Aliquam: Tobias’ GalaThe photographer helped him up and Aria dragged the two of them over to the dance floor, where Lute suffered yet another event to add to his constantly growing ‘Most Embarrassing Moments’ repertoire. He didn’t know why, but he just slipped out of Aria’s grasp, and the imbalance caused by bumping into one person after another was enough to make his feet slip. Worse, the people around actually thought he was doing it on purpose and Delilah was perfectly content with giggling at him and the idiots who were mimicking his moves! “Somebody help!” The virtuoso cried out before twirling around most ungracefully and landing facefirst on a… cushion?
But as circumstances would have it, he didn’t break his fall on a cushion. Nope, he fell on the lovely young lady from the Academy, Rose…! Color rose up to his face at an alarming rate, making the virtuoso look more like a beet rather than a human as he fumbled for a proper apology. "Wait, what?" Instead of being pummeled into a bloody pulp, Rose extended her hand and asked him if he wanted to dance. With her?
'Of course with her, you ignorant boob,' Delilah sighed and Lute looked positively bewildered. He kept glancing at the woman's hand and her face as if connecting the dots before finally snapping out of his reverie.
"I..." Lute blushed and glanced over his shoulder at his friends. If that Simon pal did something to the girls, Syed would taser him. Hopefully. "It would be my pleasure but..." The virtuoso turned his eyes on Rose and nodded, hesitantly taking her hand and... "But I don't know how to dance." He led her to the dance floor nonetheless, then observed the nearby dancers who were gracefully twirling with their partners.
“So um… Excuse me… I put my other hand here?” The virtuoso faltered before finally placing his palm over the lady’s left shoulder blade. Also, looking at those other dancers, they had their clasped hands raised, so he did that too… After an awkward few seconds of attempting to copy the others, at least Lute managed to get their stance correct, but he was at a complete loss at what to do next and his troubled face clearly showed it.
… Farmhands rarely go to these kinds of parties after all.