit on anything as long as it's female and an adult, as well as do anything and everything that he finds interesting or exciting. Violence isn't his main perogative, and he usually runs away from them if his pranks get to out of hand(or an angry boyfriend comes a calling) but if he's ever backed into a corner, he more than ready to break a few bones. That beimg said, he abhors killing, as well as anyone who has killed before, which gives him a bias against beings like vampires or werewolves, who are beings that he believe kill in order to survive.

He also a tinsy-bit of a kleptomaniac, often taking small bits and bobbles without even realizing it. Basically, if he hugs you, it'd be best to check your pockets, cause he's also a insanely good pickpocket, able to jack stuff with out even trying . . . literally. He'll usually return what he steals if it's important like a wallet or money, since it's a habit he's trying to get rid of.

Background: Ian came to Dielsthadt because A) sounded like an interesting place, B)Sounded like the perfect place to meet some human chicks, and finally, C) it was the perfect place to meet women from a host of different races. Basically, he's here to meet girls, have fun, and who knows what else. He's a very 'go-with-the-flow, live life day by day' kind of guy and never really thinks too far ahead about anything. He's currently living with his boss, Eliza, as he had no other place to live. Eliza, being the kind soul she is, took him under her wing and is able to put up with him, within reason of course. There are rules, and he knows that if he breaks them, he'll be out of a home and a job.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Masilatabhrata (Masilalt is a common nickname)
Age: 1027
Gender: Male
Race: An Alp, also called Maras or Mares, sometimes considered imps rather than true demons. They cause and feed off of nightmares, and have vampiric tendencies.

Stands near 7 feet tall.

Job: Masilalt is a witch doctor. He tends to use West African voodoo methods, and makes most of his money off of herbal remedies. While he can't exactly cure cancer, he has remedies for many more illnesses than people expect.

Personality: Masilalt projects a very bold personality. First impressions of him tend to be that he's arrogant, and generally something that one would expect from a relatively young minor demon. While he is very confident in himself and his abilities, he's actually much calmer once he comes to know someone, especially without outside stimulus. He's excitable, and its easy for other demons to get him riled up. He doesn't back down from challenges, and because of this he gets into a lot of fights. Since coming to Diehlstadt, he's tried to curb this, with some success. He loves easy and hates easy, and is passionate on many subjects. While he speaks a few languages, he isn't too booksmart on subjects other than history, but it's balanced with his knowledge on esoteric subjects. He understands that patience is a virtue, but he likes to see immediate results and can quickly become impatient. He becomes protective of those important to him, and would kill to protect the souls bound to his name.

Background: Upon hearing about a town with a growing population of other species, Masilalt was eager to move in early before too many other demons got word, so he could come in without too much trouble. He also resents the stigma around satanists and demons, and is looking to prove that not all demons are inherently evil. After all, hell plays an important role in the celestial order, why would they all be so awful? A smaller reason is that he figured moving to a nice town would distract him from the death of a human boyfriend a few months back, though he rarely admits to it. Most importantly, to him the town seemed like a good business prospect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I can add more, if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TearfulResonant
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This looks like a thing that could potentially be interesting to me.

Out of curiosity, are we allowed to sign up as humans, or will all the humans in the setting be NPCs or something along those lines?

I have a few character ideas either way, but I thought I should ask about this first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Eliza Bridde
Age: 23
Race: Angel (but more of a human with Bird wings)
Gender: Female

Appearance: She has semi-long hair(just a bit past her shoulders) that is light mouse brown that is usually kept up in one way or another. She has Hazel eyes, that you might be able to see if she ever took her goggles off (her goggles act like glasses for her since she has terrible eyesight and is afraid of having regular glasses fall off he face). She also has dark brown wings that have a few small scars on them, not really noticeable unless you get close. She usually wears overalls or some sort of semi fitting clothing for when she flies around. Stands at exactly 5 feet, 110 pounds.

Job: Courrier. She delivers messages and small packages around town, by either flying or by bike when she doesn't feel up to it with her wings (explained in the background).

Personality: Eliza is generally a laid back sort of person who likes to take things one day at a time. She can get a bit wild at times though, especially when it comes to flying. She really likes to be around people, whether it be her own kind or others. She likes to think of herself as someone that people like to go to and talk to. Tends to get nervous in tight areas with a bunch of people, especially those near her wings but its nothing she ends up freaking out about, but she does hate people touching her wings.

Background: Eliza originally had no plans on settling down anywhere. She wanted to roam the skies and be a free spirit. She never got the chance to though. The day before she was to go on her journey, she was knocked out of the air by another angel, who was racing and didn't see her in time to maneuver out of the way. The fall came nowhere close to killing her, but it did a number on her wings. It took nearly a year and a half to get them back to working condition and it took another half a year for her to work up the strength to fly fairly normally again and even now there are days when Eliza just simply doesn't feel up to flying (normally on rainy or about to rain days or just the day after flying more than usual). Eliza's dream of being able to travel around were over. But she decided not to let that get her down. If she couldn't travel around all the time, she was just going to move to someplace new and exciting. That's when she heard about Diehlstadt. Not exactly the most exotic place in the world, but a place that had tons of different species, including humans, co-existing was sure to have some excitement. Her life goal now is to live the new life that she has found herself in, to the fullest.

Roommates: (looking for roommates)

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@onenote Could Ian be Eliza's roommate, cause I was originally going to have him be living on the street. I promise he'll do his best to behave himself . . .somewhat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This smells of Tom Foolery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@onenote Could Ian be Eliza's roommate, cause I was originally going to have him be living on the street. I promise he'll do his best to behave himself . . .somewhat.

part of me says no, the more chaotic "What could go wrong?" side of me says yes XD hmmm...Let's discuss this further. I'll send you a pm so we don't clog up the ooc with this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 24 days ago

Name: Mitchell "Mitch" Garmen

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Snake-variety Encantado (cobra)
Mitch is a humanoid shape shifting creature called an Encantado. Now, these are not regular shape shifters; technically, he's a snake with the ability to run humanoid, so he does take on snake-like characteristics. He becomes lethargic in the cold, has a mainly carnivorous appetite, among various physical oddities. As a species, Encatadae are known to be lustful, party-loving and very gifted in the fields of music and art.

Appearance: Mitch stands at a towering 6'6", has a smoothly muscular build (more toned than chiseled or pronounced). His skin is dark brown mixed with dark and light grey in places. Namely, his belly and lower chest are light grey-brown, with riblike bands of dark grey extending from his back to his sides. Similar markings extend down his legs. These are similar to the markings on a cobra.
His eyes are dull grey and slitted, his canine teeth elongated and sharp. His hair is a mop of jet-black with a few yellow streaks, faded to greyish straw. He normally wears plain t-shirts and sweatshirts with weather-appropriate pants. He has a scar on his left eyebrow, slanting down and outward through it in a well-healed slash. There's also a similar, longer scar on his shoulder, likely a continuation of the first. He's got a large watercolour tattoo of a green and yellow cobra coiling up his left arm and wrapping across the back of his shoulders and showing its face on the right side of his neck. It's fans are out, but it isn't hissing, just looking wisely with bright blue eyes.

Snake form

Job: Currently unemployed, looking for work.
Personality: Mitch is truly a gentle soul, treating everyone initially with respect and courtesy, and continuing to do so unless given a reason to dislike someone. He has become more responsible in recent years, and gained a deep appreciation for his freedom and for everything else he has.
However, he is victim to the traits of his race. Though it's been somewhat quelled in recent years, Mitch is still an Encantado. He loves a good party, good music, and attractive people. However, he's found himself much more mature as of late. While there was definitely a time when he'd (more often than he'd care to admit) find himself hungover in someone else's bed with little recollection as to how he got there, now that side of him is rather rare. Right now, all he wants is a new beginning.

Background: Mitch was recently released from a 4-year prison sentence. The charges will be revealed IC, but bear in mind that he did not commit any heinous crimes. He comes from a very large city in the same general region as Diehlstadt, but had to find a new home after being released, having not even nearly enough money to rebuild his old life, and little desire to return to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hm, this could be interesting. Though I'm not sure if what I have in mind will fly. Though I suppose there is no other way to know without trying. I'll work on the CS and shoot it through a PM.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*cracks knuckles*

Unemployed, I don't think town prankster could actually be considered a job. Definitely a reputation though. Accepted.

"As a demon, he offers protection to people who give him offerings and gets a new soul every once and awhile, but he's not too involved in the soul trade anymore."

That part is the only thing that makes me hestitate, as it's a bit vague and the whole "taking of the souls" fits kinda heavily into villainy *what with sending a soul to Hell* I get where you're going with it, but it's still leaning too heavily on that end of the spectrum. I like the Imp part of him causing and eating nightmares, because he could easily argue that it's not actually hurting anyone, and thus isn't evil *just gray enough to cause problems* but the whole taking of the soul I'm gonna have to say no to.
Other than that, I love it.

The one change we discussed, otherwise accepted.

Out of curiosity, are we allowed to sign up as humans, or will all the humans in the setting be NPCs or something along those lines?

I was pondering this myself for awhile, and I have decided that you can absolutely be a human if you'd like.

This is absolutely adorable and accepted.

@Obscene Symphony
Totally accepted and I'm very VERY curious why he was in jail now.

I eagerly await your idea.

You guys did wonderfully, and the changes I've requested have all been minor, I love it. If you guys have questions or thoughts, ask away, I try to answer things as quickly and clearly as possible. Oh, those of you who have been accepted go ahead and post in the Character Tab
1x Like Like 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I can see what you mean. I cut that part out, thanks man :v
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I'm working on my character, just very slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I can see what you mean. I cut that part out, thanks man :v


Take your time, can't wait to see it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Queen Cobra
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Queen Cobra Empress of Snakes

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Is this still open
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Queen Cobra

Very much so
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I guess I did mention interest ... I'll have to go look back at your mention at some japanese cat creature thingy to see what's up. ^.^ And I know her job easy, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Queen Cobra
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Queen Cobra Empress of Snakes

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Oerba [Pronounciation: Oh-Air-Bah]

Age: 3000

Gender: F

Race: Naga/Lamia

Appearance: Oerba

Occupation: High ranking police officer

Personality: Oerba is a woman who keeps a calm and calculating demeanor and almost always has an ulterior motive to any action she does. She takes what she wants from life and may not use the most honorable methods to do so. Being as stealthy as a snake, Oerba can lie through her teeth to get herself out of a tough situation or talk circles around people to confuse and disorient them. On the inside, she holds loyalty to those she deems worthy of her time and effort. These people should not reject her offer of friendship lightly.

Oerba does not believe in any authority but her own and will not take orders very easily. She is a realistic person who has a firm understanding of how the world works and doesn't let things like tradition or religion control her life. The Naga follows her own path and does not let things like doctrines lead her like a marionette.

Oerba chooses to live in Diehlstadt so she can protect monsters and humans alike from death and exploitation. She came from a large Naga clan based in the desert. She was hand picked by her father to be the next clan mother when he and Oerba's mother passed away. When she was young was excited at the idea of taking her place as leader until her elders taught her the duties of a clan mother. All of the laws and regulations of their clan would oppress Oerba's personality and force her into a lifetime of giving birth to children rather than exploring the world and living her life. This pushed Oerba to pack up her life and lead it elsewhere without the pressure of her clan's traditions looming over her.

The Naga moved into Diehlstadt when she found that it was a free city where humans and monsters alike could live in peace with each other. This drove her to become a figure who could protect the rights of these people and give them the opportunity to choose their own destinies and live their own lives without tradition binding them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Anna White

Age: 29 (Looks 20)
Gender: Female
Race: Bakeneko - Spirit based being that takes on the characteristics of cats (subspecies of Yōkai). Either born from reincarnated souls or gathering of multiple souls into one being and has the ability to physically manifest. Due to being spirit based, they don't need to eat, sleep, or drink, though they can choose to if they wish.

Job: Owns a small computer store that serves as store front and her upstairs apartment.

Personality: Anna is a tad more playful than others, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she is willing to let anyone try. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her.

Background: Anna grew up technically as an orphan, but that is normal among spiritual based beings like herself. Though not many exist in the world as a whole, she finds comfort in her appearance and her existence. She has since come to the conclusion that it frees her from the burden of having a forced family and instead being able to choose who she calls her family. She sometimes wonders if she was a soul of a human who had wanted to be a cat, since she mostly looks human.

She never really felt like she belonged anywhere in particular, especially more as a spirit, and found that she was cruelly and shamelessly ignored most of the time. So when Diehlstadt was built and created, she felt like it would be the perfect opportunity to start over again. Thankfully she has felt more at ease among the others, but still finds her more introverted nature harder to approach and her general mistrust of anyone actually giving a damn deep down, but she has admitted to herself by this point ... her long term goal is most likely more than anything else, to find true love. She supposes finding men unattractive will put a damper on this though.
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