Avatar of Orpheus
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  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat 😥
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(I didn't even know I took 1500 lol)
Plot twist: Songbird is Jasper's big brother. Except he died in the womb. And he became a fluff commander. In Nowhere. Yeah.

I'd join too but I'll be a haaaawt man getttttiiiing allll theeee yaoi I can get with my haaaaaawt abs (or girls whatev floats the boat)

I'm drunk.
Pink and Red D'; Wyl and Errion could've been power rangers. A classic love story. (Shhhh Kalin you're a cutie and I love you too *pats* c: *forks over animal crackers*)

Ah, but hot man Inadi is enough hehehe. By the way, if we call Lesley and Inadi "Lesadi" what about Inadi and Jasper?

*still mourns about Lies*

I'm watching Cry's playthrough of Rule of Rose. It's a psychological survival horror game. :'D Kids are little turds and orphanages are scary.
No, don't worry about it. There's basically no right or wrong action for this cycle, because at the end of 2-4 rounds the group is going to end up where they're supposed to be. So just keep throwing crack at us! 8D

Also, posted.

Unlike most of the group Songbird wasn’t getting scared by the mysterious taps he received as they trudged along; he was, on the contrary, getting mad. “Oi, stop that, will ya!?” The white-haired nobody screeched in frustration as something brushed his hat off his head. When he bent down to pick it up something poked his bum. Okay, that’s it! Nobody touches the Birdu’s butt! Most especially not some celerydang treeant or ghost!“GRAAAAAAAAAAAH!” He jumped up and roared. The ethereal disturbances stopped soon after.

"S-so, how was it the last time you were here?"

Not really the best topic to open with Songbird, and he hesitated to answer seeing how nervous Jasper already was. The item hunter skipped the question and opted to pat her on the hand instead. A few seconds later they saw a marked tree blocking the path and the nobody’s suspicion was proved to be correct. “Ha! I knew they were moving!” Songbird huffed out before hearing a loud banshee-like scream.

The forest was starting to get the Lost Souls and Avian didn’t know how to react to their various stunts. The redhead started chanting a creepy song, Lesley stole Martini’s trident and the albino ran headfirst into a blocked path. The royal dragoon could only be glad that it wasn’t his wife here right now because if Victoria was witness to these events, no doubt her whip would’ve left bright welts on most everyone’s butts.

"Let me at her! MEOWMEOWNEEOWWW!! HISS!(ノ=^ಠ益ಠ^=)ノ"

Avian’s eyes widened as Lesley suddenly began clawing at the mermaid. It became apparent to him that Martini was trying to prevent the human from attacking a fellow Lost Soul, and though he had no idea why Lesley would want to scratch a friend’s face, he decided to help the guide restrain him. He and Martini ended up sandwiching the tall human who still kept aiming for Jasper and Inadi.

Lesley calmed down and Avian let go, at a loss for any other responses save for generic ones, so he gave the human a pat on the shoulder before moving away. “Are you alright, miss?” The soldier popped in between Inadi and Jasper, unknowingly breaking off whatever sort of awkward atmosphere they might have had going on here. “Please don’t get scared. We’re a large group and the creatures in the Dark Side are usually peaceful, if not horrendous-looking. The truly aggressive ones reside in the Moors and the Blackwater Bogs, where Songbird went way back then,” He cleared his throat, noticing the remnants of a blush on Inadi’s face, and then stepped away courteously. “Let’s head back to the group?” Avian suggested quietly.

“I don’t suppose you’ll know a path around all of this, Song? Could we possibly ask the trees for help? Not that they’d be very willing after…”

“I’m not so sure, Brandy. I mean, I sure would if I knew where we are exactly… It’s easy to form a route if you know which patch of land you’re on even if the trees keep moving around,” Songbird glanced at the bunny before crossing his arms over his chest. He mirrored Brandy’s irritated face since the humans discarded their advice and went on a tree-marking spree, so now they’ve got to deal with possible whiplashes. Just great. Best way to go for travelers lost in some forest.

“Hey redhead, mind stepping back from the trees? I don’t think they’d like to see you right now,” The item hunter called out to Ace. He swore he saw a flash of red in the tree Lesley was inspecting, so their suspicion was right. This was the Forest of the Ancients, after all. He just didn’t bother to know which ancients they were talking about.

“Everyone, I think we’re better off navigating through the blocked paths where the treeants can’t follow us. Let’s scout around for less dangerous routes, shall we? And for carrot’s sake, don’t burn anything down!” The white-haired nobody spoke up so everyone can hear.
I'll post after Anon does, yeah /o/

or I could post first? D8 idk
^ One of the many times I wish Numnums was still with this group.

Enjoy, beh~!

Academy of the Arts: Keeva’s Group

Now Lute wasn’t too keen on reliving old habits, but who wouldn’t be tempted at all these rows of stuffed toys? His willpower wasn’t strong enough to make him walk away from this! For a few blissful seconds Lute imagined himself walking out of the room with his jacket bursting from the seams with suspicious outlines etched against the cloth. No, no, bad! Not to mention the repercussions the Pride would get if he went through with the act. Tsk tsk.

The virtuoso was brought back to reality when someone snatched the bunny from his hands and Lute looked down at Trixie, momentarily stunned to see that she underwent a complete costume change in the short span of time he imagined his great toy heist. “Er, hello there, Pixie! Oh wow, Fuwafuwa too!” He smiled at her enthusiasm but his grin noticeably got wider when the girl mentioned the plushies in what was almost a conspiratorial whisper.

"Dun da-da-daaaah!"

She launched around the room and Lute clapped his hands in amazement. They could totally launch a fairy-themed play starring Trixie, but everybody- superhero, damsel/dude-in-distress, villain or pixie- is in sore need of a certain thingamajig before they’re fit to walk onstage!

Background music!

With that said, the virtuoso hummed and a simple and upbeat tune played within the room, the sound following the prankster as she ran around. “Does it fit? I’m not so great with themes,” Lute called out after her, ready to change the song if she so much as thought that it wasn’t fantastical.
Keeva asked them to return the objects they chose in their rightful places once they were done, but Lute didn’t seem to notice. He only responded when she asked about the plays. “Sadly, no. Can’t afford the ones back home,” The virtuoso answered with a smile as the music wavered before gently decreasing in volume and complexity until it was just a simple drumbeat. “What are the best ones you’ve done here, miss Keeva?” Lute steered towards that topic instead in hopes that their guide might mention one he could at least recognize.
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