Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Fox, I use Xandra a wee bit (movement-wise) in my post. If she would have done something else though, let me know and I'll edit it soon as possible. :) Whether it's when I wake up or on my phone while I'm stranded outside waiting for concert doors to open ahaha~ (I've got an easy alternative I could easily have Dylan/Dalia take Xandra's place if I need to, so it wouldn't take much for me to change anything.)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's fine Rex (^w^)/ she would have followed them anyways. Have fun at your concert :D

I'm going to get to work on a post and have any of you guys seen Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street? *w* It's so cool.

Edit: Posted :D

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Holas everyone! I hope everyone's having a good weekend! I'm currently drenched from working in the rain and aggravated with having to deal with typical work nonsense and incompetent people. Lovely. :)

I hope you have a wonderful time at your concert, Rex! I'll be on skype before/after it's done so you let me know how much fun it was, alright? >|D

I've always meant to go see Sweeny Todd, actually but never gotten around to it. I really should though. XD I knew you'd love it, Fox!
On the topic of new people:

I saw and read all of your responses and gave it some thought during work today. I think at the time being my decision will have to be to not accept new people, for a variety of reasons I'll explain, but the main reason is I just don't think it'd be the right time or for the rp's benefit to have that occur at the moment.

Firstly, this rp's come along way. As you guys have mentioned, I'm cautious about finding people who would properly get what this rp entails and what it's going for. People who could readily understand and accept the posting expectations- not just daily, but the finer points of character interaction and contribution to the scenes, powerlevels, the general tone of the rp which for a lot of people is really hard to grasp since this rp has higher standards for those type of things etc. But at the same time, kind of weary with having to explain those kinds of things- from backstory, to current characters (to avoid overlaps, even for other absent characters such as Selan, Lisette and Don etc), it's all a bit too much. Honestly, I'm kind of amazed how Kei and Kathi managed to succeed in that. We're 2500+ posts into the IC, and every single one of those posts and what happened in them is pretty important, for the world building, tone and atmosphere they created. And whilst I could explain that to new people, it'd be a heck of a lot of work, and I'm not sure after all the drama we've had lately I want that so soon. On top of that, we're over halfway through the first part of this rp, and considering where I aim to take this rp in the near future... it doesn't really make sense to bring in new characters at the moment. You all know why. c;

Other things that concern me:- Bringing in unknown factors during Rex's co-gm chapter which I simply will not do at the risk of damaging/upsetting what she has planned, plus for the simple fact that I think it'd be easier for new players to understand the tone and expectations of the rp in a chapter properly run by me. On the same token, I'm not prepared to push Rex's chapter, and Buns' as well, back for scheduling reasons, and I'd rather push on with the plot instead of making more setups for new players. And on top of that, I'll be on holiday with Rex at the end of August/beginning of September and there's a possibility there might not be consistent posting during then due to internet availability, which would also contribute to difficulties with new players and posting expectations for daily posting when the GM... sort of goes missing for a bit.

And on top of all of that, the plans I have made for my chapters following everyone's co-gm chapters already involve a heck of a lot of work and busyness for me in running. What I have planned to aim for those chapters is already large, ambitious and challenging enough that I might be biting off more then I can chew already - having six players now, especially it being you guys, actually makes that a bit easier, but it'll still be hard. More new players, would just make it exponentially more difficult.

I'd also like to build up the relationships between our current characters some more too, and I think new players and characters would get in the way of that a bit. I think we're making excellent progress in that, and I couldn't be happier with everything everyone's done. But I think staying with the players and characters we have at the moment will help us to transform our cast of friends into a tight-knit family and elevate the future drama approaching even better.

Saying that though, you guys know what I have planned with the structure of this rp and the near future of it, and what I aim to do after my chapters and [BIG FAT TIMESKIPPING SPOILERS]. I think that time is probably the best time and place for thinking about recruiting new players, even if that is a while away. It just makes more sense. :)
With regards to this current chapter, I think we'll likely go with Buns' suggestion, which she's free to explain if she wants or we can keep as a surprise for the rest of you. :) Saying that though, if anyone has any ideas or desires for things within the IC, then by all means ask. Ask on the ooc and be communicative, and I'll do my best to oblige if it's possible. With the current rounds and scenes we've got, I still need to catch on the IC but I think we're cool for everyone to be able to freely interact and introduce whatever they like until... next Tuesday? Where I'll introduce the new elements that will be happening this chapter and move the scene along for everyone. :) Go wild and crazy, everyone!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

My IC Post is up! Sorry that it's as long as it is, but I've kind of got a lot of characters to control now, so future posts from me might grow a bit long. XD I mostly wanted to consolidate and advance some scenes and help set some (hopefully) interesting setups for everyone. :) Hopefully everybody likes it. :)

Kathi, Kei, sorry for using Aria and Lute a bit the way I did in my post. Please tell me if there's anything wrong with either of them or if you'd prefer for me to edit it out completely, which I'll be more then happy to do. I just... had fun writing it. XD Hopefully it's okay though. Let me know!!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Okay, no new players then. Mlerp mlerp.

Aren't they cuuuute? * o *

@Pach, no prob!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Well when you put it that way, you're right, haha! We can build with what we've got instead for now :)

And woo! To be honest, I don't think it'd be a huge spoiler if I say what my idea was. It's like, two words. I basically just suggested it, said why I thought it fit the setting and Pach pretty much ran with it. So most of it is him. But if people want to know what I suggested, I don't mind saying. But if people want it to be a suprise, I'll keep schtum. Whatever you guys like. It'll be fun though, which let's face it is pretty much my thing when it comes to ideas. lolololololololol

I've never watched (or read) Sweeny Todd, but I have heard a lot about it. Bluh bluh bluh never liked going hairdressers ;_;

And no gif is large enough to encompass the magnificence which is Moira's twerking butt. I'm sorry.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Good morning everyone!! How is everyone? Having fun? :D

lol @ Kei's lamb gif

I can imagine Moira recording herself twerking like that one video where a girl was doing it against a door, someone entered through it and knocked her over onto her candle topped table and set herself on fire lololol

Also for someone who doesn't like going hairdressers you spend a lot of money on them for your fabulous hairdo :P

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

D'aww they're adorable :D

and I'm fine either way. Surprises are neat though~

OwO is Rose secretly a dude? I'm gonna go get a Lucien post up. I'll wait for Rex before posting for Xan :D

Edit: Posted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hey guys, I'll get my post up soon! Really sorry for the unannounced absence. > ^ <
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

I found Syed's dancing 8D

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ack, sorry for the length of that Tobias segment. I just had a lot of fun writing it... >.>; Hope Fox likes it >:D

Time to write a Rose response (which should be fairly short in comparison) and I'll see about progressing other scenes on tomorrow. :)

EDIT: Rose segment up.

And AHAHAHA yeah as if that was shorter.

I blame Fox and Kei with giving me such wonderful inspiration <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay Pach's hint is way better than anything I could give you hahahaha! That's what you're getting then :P

I think setting yourself on fire is probably on Moira's criteria for what makes a good night. And omg that video lmao! Idk man Carlton has a bit too much rhythm for Sy. Even so he has probably done that a few times before in his teens. And probably will again. What a daft twat.

Rose is turning out to be a right sweetheart, huh?

I can't get over Fox's avatar. Seriously I can't get over it every time I see it I get the biggest grin on my face omg. Did you commission it, or...?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yeah, Fox's avatar is amazing. Where's it from?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hi guys I just woke up and won't be reading & posting til later tonight (since I have to work soon despite getting home at 6am ahahahah) but YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND

Hope I'm not holding you up, Fox (and anyone else) D;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welcome back, Rex! Congratulations >w<)/ it sounds like you had a blast!

I commissioned someone on a virtual pet site called Marapets for the pic. I went on to check and found out I had some old retired stuff from 2007 or so, sold them all, became a millionaire, spent all my points on commissions then wound up broke xD it was worth it though, haha. I'll post sometime in the evening, have fun at work Rex and I hope you all have a swell mornight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks, Fox! And :0 @ Marapets commission. Come to think of it, I could probably do that on Neopets too with my millions of moolah... haha!

Re post: Pacman, just for clarification I was envisioning Texas Hold'em for their poker game hahaha (since that's the version my dad/uncle taught me). I don't think it matters much at this point since you said you might progress the scenes tomo and all that. But just wanted to leave this here haha :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

My internet is being horribly slow to the point where it's barely functional, so I wasn't planning on posting. But hey ho here you are. And now I'm a bit late lmao *flies off fast*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Eeeeer posting might get a bit sketchy for these few days = n = Might not be able to post tomorrow since it'll be my last day in hawaii, and the day after tomorrow I'll be flying the whole day with two transfers back to Beijing, but after there shouldn't be anymore trouble /o;/ Gotta pop off to bed since my roomie's super tired too, so I've gotta skip today's OTL

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll um, get my post up in a few!

Guys my school fees got really expensive. We're talking like... 6k additional here from my original budget grade. That's a massive amount for my family. :c So far there's a date for reconsideration but no instructions on how to... :/ I really hope I can get an appeal processed though, because it's impossible to pay off my new tuition fee.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Heya everyone! Hope you're all having a good day!

Came home from work today and just flopped on my bed. I feel exhausted and drained (possibly from the heat?). I'm starting to get a little bit better but still feel kind of eh, so I'm not sure what the extent of my posting will be today. I'll try and get up a couple of scenes, but my biggest apologies to you all if I don't ;A; And Rex is right, I'll be endeavouring to move things on somewhat tomorrow. Unless... I feel crappy again... >.>;

Rex, I'm glad you had a wonderful time and experience at your concert. :) I love how chill and modest that band's members are, on top of them having really cool music. XD

Fox's marapets story is just... hilarious. And so Fox. lol, your rise to richness and then quick successive bankruptness is exactly like Don |D Really cool pic though. Did you get any other commissions done?

Buns don't be late for work, and get better internet you pleb!

Kathi, enjoy your last day in Hawaii and best of luck with your flight to China. :) I can't really stand long flights... so best of luck with that. @_@ Beijing should be super fun though, and nice to meet some family again? :)

Kei, I'm sorry to hear about the school expenses. :< School is just so expensive, huh? Ugh. I wish you guys the best of luck and hopefully you're able to find that appeal. ;w; *huggles*
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