Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat đŸ˜„
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Most Recent Posts

Hayos. I'll type a post up!
Oh yeah Ramadan. e n e Good luck with work!

Heyas Kathi. /o/ Hope ya enjoyed your trip! (Seoul ugh I know like 25 people who'd murder for a chance to go there)

e n e If I made a mistake in assuming where Group Two is right now (and I think I did lol) I'm sorry, ignore it. I'm a crackbutt.

Group One, let's just assume Martini fainted somewhere xD sorry bby

Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala

‘Snap out it.’

“Oh,” Lute blinked and watched Rose gracefully leave the dance floor, his face still as bright as a cherry. “How long was I staring?” He murmured before ducking his head and then walking towards the other Guilder, most of which were now gathered around Estelle and a blond partygoer. ‘Long enough to embarrass me, kid,’ Delilah’s disenchanted reply was, as always, enough to rock the virtuoso back to his senses. That’s right, his friends were making an awful lot of noise

“Whoa whoa, no punching!” Lute came in exactly as Moira extended her offer and he waved his arms to try and get her attention away from the stranger, who was bleeding from the
 nose? What? Did he do something perverted? The virtuoso cast a confused and slightly critical glance at the poor man before listening in as Amy piped in. Oh, now Trixie was going dance too. “Y-you know, maybe we should sit down for a while
 S-sorry, I just meant that this isn’t the best time to
” He trailed off when Dalia came over. The look on her face was enough to make Lute cringe in secondhand embarrassment before Dylan interrupted the priestess, swigging what looked to be an empty glass.

“I can mute them all if you want, but they would probably-,” Lute said before the lights sputtered out, leaving them in complete darkness, “-punch me.” Well that was cinematic. “Oh-kay. Party’s over for the meantime. Let’s leave the dance floor!” The young man managed to adopt a happy-go-lucky tone of voice that he was anything but. “Uh
” The memory of earlier that he actually planted his face on a lady’s chest was enough to prevent Lute from moving blindly. “Does anyone have a light? Or we can wait quietly until electricity returns.”
That pic * o *

I'm writing my post now too before completely poofing for the day so if you don't mind, Rex, I'll take you up on that offer. /o/

Edit: Posted! Bye guys > ^ <
Got that scene done and over with. :/ Sorry for using Jasper and Harper, if you guys have a problem with it just tell me.

That small set-up for Group Two... I'm pretty sure y'all can further it. We're pretty near the end anyway~

Group One

Avian closed the door behind them and pressed his ear against the wood. He couldn’t hear any of the low rumbling noises that were present earlier at their first encounter with the Midnight Man, so the lot of them seemed safe for the time being. He turned around, a sigh of relief escaping from his lips, and surveyed the surroundings.

A child’s playroom? How odd, not to mention creepy. He strode over to the window as the humans began to talk amongst themselves and rapped a fist against the dusty glass. It was just an ordinary window but was useless since you can’t look through it to the outside thanks to the murky make. Avian left it alone and rifled through a large wooden chest instead, carefully but efficiently placing all of the contents on the floor one by one. The Lost Souls were talking to each other and the soldier wasn’t called so he just continued on with his work, but the sword wasn’t in the chest and he had to return everything he took out back inside the container. It was easy since all there was to scoop up from the floor was a bunch of broken dolls and bears with tangled limbs

The room froze over and the dragoon scrambled to his feet, skirting over to where Harper was. The boy was glancing at the mirror, asking if Avian saw that too, and before the man could reply he saw that the boy’s reflection grinned, contrary to the alarmed expression that was on the real person’s face. He acted out of instinct and pulled Harper away as the mirror flew into pieces, but the boy slid somewhere else when glass all around began breaking and darkness enveloped the room.

"Avian? Is this you? Oh God, Avian...what do we do, is there some special protocol for times like this?"

“I’m right here,” Avian called out to the panicked voice and he strained his eyes to get accustomed to the lack of light. “First of all, don’t panic, okay? Everyone, get to the door, quickly. Lesley, Leon, you’re together, right? Jasper? Harper? Who’s nearest to the exit? Use your hands to feel for the knob- it’s oddly shaped, with triangular edges the feel a bit prickly. Don’t rush. More haste, less speed,” The dragoon gritted his teeth after spitting out those firm orders before a lighting flash lit up the entire room for a brief moment. That interlude was enough for Avian to see the shadowy figure which was in the very center of the room, right where he was about to walk into, before the light vanished and something came crashing down. Before that period ended, though, he was able to detach the salt packet from his belt and launch it at Lesley and Leon. It bounced off the young man’s forehead and he scrambled to pick it up before thrusting it at Lesley.

"Let go of him you demon! I have your sword!"

The sound of honed metal cutting through the air came from nearby and Avian quickly walked towards the dimly glowing amulet. However, the Midnight Man wasn’t too keen on having his game end too soon; with an ear deafening roar tendrils shot out everywhere, randomly assailing every solid surface each of it could land on. The sword, in particular, was the target and innumerable tentacles reached out at Jasper’s arm. “Throw it at me!” A spark burst out of nowhere and a flame flickered into existence before the candle itself was crushed by a box the Midnight Man threw over. Just as the albino reared her arm to chuck the sword over where Avian was, a tendril slapped her on the wrist and she accidentally let go, the sword making an arc as it flew through the air and-

Hit a certain suspended Lost Soul in the face. “Ow! Oh hey, got it!” Harper panted out. “Here Avian, take it!” The boy flailed at the tendrils that were aiming for his hands and threw hard, and the weapon successfully landed in the dragoon’s hands.

“Everyone duck!” The sword landed blade first at Avian’s hand and he realized that the metal was dull, practically useless at fending off the tentacles, which were all now hissing closer and closer to him. He wouldn’t be able to use this to cut anything, but maybe
 Avian tested the weight and balance of the sword by quickly executing a circle parry, before bringing his arm back and throwing the sword at the Midnight Man like it was a dart.

Group Two

The door gave way and the two of them fell down on the hallway. “Thank-,” Songbird choked when Riley yanked him up by the scarf, which constricted his airway and reduced him to a sniveling mess in a moment. Were those snakes he could hear? Brandy helped him up and they lighted some candles, handing these out to the Lost Souls while Ace brandished her fiery sword. “That works too,” The white-haired nobody muttered as he tugged on the bunny’s hand and followed after Ace. "Nobody panic! This place is weird enough without anyone screaming or wailing, geez," He added with a tense laugh.

The door that the redhead approached wouldn't open and Songbird got annoyed. "Oh come on, do I have to bump against it again? My shoulder kinda hurts," He murmured before something caught his eye.

The corridor was lined by windows separated at an equal space, where faint light pored in and formed luminous blocks on the carpeted floor. On both sides of the hallway they were in, these squares of light were slowly being consumed by a thick, viscous black...

"Oh snap. Brandy, help me with this, will ya? Hey Ace, go check on Riley!" The item hunter cried out before he and the black bunny rammed against the door, trying to force it to open as the darkness swirled upwards to form the silhouette of a keeling man.

There was nowhere else to run.
Thanks guys. Anyway I'll be writing my post now~

Please don't ninja me!
Heyas, sorry for not posting yesterday. I got grounded. Kinda. I don't know if I'll be able to post today, but I'll try to get one up. No promises though. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. \ > < /
Hey guys, sorry for the disappearance. Mom confiscated the computer. ^^; I'm not sure when I'll be able to post, but maybe later...? Sorry again.
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