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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Free of the attending the investigation for the moment, Soreth wasted little time in returning to his room. Granted, his movements were noticeably slower than they had been in getting there, but there wasn't as much need to rush at the moment in any case. At the moment, he mostly just wished that he could get that awful taste out of his mouth, and...

Before he knew it, he had almost made it back to the welcome peace of his room. Or relative peace, anyway, since he was sure that Wrenna would probably want to hear about what had caused his sudden exit. He couldn't really blame her, though, since he was sure that he would probably do the same thing if he was confined to the same room for an indefinite amount of time. Really puts the idea of imprisonment into a different perspective...Except this is more of protective custody, isn't it?

As he pondered the semantics behind it all, he made his way down the hall to the door of his room and stopped, looking around to ensure that the halls were empty before he entered. He was somewhat relieved to find that Wrenna hadn't burst into the hall again like before, at least. He was sure that he should trust her more, but he couldn't help being worried with all that could go wrong weighing on his mind.

Dropping the blanket, the servant stepped forward to pick up the sword from the ground. As expected, it was a bit heavy, but not quite too much to lift. "If it's in here, then it probably belongs to the king, doesn't it? Did he forget to put it away?" She supposed that it was possible for him to be in too much of a hurry to remember such a thing, or perhaps it was a brief moment of not particularly caring. Her brother had left his own weapons on his bed at home once in a while when he was still in training, and she remembered how their mother would always get mad at him for it. To think that maybe the king himself does the same...I just hope he doesn't forget to move them before he goes to bed like my brother did a those times.

She frowned a bit as she thought about her sibling, wondering where he was and how he was doing. He could be out doing some sort of job, or even just doing daily training...she really had no idea. It irritated her.
Drawing the sword only partway from the sheath, Amaryllis took the opportunity to examine it, almost tempted to try swinging it around a few times. She could have learned how to use a sword. She had tried to a couple of times in the past, even, but she just hadn't felt like she was progressing at all. Now she didn't really have the option any more. But if she had, she wondered, would she have been able to go with that irresponsible sibling of hers? Even now the thought crossed her mind.

"...Now that I think of it, does the king even use swords...?"

The question had hit her out of the blue, but she suddenly couldn't recall seeing or hearing of King Dizoralth having weilded a sword for any purpose besides maybe a ceremonial one. Even so, this one was of a particularly strange design. It wasn't like any that she had ever seen before. Where had this odd piece of equipment come from?

After several minutes of reminiscing and looking over the sword, all thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of someone opening the door to the bedroom. Dropping the blade she turned quickly to see the door starting to move aside. Ah! I didn't finish with the sheets! What do I say?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Oh thank the gods he's back...' Wrenna thought to herself with a soft sigh as she saw the door to the room open. Though she did wince a bit when the servant dropped her sword. It wasn't like the thing was fragile, but it had been carefully and especially made for her, so she felt a little bad if it wasn't taken care of. But that didn't matter now. Soreth would hopefully tell the girl to leave and then Wrenna could come out...and that's when another demon walked in...

"Soreth, I insist that you-"Lorne started to say when he noticed that there was a servant in the room. "Excuse me for intruding your majesty." He was swift to say. He was close to Soreth but he didn't like to rub it in by using his first name in front of just anybody. "But I just came to say-" once again, something caught Lorne's eye enough to distract him. This time a sword. That itself wouldn't be unusual if it wasn't for the fact that this wasn't a demon forged sword. It was a human one. Lorne quickly walked over and scooped it up, pulling it all the way out of it's sheath and examining it. It wasn't a cheaply made sword. It was something that only nobility would really have, or someone of equal importance. Nothing that the demon's would have lying about in their weapons stash for studying and instructing. Lorne quickly looked up at Soreth. "where did you get this?" He asked him in a serious tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Soreth looked back at the sound of Lorne's voice, surprised that he hadn't noticed him approaching sooner. His turned his gaze back inside the room as the other demon seemed to pause suddenly, however, and he was even more surprised to see one of the servants standing there.

Amaryllis was completely stunned for a moment. I'm not done. I just needed a little more time. I shouldn't have gotten distracted. Just...say something. Stuttering, she attempted to come up with something to tell them rather than just standing there awkwardly. "Um, b-begging your pardon, Your Majesty, Sir..." At the last second, she remembered to curtsy. "B-but the sheets, I-I'm not done with them j-just yet..." Her excuse was quickly cut off when the demon behind him swiftly entered the room, and she stepped out of the way as quickly as she could when he went for the sword.

Soreth had frozen when Lorne had picked up the sword, wracking his brain for an answer. "Ah...it's...nothing important, really. Just a piece or research material I had sent for. Finally arrived a couple days ago, so now I can continue my studies." He attempted a lighthearted chuckle, but turned it into a cough when it came out a little more nervous than he had intended. That taste in his mouth seemed to have gotten worse somehow. "I could have sworn that I had left it on the desk, though. Could you put it back for me? I really ought to get some water..."

As he attempted to make his way toward the kitchen door, he heard another slightly startling sound; this time, the sound of a door creaking open. Face turning an unnatural pale even for him, he turned to face the direction it had come from and just about passed out when he saw that it was the studio door opening. Wasn't that closed before? Oh no...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lorne wasn't buying Soreth's excuse for having the Soreth. This wouldn't be something used often in battle, because the only ones that could afford to have it made rarely went out into battle...But "the taste" in Soreth's mouth took Lorne's attention, he was still worried that Soreth had put poison into his mouth after all! But then...something else caught his eye...the door to Soreth's studio opening to reveal a human standing there...He was shocked for a moment, but quickly jumped to action. A human was hiding in Soreth's private room, he had to take care of her before she could do anything to the prince.

You had no idea why the door opened all of a sudden other then the doors were tired of putting up with you but now you had to do something as you were getting attacked by another Demon with your very own sword! You grab a chair and use it to block your sword from slicing you in half.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaryllis turned to face the door as it creaked open, noticing that it was the same one she had been worrying over before. As it revealed the interior space, however, her eyes widened and she saw that perhaps she had reason to be suspicious after all.

What was a human doing there? How had they even gotten there?

Oh no, they've been here the whole time I was changing the sheets! What if they had gotten through the door sooner?

Before she could question it any further, though, the commander had already leaped into the other room to handle the situation. The thought that she should also be doing something crossed her mind at one point, but she found herself a little too stunned to do much more than keep far to the side and watch in a shocked silence.

"Ah....I can explai-- Lorne, no!"

Soreth was quick to dive after the other demon as he moved quickly to attack the revealed hero. It hadn't even been a full twenty-four hours and he already had blown his secret! With his companion so swift to...do his job, he supposed...it was pretty clear that things would be much messier in a moment if he didn't do something.

"Lorne! Wait a minute, there's no danger! Ah..." Despite his immediate worries regarding the situation, even he knew better then to get too close to Lorne while he was in action with a dangerous weapon. Without much time to come up with anything better, though, he searched his memory for a spell and pulled out the first one to come to him. "Um...Scuro!" Flinging one hand toward the two, he cast what he could vaguely remember at the moment was probably a blinding spell in their general direction. He wasn't sure if it would be enough, but perhaps he could avoid any unecessary deaths for the time being.

"Lorne, stop for a minute, everything's under control! Put down the sword and let me explain!"
Never mind that he wasn't sure how to start explaining, but he had to at least get him not to slice up his guest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lorne was to busy trying to take the human down to hear Soreth's pleas to stop. He may not have been able to stop Soreth from sticking potentially posionious substances into mouth but he was taking care of any would-be assassins. For an assassin though, Lorne had to admit she was well trained, but she only had a chair and he had a sword and suddenly it went dark.

Wrenna knew she had to do something, the chair wouldn't last much longer and she couldn't expect Soreth to help her. But then he did...kind of. He blinded both of them. "Soreth!" She and the other demon exclaimed and she took this opportunity to punch the other demon, managing to hit him square in the chin. "That's for trying to use my sword against me!" She yelled at him as she scrambled for the sword.

"Damnit Soreth! Take care of her before she can do anything!" Lorne exclaimed as he also looked for the sword, forgetting for a moment he had his own. "What else would there to be explained?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"No, Wrenna! That's not helpful!" Soreth scrambled to get between the two before he decided that it was probably better to just move the sword out of the way. Lifting it up, he glanced around the room for a place to put it before he noticed the servant from before carefully peeking around the doorway to the art room. "Ah! Hold this for a minute. Thank you!" Tossing it in her general direction, he watched a bit warily as she let out a gasp and scrambled to catch it.

Amaryllis had just managed to build up the nerve to make a move, though she hadn't dared to go past the doorway in case the scuffle escalated. Within a few slightly confusing moments, though, it seemed that the king had gotten and between them and-- Aw, heck!

She barely had enough time to react when the sword was tossed in her direction, a rushed spell of her own bursting from her lips to slow the descent slightly so she had a chance to grasp it without injuring herself. It was just a charm she had learned to stop fragile objects from breaking in case of an accident while cleaning, but it seemed to work well enough on the sword to a somewhat lesser extent. It gave her the half-second she needed to locate the hilt so she could move to grab it before it hit the wall next to her, anyway, so she was thankful for that.

Glad to see that she had caught the weapon safely, Soreth let out a relieved breath of his own and gave her an apologetic smile before turning back to the other two and attempting to steer them away from each other. "Okay, I have everything handled, so sit down for a minute and stop moving, both of you! You sit there, and you sit there. Now, Lorne..." He hesitated slightly and took a deep breath before continuing. "...this is Wrenna. Wrenna, this is Lorne. He's a very capable commander-in-training and a good friend of mine. She's currently stuck here and not a threat. You can exchange proper greetings once I remember how to remove that spell. It's been a while since I last used it."

"In the meantime, please stop messing up the room. I just got maybe half of this mess organized and I'm almost done with the latest painting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by onenote

onenote A wild Neno appeared!

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Soreth you should be helping me beat her, not stoping us!" Lorne told him as he get off the floor, trying to listen to where the woman, Wrenna apparently, could be. He thought he had located her....but it was Soreth, or at least he was in the way of where Lorne thought she was. He couldn't get around Soreth in his state, so with a sigh he sat down.

Satisfied with the punch she had given the demon that had attacked her, Wrenna sat down. It was better to try and let Soreth work out the situation first before trying to flee. Or at least let him figure out how to get this blind spell off of her. "It's not another painting of me is it?" Wrenna asked when Soreth mentioned a new painting.

"You've painted her!?" Lorne exclaimed at that question. "Soreth, she is a human, and in case you haven't noticed recently, your life is in more danger then it usually is!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
Avatar of YamiCuoreLaroux

YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I-I never said that!" Soreth's voice somehow managed to achieve an oddly high pitch when Wrenna mentioned his other paintings. He had never known his face to reach such a high temperature in such a short time, either. It astonished him that it didn't crack like a glass cup, unlike how his voice felt like it was about to.

"A-anyway, that's not the point!" He continued, though if one listened, they could probably hear something like a chest closing and a tarp being thrown over something else at the same time. "My point is that you two can't fight here. And my life's not in...that much...more danger than it usually is. No king ever gets it easy; it comes with the territory, but you know I can handle it!" After moving a few more things around, he returned to the pair and stood between them in case they tried to start up again. "So, Wrenna is currently...um...staying here due to an important issue that requires that she lives for the time being. She already understands the position she's in and I already understand the position that this puts me in, which brings us to you. Do you understand?"

Sighing, he looked around again before looking back to the servant still standing a bit confusedly in the doorway. "I apologize for this, but could you bring me the grey book with the trim on my desk? I really forgot how to undo this."
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