Abatheo GuildSelan watched with an arm folded over her side onto one hip as Lisette relayed the news of her letter, and the pressing need with which she had to return home to the Kingdom of Ritona, and Selan drew quiet, thinking intently as she watched the reactions of their friends around them, bidding Lisette fair well. Dylan promised to create a sketchbook of their adventures to show Lisette when she and Kapi returned, and the gesture made Selan smile, as did the other hugs and tears being left behind by Lisette’s friends, Estelle particularly. Selan raised a delicate finger to her lips… and nodded.
“Lisette, would you mind if I went with you?” Selan asked. Lisette’s head immediately turned to Selan, and her eyes lit up with delight and relief, before quickly shaking her head again.
“No, no it’s quite alright Miss Selan, I’ll be fine, seriously! You all have your own mission to follow, and this… this will be fine, I promise, and…”
Selan laughed. “It’s not just that I’m worried about you, Lisette. Although of course, I am. I just… I think I need a little break of my own.” Selan sighed wearily. “We’ve been travelling a lot together, and I’ve gotten stronger, I think… but you guys seem to always attract trouble wherever you go, and the trouble we end up getting into… even Paraisos was-” Selan stopped, flinching. She didn’t finish the sentence. “I’m not exactly built for all this running and fighting. I need a little break of my own, and I also need to get my thoughts together too. So this would be a nice relief for me. That is, unless you and Kapi wouldn’t like me to come?”
“Oh, oh no that’s not it at all!” Lisette frantically shook her head from side to side, her cheeks growing red with embarrassment. “Me and Kapi would… would… be honoured, Miss Selan!”
“Ha.” Selan smiled, patting Lisette’s head. Kapi waddled over to her from Lucien, and looked up with his own infectious smile. “I’m interested in seeing what Ritona is like myself, as well. And Estelle…” The songstress turned to her flame haired friend, who seemed on the verge of a full teary meltdown. “I promise you and everyone else that we’ll come back. Not to suggest Lisette can’t, but it’d probably be easier to return in a sensible time and not get lost if I was with her.”
“Yeah! Yeah that’s true, she-
wait, what are you implying?” Lisette cocked her head in confusion. “You do know that to get to Ritona we have to go by airship, Miss Selan?”
Selan’s face immediately paled whilst Lisette tittered mischievously, as if Trixie’s antics had been rubbing off on her. Airships weren’t nearly as bad as traditional boats and seaships, but it was an experience she was now not looking forward to.

During the conversation, Don had been watching it all in silence, not knowing how to process Lisette’s departure. But then Selan spoke, and his face grew mortified at the words she spoke, contorting into an expression of intense pain. His jaw simply dropped.
“I-I-I-I’ll go with Selan and Sis too!!” Don’s hand suddenly outstretched high into the sky, his head lifted, eyes looking up at the ceiling. Estelle and everyone else spun with a shocked gasp. Marcus pushed his glasses up further along the bridge of his nose.
“Don?” Selan frowned. “You don’t need to. We’ll be alright, you know, and honestly I think-”
“I’VE MADE UP MY MIND!!” Don shrieked again, sweat dribbling down his face, his legs shaking and his throat swallowing a massive gulp. “T-t-to look after and protect Selan and Sis and make sure we all come back to Big Sis!!”
Selan sighed and shook her head, as the relief in Lisette’s smile grew wider and wider. She felt guilty about taking people away from Estelle and her mission, but she couldn’t deny being happy at having some of her friends want to accompany her. Selan meanwhile, felt like she could do with a break
away from Don to collect her thoughts… about Neil Hunter, her past and nightmares, how she felt about Don himself too… but perhaps it would be for the benefit of him, too. Even if he did bounce around as if nothing had happened, he did almost die. They were perhaps fortunate their last mission was actually a dream. If it was real… Don might have actually died during it. Playing nursemaid would be aggravating but… she couldn’t bring herself to say no.
“BIG BRO?!” Trixie and Dylan both shouted in unison. “YOU… YOU CAN’T GO TOO!!!”
Don looked down at his friends from the corner of his eye, scrunching them tight and swallowing hard, inhaling a deep breath through his nostrils. He opened them wide again, smiling, and did an instantaneous spin across the floor to them both, skidding in front of the duo and Estelle, finishing in a terrific pose, sunglasses whipped out over his eyes, one hand over Trixie’s hair.
“Now, now, little missy, little bro. I’ll be gone for a short while… but I’ll always be here.” His hand left Trixie’s hair, stretching out one finger, pointed towards Trixie’s chest, and…
“In your hearts.”The emotion was deafening.
“Whilst I’m gone though, you… you need to do me a favour!!” Don’s voice quavered. One hand continued to hold onto his glasses, his face doggedly pointed upwards to avoid looking at his friends. “You need to look after and protect everyone for me! You need to be… awesome and cool and strong! Okay?!”
Don suddenly span on the spot again, before suddenly stopping in another post, facing away from him, but with one hand outstretched and pointing to him. “You’re no longer Little Bro! From now on… now on you’re the Big Bro! And that means you have to look after Big Sis, and our other sises, and all of our other little bros! Like… like Light Bro! And Mage Bro! And Lucy Bro! And our new Little Bro too!”
Lute suddenly turned in confusion. He wasn’t talking about him, was he?
He was. Oh, poor Lute.
With a snap of his wrist, a pair of sunglasses appeared in his hands, given towards Dylan. Although the man looked confident and cool, there was still a slight shake in his hand. He then spun again, towards Trixie, this time surprising everyone to see that he looked different. He was now only in his red t-shirt, his leather jacket outstretched, handed towards Trixie, and…
“LITTLE MISSY! THIS… THIS IS FOR YOU!!” Don sniffled. “This is… this is really important to me! Really important! And so are you! And… and that’s why I’m giving it to you, to look after until I come back! As a promise between us!” Memories of the time they met in Tabul came flooding back into both of their minds. A mission that saw the two of them begin as enemies, and meet as total strangers, with Don looking out for and protecting her, supporting her and encouraging her to believe in herself. To be… “YOU’RE A SUPERHERO, TRIXIE!” Don continued to loudly scream. By now, of course, everyone within the Guild had their eyes on them, watching in disbelief. “YOU’RE
The hearts and souls of brotherly… sisterly… superheroly… love could be felt by all. Everyone in the Guild echoed a unanimous “AWWW”.
“Don, please…” Selan shook her head, grabbing him by the ear and dragging him away towards the restaurant. “You’re making a scene. C’mon everyone. We and Lisette will leave tomorrow, but tonight… let’s have a party, yes?” She had gotten a second wind even from Don’s ridiculousness. “To friends. To each other.”
“Yeah, I-”
GURGLURGLE GURGLELisette’s face turned red again.
“I’m feeling really hungry…”
Estelle took her and Trixie by the hands, and with the rest of her friends walked towards the restaurant.