The upbeat but somehow relaxing music made even Delilah fell better and Lute felt his familiar fade into silence. He looked over at the menu and mentally computed the amount of gald he might have to fork out tonight if he decided to buy meat dishes. Ah, screw it. He'd buy french fries. Lots and lots of french fries. Or was there boiled potato somewhere...? Thankfully there were a lot of cheap but fulfilling deals on the menu and Lute was practically swimming in indecision. It was hard choosing when everything was so affordable!
"Ah, um... Goodbye, miss Lisette," Lute awkwardly joined in on the farewells and he crouched down to give cute little Kapi a wave. After some time of sticking around the archer and her friends, the virtuoso finally gathered the cheek to step away; he didn't have anything to say and his presence in their tightly knit group might seem like a third wheel to some. So, he did what any hungry person would do and hovered near Lucien and Trixie.
"So, um... You guys are getting ice cream, right? Mind if I tag along?" He gave the summoner a timid smile and then shrugged. "Although Dylan's right. I think we should eat real food first before we go for the sweets." However, it seemed as if Lucien wasn't going to listen to him so the virtuoso just gave up. "Fine," Lute acquiesced as he crossed his arms over his chest, "But make sure to brush your teeth before you sleep and drink a lot of water! And come back to our table and order food, okay?"
That said, Lute glanced around for a table that could hold, like, how many people together and settled on one which was near the corner, but was not too obscured so that the ice cream lovers could see it once they get back from the soda fountain. He waited for Dylan to finish saying his farewells to Lisette, as he had heard earlier that the matter artist was going to eat dinner first, and then gestured to the table before jerking his thumbs towards their friends who left for sweets. "Agh, this is embarrassing. Thank goodness I'm not a waiter. Those people have it tough," Lute sighed as he plopped down on a chair and then propped himself up with his elbows.