Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW SectionThe stallion crumpled to a stop and Lute jolted out of the saddle, falling to the floor in a crumpled heap that was a bit close to Sebastian’s current state of affairs. He was always sensitive to malodorous scents… in a bad way. “Give … me a second…” The virtuoso’s disembodied voice floated out of his slumped, facedown figure.
‘C’mon, Sleeping Beauty, rise and shine!’ Delilah snapped back in her original voice before launching into a fusillade of screams and taunts,
‘Someone pegged the horse!’Lute pushed himself up and his hand immediately rose to his cheek in alarm at the strange soreness in it, and his fingers brushed past the crumbs and bits of earth that now coated his face. With a frustrated grumble, he staggered to his feet and then looked around, eyes widening at the sight of a dart on Sebastian’s body. For some inconceivable swing of bad karma, the power turned off too. It should’ve been no big deal since they were outside, but they were now in an area which was previously lit up by the surrounding lamp posts.
“Uh-oh… Dellie!” He cried out just as his familiar launched an ear-splitting scream towards the darkness of the hallway in front of the three. Thankfully Trixie was near him; the attack was something he just threw out to ward off whoever it was that shot the poor horse. “Are you okay!?” Lute exclaimed as he rushed over to the prankster and pulled her up. “Miss Rose! Seb-Sebastian...?” They’re not hurt, are they?
???“Mhmm.” A silhouette appeared over the smooth tiles as the ceiling fixtures creaked. The shadow disappeared as quickly as it came and the muffled sound of glass hitting wood and metal was the only trace of the agent’s movement.
She uncrossed her legs and got down from her perch atop the shelf. The skylight had been her way in, although the moonlight streaming in through the glass did little to hide her presence. “I wished they left something behind…
Anything,”The woman sighed as she strode across the empty room. If she was going to help execute a heist, she might as well enjoy herself
and the ambiance while at it. Her eyes fell upon the intricate carvings on the pillars, and of the curlique that was present in almost all of the room fixtures. “Interesting. The architecture is traditional but the designs are…”
The lady’s eyes shimmered and her lips pursed down into a frown. “That’s very rude, trying to bludgeon who was merely inspecting the artistry in these walls,” She sighed disapprovingly and stepped to the side where the priest’s staff swung down and failed to graze her as it should have. It took mere moments to knock the poor man unconscious, and even fewer time to stash his body somewhere inconspicuous, especially now that the power supply was cut off.
“Why do all the handsome ones choose the stodgy jobs?” The woman in black satin murmured to herself as she exited the room, her feet making nary a sound despite the high heels she wore. However, a strange sound caught her attention as she was moving from behind one corridor pillar to another. It took a peek to see what the commotion was about and then she retreated back to the shadows, disbelief and amusement clear on her lovely face as she pressed on the communicator.
“… Three people are headed my way. They have a bear running after them,” She paused then added firmly, “But the order stands, oui.”