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I have an idea for a character with reverse telepathy. Problem: in my head she's between 20 and 25 (22 to be precise, but I can be a little flexible. I can't seem to picture her as 17 though). I could see her working for the organization, maybe as a teacher or something, except to do that I'd need to know a lot more about it. I could also envision her as a villain, but I don't know what she'd do. Any ideas/suggestions?

What's reverse telpathy?
Whistling was the first thing that Lyra heard that morning, but not because there was someone in her room, but because that was her ringtone that was going off, which confused her for a moment as her alarm clock was the first thing that usually woke her up. Worried that she had overslept and they were calling to tell her that (though it would have been weird for them to do so to be honest) she quickly picked it up. "Hello?" She said, trying to not sound as groggy as she felt. The person on the other end, who introduced themselves just as a member of the staff, just told her she was going on a mission with two others, a recruiting mission. After saying she understood and thanking the person for calling her, Lyra hung up. So she was finally going on a mission. She was wondering when she was going to get to (and how she was going to get that information since it was too dark for her to see in the hallway with the lights on when they had the info up and computer and texts would have been just as unreadable to her). She had already spent a few months in this place. Well, she was still getting used to her powers, she had had trouble just functioning as a normal human being for the first month that she had them, not to say she didn't love her powers they just took a lot of getting used to.

"Ugh, that's enough reminiscing!" Lyra said to herself as she got, shivering a bit as her feet touched the cool floor, and slowly made her way to the light switch, flipping the lights off and engulfing her room in darkness, but to her the room lit up instantly. "There we go! Now let's see...What does one bring on a recruiting mission...I think it's supposed to be rainy in Seattle? Better bring my umbrella and this and..." Lyra muttered to herself as she started to pack, finally putting on her civilian clothes. She wasn't quite sure she matched, coloring matching was still something new and foreign to her since she had been wearing a uniform since she got here, but she thought she look pretty good. "Alright! Let's go meet my partners!" Lyra grabbed her cane and headed out. She could have just put on her sunglasses, but unless it was already somewhat dim, they didn't help much. Besides, her other senses were enough to help her along and she already had a feel for the facility. She made her way over to the kitchen first, just long enough to get some quick food before quickly heading over to where she was supposed to be. She was almost there when she heard a guy's voice call out, calling out for Del. Was that Aquarius? She wasn't too sure on the person's gender, age power...she still didn't know too many of the people here. 'Have to work on that when I get back...' Lyra thought to herself as she made her way closer to where she heard the voice. "Um excuse me. Aquarius? I'm Lyra, I'm also on this mission as well. Nice to meet you." As Lyra got closer, she noticed that she could hear two people breathing, one sounded like an adult, the other a child. Wait...so was Aquarius a child then? Well, that was hardly surprising considering the organization. Was the adult a handler then? Was Aquarius...corrupted?

Lyra took a deep breath, she didn't like the corrupted...no. That wasn't the right way to phrase it. She didn't like the idea that they had been corrupted. She had heard rumors about how they came to be corruputed, horrible horrible rumors, and...she didn't like the sound of them. But she could at least treat the corrupted like people. So she knelt down some to where she thought the Aquarius' head was (it was hard for her to gage height without her sight) and smiled at him/her. "Hi! Let's be friends!"
Name:Lyra Illy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Nationality: American
Current location in the world: Headquarters is in New York City. (Or anywhere you want me to be? I have no preference where I start her)
Appearance: Lyra has short black hair that is only just long enough so that she can put it back into a ponytail which is how it's usually is. She has olive skin and brown eyes. She likes to dress colorfully though she has some trouble matching things sometimes.
Location and notes on star mark: She has three. The first is between her eyes, on the dip of her nose. It's about the size of a quarter and the left and right points stretch out to the innermost corners of her eyes. The other two are located on both of her earlobes and are dime sized with five points.
Star power: Her first power is heightened senses (with the exception of sight in this case) she can hear a whispered conversation from several feet away, feel a person's heartbeat just by touching them and so on.
Her second power is nightvision of sorts. She's as blind as ever in the light but in the darkness she can see just as well as anyone else can in the light (meaning she can see detail and colors). The downside is that what's light to other people becomes her shadows. Flashlights produce beams of darkness and the moon and the stars are dark voids in the night sky.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted
Personality: (might add later)
Biography: (might add later)
Trivia: She has some trouble reading since she's not used to reading anything but braille. She's sensitive to to hot to cold and to loud things. Even though she sees light as darkness, staring directly into a bright light can still hurt her eyes (so no staring at the sun for her). She has trouble seeing tv and computer screens since they emit light. And sunglasses can help her see better. Her worst fear is losing her powers and reverting back to the way she was.
Other: Per Aspera Ad Astra

(I had to do this on my phone so if there are any mistakes or anything that needs to be changed let me know and I'll fix them when I can.
Is this still open, because I was thinking of joining. If so, I was also thinking of having my character be blind with her powers either being her other senses heightened, or having it to where she could see perfectly normally in darkness (so in light she can't see but she can see just as well in darkness as a normal person can in the light.) maybe both, but that would probably be pushing it. Anyways, I'll start on the cs tomorrow.
Sorry about my disappearance I've been away at a technology camp thing. I thought I would have more time to post. I'll try to get a post up tonight.
Sorry been busy at that camp
"Soreth you should be helping me beat her, not stoping us!" Lorne told him as he get off the floor, trying to listen to where the woman, Wrenna apparently, could be. He thought he had located her....but it was Soreth, or at least he was in the way of where Lorne thought she was. He couldn't get around Soreth in his state, so with a sigh he sat down.

Satisfied with the punch she had given the demon that had attacked her, Wrenna sat down. It was better to try and let Soreth work out the situation first before trying to flee. Or at least let him figure out how to get this blind spell off of her. "It's not another painting of me is it?" Wrenna asked when Soreth mentioned a new painting.

"You've painted her!?" Lorne exclaimed at that question. "Soreth, she is a human, and in case you haven't noticed recently, your life is in more danger then it usually is!"
Lorne was to busy trying to take the human down to hear Soreth's pleas to stop. He may not have been able to stop Soreth from sticking potentially posionious substances into mouth but he was taking care of any would-be assassins. For an assassin though, Lorne had to admit she was well trained, but she only had a chair and he had a sword and suddenly it went dark.

Wrenna knew she had to do something, the chair wouldn't last much longer and she couldn't expect Soreth to help her. But then he did...kind of. He blinded both of them. "Soreth!" She and the other demon exclaimed and she took this opportunity to punch the other demon, managing to hit him square in the chin. "That's for trying to use my sword against me!" She yelled at him as she scrambled for the sword.

"Damnit Soreth! Take care of her before she can do anything!" Lorne exclaimed as he also looked for the sword, forgetting for a moment he had his own. "What else would there to be explained?!"
Lorne wasn't buying Soreth's excuse for having the Soreth. This wouldn't be something used often in battle, because the only ones that could afford to have it made rarely went out into battle...But "the taste" in Soreth's mouth took Lorne's attention, he was still worried that Soreth had put poison into his mouth after all! But then...something else caught his eye...the door to Soreth's studio opening to reveal a human standing there...He was shocked for a moment, but quickly jumped to action. A human was hiding in Soreth's private room, he had to take care of her before she could do anything to the prince.

You had no idea why the door opened all of a sudden other then the doors were tired of putting up with you but now you had to do something as you were getting attacked by another Demon with your very own sword! You grab a chair and use it to block your sword from slicing you in half.
'Oh thank the gods he's back...' Wrenna thought to herself with a soft sigh as she saw the door to the room open. Though she did wince a bit when the servant dropped her sword. It wasn't like the thing was fragile, but it had been carefully and especially made for her, so she felt a little bad if it wasn't taken care of. But that didn't matter now. Soreth would hopefully tell the girl to leave and then Wrenna could come out...and that's when another demon walked in...

"Soreth, I insist that you-"Lorne started to say when he noticed that there was a servant in the room. "Excuse me for intruding your majesty." He was swift to say. He was close to Soreth but he didn't like to rub it in by using his first name in front of just anybody. "But I just came to say-" once again, something caught Lorne's eye enough to distract him. This time a sword. That itself wouldn't be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that this wasn't a demon forged sword. It was a human one. Lorne quickly walked over and scooped it up, pulling it all the way out of it's sheath and examining it. It wasn't a cheaply made sword. It was something that only nobility would really have, or someone of equal importance. Nothing that the demon's would have lying about in their weapons stash for studying and instructing. Lorne quickly looked up at Soreth. "where did you get this?" He asked him in a serious tone.
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