Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala

With frequent and unending gasps, Estelle’s gaze fell all over the majesty of the mansion and the gala Tobias was throwing. The building itself screamed expense and refined sophistication, with a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging overhead and many exotic, potted plants dotted across the outer rims of the large party hall they were in. The centre of the room had been reserved for couples to dance upon, and they did so with a style and grace Estelle had only ever seen come from Selan before. Like themselves, everybody else within the hall were dressed to impress, with stunning gowns and dressing or crisp, magnificent suits, and more then a few with their own masquerade masks, except everyone else wore their outfits with a trifle more comfort and ease then she and her friends wore theirs. Elegant music wafted throughout the hall from a band graciously playing at the far end: the use of piano, violins, flutes and harps was without compare. This truly was a place Estelle felt unprepared and overwhelmed by, a place she was not suited for.
Compared to all of the battles and adventures she had experienced since becoming a Guilder… from the horrors of Gaoh within the snowcapped ruins of Tabul to the demonic vampire lord Lucifer and his diabolical family within Vandrell… this made her feel far more scared.
“What are we… what are we supposed to actually do?” Estelle asked, blinking and looking around in confusion and unease. After Dylan’s comments about relaxing and enjoying the party, as well as to be wary around Tobias for reasons undisclosed, Estelle watched as the rest of her friends quickly made their own plans- from Moira and Amy snatching away Aria to travel to the bar for drinking (no thanks), to Lucien trying to accost Lute and Syed on a quest to hunt girls (…). Neither of these options seemed appealing to Estelle, and looking over the dance floor, neither did that. If she were to try, she was sure she’d make a mockery of herself and be laughed at. Swinging a sword, fighting Varrens and Electures and Firons were all well and good, but dancing was a whole different thing.
“How about we just explore the mansion, Estelle?” Marcus asked with a smile, as if reading his partner’s mind. “See what the rest of Tobias’ home looks like, and see what else might be happening in some of the other rooms. Would that be alright, Dylan? Dalia? And Trixie, if you’d like, you could come with us?” The mage smiled as he looked down to the prankster. With the way in which everyone else was already splitting up, he thought it a good idea for at least one of them to keep an eye on Trixie, especially if Amy was to go drinking.