Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat đŸ˜„
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Most Recent Posts

Group One

Based from the information he had amassed from the Lost Souls, it seems as if nobody found a map or directions which would lead them to the Stone of Sacrifice, but
 Two of the humans found something even “better”: a way to contact the Midnight Man and ask for his help. Even though Riley had not yet finished explaining the proposition Avian was already against the idea; this was too risky for a bunch of
 well, let’s say it, neophytes who were all drenched in rainwater and shivering like wind-ravaged leaves. He was already accustomed to the cold biting his skin through his clothes, but what’s to say that the Lost Souls and the other guides shared his constitution? Songbird’s teeth were chattering so much that you could easily switch him in as a live bone rattle during a street performance.

Riley pulled the dragoon closer and presented the journals to him as if to say that there really was no other way to know the Stone’s whereabouts. As he leafed through the aged yellow pages it began to dawn on Avian that yes
 This was the only route there was to getting to the witches.

Frankly, it scared him. Obviously not for his sake, but for the ones who would have to fight should he fall.

He had, very much unlike Victoria, launched onto imagining the next events should they win this game. Sure, they’d go to the Stone
 But what then? It would be him versus how many witches
? How many could he fight until he couldn’t stand anymore? One would be easy, two would be
 a harsh battle, three was... Hmm. The soldier knew how far his abilities ran and felt chills run up his spine when he considered the probability of success
 A dismal percentage, to be honest. He gave each of the Lost Souls a long, unflinching look and then nodded. If the odds weren’t in their favor, he’d focus on killing one witch, get the heart, and keep the others away as everyone retreated. That’s the plan.

“All right then, let’s summon him,” Avian replied to Riley’s determined exclamations, a warm smile spreading through his face to keep the spirits up.

Much much later, they began this pagan ritual while Avian watched with his arms folded over his chest with his eyes closed. The rules were stated, lights flashed on and off, cryptic messages appeared on the walls, and glass shattered signaling the start of the game. He expected as much seeing that they were instructed to use light sources for the duration of the game; that meant that they would be given a disability at the very start... When you gambled your life far too many times you tend to pay attention to those sorts of details. Darkness fell over them like a thick blanket and the different colors their glow jars emanated light that was like something out of a ghoulish theater performance. Avian inhaled slowly before opening his eyes, which were now accustomed to the dark thanks to his earlier preparation, then unfurled his hands and moved to the rear of his group.

“Okay then, let’s do this,” He said calmly and loud enough for everyone in his team to hear as they reached the top of the stairs. “Keep an eye on your jar. Those bugs are tired, so they may be a bit unreliable. Also
” The soldier passed out candles that he received from Songbird earlier. “Here, these may be useful. Unfortunately, we only found two flints so if you want to get that lighted, you’ll have to go to me,” Avian talked gently and soothingly, seemingly unruffled by the tense atmosphere caused by summoning the Midnight Man.

The soldier then walked over to the left corridor where the bedroom was, but a loud crack resounded out of nowhere and he looked down to see the bugs in his jar flying around madly, the light they produced flickering on and off in an unpredictable manner. The little things kept slamming themselves against the glass, as if trying to break out of the container, and one by one the critters fell down to the bottom dead. He looked at the corridor ahead and swore that he saw something shaped like a person move through the shadows.

... Oh. Ohhh...

“Let’s go the opposite way then. Come on, everyone,” Avian called out firmly, still unflinchingly calm save for a wince when goosebumps broke through his skin, as the insects clamored even louder and the temperature dropped. Unintelligible whispers wafted from the silhouette and the noise got louder as it advanced, but the royal dragoon was already ushering the group into the opposite corridor. “At least there’s signs that he’s near
” He muttered as he kicked open one door near the end of the hallway and they moved inside the room.

Group Two

When everyone pooled their information, Songbird did the wise thing and shut up. Who would want to know about finding decapitated bunny guards in a possibly haunted mansion in the middle of a creepstastic forest anyway? Certainly not Jasper or Leila or, quite frankly, anyone. Martini looked queasy enough as it is. He briefly wondered how the mermaid would act if Two-Thirds was here
 “Hehehe,” The item hunter was unable to resist an evil snicker at the thought. Unfortunately, he laughed while Riley was knocking on the door so
 Yeah, wasn’t the best time for that type of sound. Thankfully nobody noticed- Songbird would have hated making anyone panic for no reason at all

“Hey guys, here. Have these,” The item hunter distributed odd, twisted candles to everyone in his group. “I’m not sure if I need to worry if you need help with those since we have Ace,” He nodded towards the redhead, then brought out a rock before adding, “But if your jars get lost or broken just approach me or Brandy, we’ll certainly light the candles up for you. That goes for relighting too.”

Then all sorts of scary things happened and their instructions- well, it looked more like a challenge to be honest- were sprawled all over the walls before the lights disappeared completely. Songbird covered his head to make sure none of the glass pierced him, and unlike Avian, the item hunter hadn’t prepared himself for the sudden darkness which left him stunned for a flat minute.

His group started to move and he struggled to catch up as hazy shapes and outlines popped out of nowhere. Still, at least he could identify who was who thanks to the glow jars. Just before they entered a room Songbird saw Avian and his group on the head of the staircase. The dragoon was frozen in place, eyes staring deep into the darkness of the opposite corridor, and even from there the item hunter could see the flicker of a split-second decision being made in the man’s violet eyes. The soldier then turned away and ushered his teammates away to the other hallway and Songbird sensed that there was something more to that act than the eye could see.

Ace and Inadi inspected a painting, the former knocking on the wood behind while the latter stabbed the artwork with his spear. They were in a wide room full of artworks and
 well, shelves. Was this some sort of display area? Songbird rocketed to and fro, checking inside each cabinet he could before realizing that the Lost Souls have left him behind and moved on to the next room. He could feel the hairs on his nape stand up on end at the realization but
 There were still shelves left unchecked.

Then the door slammed shut.

“Eeek!” Songbird screeched out loud before clamping a hand over his mouth. What the actual carrot!? He got up from checking a glass case and hurried over to that door, trying the knob and pushing it. No such luck. It seemed jammed. “Well holy beans, how do I-,” He started, willing himself to remain calm as overall this did not seem like a good situation given what they were supposed to do right now. “Hey, can you guys open this from the opposite side-!?” He yelped out yet again and lifted himself from his face-pressed-against-the-door position when someone tapped him from behind.

“Riley! You’re going to kill me someday!” The item hunter snapped at the human who got left behind with him, but the annoyed tone was mixed with relief. It was a selfish thought, but at least he wasn’t alone, thank the clouds.

It wouldn’t do good to try and make lots of noise though, so Songbird kept calling through the door. “Humans? Brandy? Can you open this door?” When no reply came, the white-haired nobody braced himself and body slammed against it, his glow jar awkwardly cradled in one arm.
Now that someone has posted for both groups, I'll be writing mine as well. Just... Let me eat. ^ o ^ /

Edit(s): Apparently Group Two is staying downstairs, while Group One is taking the upper floor. Here's the groups again in case you've forgotten (because I have)

Michi said Group One

Group Two
Sad to see another member leave, but anyway... I can't think of any ideas on the spot (brain kinda feels fuzzy for the moment) but I'll pm it in once I do.

I'm fine with adding new people... Just not people like y'know, plx. I'm pretty sure we won't recruit those types though so that's a moot point /o/

I feel like crap today, sorry if my words don't make sense (àč‘â—•ïž”◕àč‘)
Hey everyone, if you're confused, the Lost Souls are currently at the first floor main hall. Like Michi said, feel free to make up your own rooms. Of course, seeing how we're split up into two groups, the first person to post for his/her group would technically make the setup.

In any case, I'd prefer to wait until members of my groups have posted so I can get a feel of the situation (also to post as Song and A in one fell swoop). That's all~

Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala

”Congratulations.” Syed touched him on the wrist before he pulled away to return the photographs, and Lute appeared confused. “Thanks, I guess
? For what though?” He said before Charlotte gushed and the girls excused themselves to dance with a couple of well-dressed partygoers. The virtuoso’s new lady friend gave him a perky wave, accompanied by a “Ring me up when you’re in town so I can introduce you to Claude oh oh oh and you should totally bring your friend’s Schneider along with you okay!?” before bouncing off to the dance floor. Schneider was Robin’s rottweiler and Lute wasn’t entirely sure that the two dogs would get along.

Now that the girls were gone Lute eased up and slouched against his seat, drawing in a deep breath as he listened to the music. All of a sudden Lucien said “
 Oh hey Lute, catch” and he opened his eyes barely to prevent the soda can from hitting him square in the face. “Ouch. Hey!” The virtuoso groused as he rubbed on his mask to see if there was a chip. That hurt. “Nope, definitely not forgiven,” Lute quipped as he placed the beverage down on the table, but he was smiling. “Let’s not try this “babe hunting” again, okay? Maybe next time, but twice in one night

And then this brown-haired boy shot in from out of nowhere, drawing Lute’s eyes to the bar where Moira was- to his amazement- gyrating like there was no tomorrow. “Oh no
 Is she alright? She’s not having a seizure, is she?” The virtuoso turned to Syed, his eyes wide in genuine concern, as he made a move to stand up from his chair. However, the berserker’s bellows soon informed him that no, she wasn’t having a seizure, but
 “Are they going to be okay?” Lute gnawed on his lip as he watched their barhopping friends. They all seemed a lot more loose somehow
 And that man taking the pictures wasn’t going to publish those, right?

“Wait wait wait, he’s not actually targeting Aria is he? And what about miss Amy? Is miss Moira fine with those flashes?” This time, a buzzing sound filled the area where the three were and Lute’s worried profile turned into an agitated one. Maybe he’s an event photographer. That would explain the zeal. But
 “What will we do?” He murmured to himself as the strange buzzing noised faded away and the virtuoso relaxed. He didn’t want to overreact
 That being said, Lute just opened the soda can and drank the contents, eyeing the photographer over the metal rim, waiting for a signal to go over and... well... screech at Simon.
I'll write up my post now~

Don't eat Pudge, Cephalogod. :<
Plus you have a talking teddy bear.

Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala

“We’re not-,” Lute began, but Lucien suddenly spun a tale about the three of them being students with different specialties. ‘Well, I suppose the music thing is true but
’ The virtuoso’s eyes narrowed as Riannon attached herself to Syed under the guise of asking about his creations, while Leah’s interest in Lucien peaked thanks to that white lie. Well
 Whether he wanted it or not, now he was a music student; saying anything different would embarrass Lucien and he didn’t want to ruin the
 not-so-fun fun, even if it was kind of nasty assuming a fake identitiy. “Are you alright?” He mouthed to the dark-skinned mage. If past interactions were to go by, he guessed that Syed felt nearly the same way he did about this situation.

Also, since they were near to the bar where some of their friends were, Lute glanced over to see how the others were holding up- and perhaps to seek help as well. The nobleman who was looking at them earlier was, as he thought, nursing a drink there, so the virtuoso’s suspicions were for naught. Still, Amy, Moira, Aria and Dylan looked like they were having their own brand of fun so

“Sooo, what’s Claude like?” Lute laughed lightly as he turned his attention back to their group and found that Charlotte’s brown eyes were shimmering with fanatical fervor. He barely had a second to regret his decision when she crowed “I have pictures of him!” before taking out a yellow purse- a perfect match for her chartreuse gown- to fish out a handful of photographs.

“He’s the fluffiest fluffy-wuffy in the entire world! But Mother didn’t allow me to bring him along so
” The brunette quipped sadly before flashing Lute with a photograph. The virtuoso’s eyes grew wide and his cheeks turned pink as he snatched the shot and stared at it in obvious adoration. Looks like Claude won him over too. The two of them pored over the dog’s puppy pictures, either one or both gushing every now and then until the virtuoso finally shoved the larger pictures at Lucien and Syed’s faces.

“Look at him! Look look look! He’s sooo adorable!”

Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala

‘Why “at your service”? Don’t give them the wrong idea, Lucy! What if they make us sing or worse, dance!?’ Lute’s cheeks were already flushed pink by the time both Lucien and Syed found their seats, but he remained standing because he really didn’t want to-

“You’re so cute! You look like my dog!”

'Oooh the fancy girly called you cute~ hee hee- Wait what!?'

Both Delilah and Lute were shellshocked when the brunette, Charlotte, gushed and pulled the virtuoso down on the seat next to hers. The next thing he knew she was pinching his cheek and cooing like one would do in front of an adorable creature, and wasn’t being subtle about it either. He was shooting pleading glances at Syed and Lucien the entire time. “Look, Leah, doesn’t he remind you of Claude!?” The young lady emitted yet another high-pitched squeal before her red-haired friend turned to regard the young man. “Charlotte dear, that’s a human, not a terrier. Let the poor dear go,” She declared and her friend pouted but nonetheless let go of Lute.

“Sorry, it’s just that I have a really cute terrier named Claude, he’s absolutely the cutest thing EVER, and you have the same color of fur!” She bit her lip and raised her hand, presumably to pat his head, but thankfully refrained from doing so.

 Did she just call his hair “fur”?

Uh yeah
 How do we proceed from here

Lute coughed and straightened his spine, subtly leaning far away from Charlotte as his eyes scanned the room. A distinguished man, an aristocrat, seemed to be looking at and walking towards their direction
 But for what reason? Lute glanced at the guy to see if the stranger was looking at him, but realized that he was just looking at their area
 Perhaps at one of the girls? Hmm, he was probably just heading towards the bar; Lute couldn't be sure at this distance anyway. Shrugging, the virtuoso turned back to the conversation in case Syed or Lucien needed some... well, assistance for a... uh... comedy routine?
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