Collab between Orpheus and FoxThe dragons were speaking. Not snarling or roaring, but actually talking in a language they all understood.
Harper stared at it all, dumbfounded, and was only knocked out of his daze when Inadi gave him a pat on the shoulder. "How's the arm?" He asked in a voice showed he wasn't quite there. He was too busy marvelling at the change of events. These ferocious beasts that could kill them with a flap of their wings were actually talking and it was hard not to just stand there amazed.
He would have continued but he heard Inadi talking, something about the next step. He shook his head then frowned. "I don't know, but you're right. We can't just leave him with the witches." He said it all in a small voice, just loud enough for Inadi to hear.
Everyone was starting to gather around the giant beasts and before he knew it Leila had mumbled something before dashing off towards the dragons. He felt his heart leap and Harper's eyes grew the size of saucers as he reached out. "Leila wait!"
What happened next was amazing. Leila reached leaned in to give the giant beast a hug.
Temeraire detested having to snoop down in order to talk with the tiny creatures, but it was the only way he could hear their diminutive voices. He grumbled to himself as the lilliputians swirled around chaotically, some bumping into each other, the majority collapsing on the ground soon as they found a seat. He rolled his eyes at the stupidity of it all before feeling something soft wrap around his snout, and he found himself staring down at a human- from the scent of it- girl. "Blefeurgh-!?" The wyrm exclaimed in surprise as his eyes widened and his jaw opened, but he stopped himself in time and remained frozen in that silly expression. After all, if a dragon had to be hugged then surely his adorable fluffy mate presented as the more viable option? Creatures ran away screaming from him. Cirrus looked shocked too but she began to smile upon seeing her mate's confused face.
Still, the sincerity of the young lady's action soothed the wyrm, and he gave her an embarrassed huff when she finally pulled away. Temeraire directly proceeded to make a "harrumph"-like sound before inhaling deeply. Before anyone can react he was blowing billowy clouds out of his nostrils, ones that encircled Leila before dissipating. The Lost Soul would find herself rejuvenated far beyond the capacity of any mundane cleric; she would feel as though she had not suffered through the physical (and emotional, thanks to Mama Floof's additional clouds) perils of this mission. "Ha, unlike those who reside in Nowhere, humans do not fully absorb a dragon's blessing. Last time one of our kind blessed a nobody, a war started and it was all blamed on us. I'd rather heal a motley of humans rather than bless the noblest of nobodies," The wyrm grumbled as pleading looks from the soldiers were shot his way.
That being said, since the humans were mostly gathered in one place Temeraire and Cirrus took the opportunity to bless them. He scowled at Inadi's arm and Cirrus shook her head as clouds wafted around the Lost Souls; though it was admirable how the healer kept trying her best to keep the limb from bleeding, it was only a temporary fix and keeping him on such treatment was bound to have negative effects. When the mist finally disappeared Inadi's arm was back to normal, not to mention all the other bruises and cuts his fellow Lost Souls have experienced have completely disappeared. The female dragon let out a happy chirp and her tail swished back and forth, conjuring small fluffy clouds.
"I don't think they want to kill us." Riley appeared behind them, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey Inadi, sorry about crashing into you and Jasper, and thanks for the save." She made a mental note to apologize to and thank the healer later, but now it seemed as if she were having a serious conversation with Lesley. Her eyes landed on Leila and she laughed. "Man, she's got guts."
Riley laughed a little then remembered what she was talking about in the first place."Oh and like I said, if they wanted to kill us, we'd be kind of dead by now." Mama Floof and Papa Rawr began talking about their child and Grandma though still snarling lingered behind them without causing any trouble. "They just want their kid." The redhead pulled a frown.
Grandma dragon flapped her wings in an irritated manner before her eyes shifted towards the humans, specifically Jasper. "So you saw our little Citrus with a bunch of witches and didn't even help him!" She let out a shriek before embers began to form around her snout. She could kill them all if she wanted to, but Temeraire and Cirrus were such softies. It was almost impossible to meet a good traditional dragon nowadays, one who enjoyed kidnapping royalty and guarding mounds of gold, such a shame! Stop the witches? This girl didn't know how terrible they could be.
"Mother-in-law!" Temeraire huffed out and blew at the blue dragon before Cirrus could cry out in dismay, cooling the flames emanating from her nostrils in case she burned a poor nobody. "Well, it
does upset me that our son was kidna-" He suddenly paused and shot a look at his mate, who suddenly looked dampened. "Witches are far beyond the ken of these realm passers. Their hesitation was understandable... And as such they are forgiven, though I speak for myself and not my wife," Temeraire revised his statement and regally nodded at the Lost Souls. "I forgive you all too... I know none of this is your fault," Cirrus chimed in albeit a little sadly.
A girl with a cap suggested they eat the witches, like Jasper she didn't seem to understand the severity of the situation. The blue dragon snorted in response.
"If it were that easy," she swished her tail, sending a gust in Ace's direction. "We would have done it ages ago, child." When Temeraire cooled down the embers, she let out an irritated snarl. They had to find their poor Citrus, the thought of him alone with those vile witches it worried them all. The blue dragon rolled her eyes at the human who had given her son-in-law a hug. The white dragon had always been a softy, but it was one of the reasons Cirrus loved him and she would accept that. She calmed down then focused her eyes on the humans. "You've got taste, child! If I could, I'd rip off their heads and make them wish they never left the dark side, but.." she let out an annoyed huff. "They're much stronger than us." She had ignored the part about a dragon's laugh completely.
"I apologize for my mother and my mate but perhaps next time it would be better if you didn't arrive with a small army."Tobias was just as shocked as the humans were and he approached the trio looking horribly apologetic. "I-I'm sorry about that, but I thought it was the only way." He bowed twice in a quick succession then cleared his throat. They scared him but this was for Sol and for the soldiers who had lost their lives. "Aven and Sol are currenly in war because of the dragon attacks. None of us knew it was the witches' doing until the humans ran into them at the cave. Could you please tell us about the dragons that have been going berserk?"
The blue dragon squeezed her eyes shut. "Are you deaf boy! It's the witches, they've gotten stronger and they found ways to take over a dragon's mind. Now they have Citrus and we can't save him because things would only get worse! They kidnapped some of Aven's riders too."
Tobias flinched and shrunk back, nearly crashing into Zephy as he did so.
Harper's eyes went wide and he took a step forward. "We'll go after them and we'll save your grandson!" It was a spur of the moment thing and he wanted to clamp his mouth shut as soon as the words came out. What had he been thinking? He felt a shiver run down his spine and swallowed hard, he had no right to make a decision for everyone, especially when the decision could get them all killed.
The blue dragon examined the shaking boy with narrow eyes before she began to laugh. "I apologize for Mother-in-law's.... But hold a moment, if I remember correctly, it is exactly what you need, right?" Temeraire paused and a worried look was over his face again. "I ... am... relieved that you have found the item that you seek, but our son still remains at large. Dare I hope that even if you lot have what you need, you will not let go of Citrus's mystery?" The white wyrm sighed deeply as if he had witnessed eons of betrayal and was simply waiting for an answer. Cirrus looked quite anguished and it would take a heart of stone not to get sad at her apparent longing.
There was the sound of rustling paper and the living list flitted out of the boy's messenger bag. It opened itself up and the third item a Dragon's Laugh had been crossed out. Harper nodded numbly but paled at the sight of the next item.
Item number four was a witch's heart.
He stared at the white dragon, whether they liked it or not, they would have to face the witches next. He turned to look over his shoulder, and seeing the others made him feel a little braver. They were in this together and it gave him an extra push. "Yes!" He stated. "We'll find your son and put a stop to the witches."
There was no turning back now.