Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm going to call the next post.

Kei-chan D: hopefully the weather gets better and Rex, I heard that the storm is over? Not sure about Bataan but hopefully things are better now :/

I'm going to have Fabian slip inside the building, if I end up needing to edit anything, I shall do it ASAP ^^! Also, do our thieves have magical abilities or will they rely solely on their awesome gadgets and gizmos?

Edit:Posted :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Ugh, this afternoon looks like it's going to prove to be busy. I'm going to start working on posts for characters in various groups and updating the IC when I can. My main focus is on Lute, Dylan and Tobias' groups as well as a scene with the Masked Phantom, however this could take time. Rex, if you're planning on doing a post with Amy and Trix, let me know and I'll save those groups for later or get something up for one of them really quickly now. :)

Thieves can have magic or not, it's totally up to you guys.

My post with the MP will give some orders to your thief chars. :>

Also, guys, don't forget to preface your posts with the scene location under your characters' castshots and leave a space inbetween it and the main post and have it bolded and underlined too. It helps reduce confusion a lot better! ^w^

EDIT: Couple of scenes up. Will do Marcus, Dylan and Xandra, plus Masked Phantom a bit later >w<)b
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Posts up!

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
Avatar of Rexcalibur

Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry guys, I've been posting super inconsistently lately. :/ Just took my dog to the vets and they're telling me his condition could be all these serious things ("it could range from a parasite to obstruction to cancer") but they can't even narrow it down, then they wanted to charge me fucking $1158 for all these tests, xrays, and injections when they don't even know what's wrong with him. Still had to pay up $300 for some general bloodwork and pancreatis testing and I'm just pissed off with how vague they are with my dog's condition. Plus the ridiculous fees they wanted to pay me up front.

I was planning to post as soon as I got home but I'm reeeeaally not feeling it atm. I'll post later before dinner, though that shouldn't affect anyone bar Buns. Buns if you want to, please feel free to use Angel. From your last post, he'd agree with your guys all passively/calmly and do whatever they want to do really.

Sorry for the inconveniences lately ><
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Aww, Rex, you don't need to feel sorry or anything! Your posting's been absolutely fine, don't worry about that.

I'm really sorry to hear about Riley and the (unsurprising) exorbitant fees the vets wanted to charge. I hope he's able to feel better a lot soon and I hope you guys are able to find out a bit better what might be wrong with him with just those first tests. Because $1200 is just... straight up ridiculous and... ugh.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Really sorry to eat about your dog, Rex :( That's super expensive for a bunch of inconclusive tests- I hope they find out what's wrong soon and that it's nothing serious!! *giant hugs and lots of tasty food for you*

I'll put up a post now- sorry for the missed post this morning uv u

(also managed to buy both copies of the Legend of Heroes art books muahahahaha)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Crescendo said
(also managed to buy both copies of the Legend of Heroes art books muahahahaha)



I have them both too 8D They're spoileriffic! (and very expensive ;A;) But nice art and character portraits inside. I find it ridiculous they released artbooks in english for 6~ games THAT AREN'T IN ENGLISH WTF

Kathi can you read japanese? Or buy chinese versions of Trails? 8D (And translate it for me kthx <3)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

PFT I got the Japanese version of the art books I cry but ah well

I could probs translate the Chinese version but it'd be so slow and full of mistakes ahaha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Awwww damn sorry to hear about your pooch problems Rex D: Hopefully you find out what it is soon and it's something perfectly manageable or treatable.

Wooooo art books! Love em.

I've got a couple of questions today! The first of all is just one of my every now and then thinking really in depth things.

And second, IC times.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I've always imagined Lucien to have the stereotypical English accent, actually :'D Aria though... e ve I'm actually pretty clueless about accents- I have trouble telling accents apart and can't do accent impressions for the life of me otl I don't have much of an idea for Ari's accent- I imagine more in tones, like Moira being loud and brash while Marcus would be softer and gentler while Trixie's happily squealing like the cutie she is. Maybe Ari'd have a smoother feel to her voice? I'm so bad at describing voices I cry

As for groups I'm steering Miffy towards Angel's group, since I feel like it'd be quite the fun matchup- maybe bunny would be strong enough to face Moira pft. . I've also probably interacted least with Buns and Rex so aha

If I'm not making sense I blame the fact it's 4:30am lol Night night my friends
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Bunanigans


Member Offline since relaunch

Nah tones make sense, haha!

Anyway I'm shooting off to bed too. It's thundering outside I love itttttttttt
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. :) I'll be getting a call tomorrow morning about Riley's blood test results. Hopefully it really is nothing too serious.

Aside from Amy's drawl (she sounds exactly like Meg from Disney's Hercules, though she speaks slower and has a slightly deeper tone of voice), I always picture Trixie to sound like a snobby white brat pretending to be black with the most annoying/ear-grating voice ever. :P I have Aria's and Marcus' voices in my head, though I can't quite think of an established character who has the same or similar enough voice to describe it well enough haha. Same with Estelle's to an extent. I already spent like 20 minutes digging for some videos and can't find any atm lmao.

I hope the art books weren't super costly. I still want my Borderlands artbook but the price has skyrocketed to $150 USD :C

Anyhoo, calling next post. I haven't read anything yet, but I really haven't interacted with Kathi/Aria that often at all; the only direct one with either of my girls that lasted longer than a one-liner that's happened since Aria joined was the bar-drinking this chapter lol. T__T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dang...those tests are so expensive :/ I hope Riley feels better soon and that things get sorted out as soon as possible, Rex. *hugs*

I never really thought of accents, like Kathi-chan, it's always been more how they say stuff xD

Like I imagine Syed has this firm, calm, school teacher voice, kind that grabs children's attention and makes them listen. I imagine Aria has a smooth silky kind that's playful and flirty. If only there was a device that turned how you imagined voices into actual audio files, that'd be pretty cool. I imagine Trixie to be this fast talker with a loud, chirpy voice that always sounds super excited.

As for Lucien, OTL I can imagine his voice in my head, but I don't know how to explain it. He likes repeating words though. "Okay, okay," or "Sure, sure." and "Right, right." He's got a thing for placing yeahs if he's asking questions too. "So, this is the place, yeah?" He'd mostly have a playful sounding tone of voice. Xan would speak calmly and politely most of the time. She probably comes off as serious and business-like to those who don't know her.

And, I'd love for Fabian to run into group E, but if someone else wants to run into them then I can send the boy somewhere else ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rexcalibur
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Rexcalibur Kung Fuhrer

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Right, I'm off to sleep now. Hope everyone has a fab mornight and a fab weekend! Also, thank you too Fox <3 I'd love for Fabian to cross Group E as well.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nighty night, Rex! Don't let Slendy bite~

I'm going to get started on a post :D! And just a heads up, but I won't be able to post tomorrow. I'll be travelling back to the dorm to move the stuff I left last semester. My cousin/roommate is transferring schools, so I'll be moving to a smaller room. I'll probably get back pretty late, but I'll have a post up on Monday morning.

Also, I'm going to have Fabian be more of a gadget reliant thief. He won't have magic, but he'll have some cool gizmos ^^

Edit: Posted~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Holas everyone! :D

I hope everyone's having a fantastic weekend! I'm waiting with trepidation and hope that it starts raining here soon. Rain would be so, so nice. ;~;

I've not caught up on the ICs yet, but I'm looking forward to it. :) With regards accents, I don't imagine any of the characters speaking with a particular accent either, other then Mordie and Kenneth because their accents were displayed in the way their dialogue was typed, if that makes sense? Speaking of which, Rex did a fabulous job with Mordie's dialogue to help convey that. As for the other characters, it's basically what everyone else has already mentioned and that I envision the way in which they say things more regarding tones. I kind of picture Trixie speaking like Hit Girl :P

The way Lucien repeats words I see him as kinda shifty and shuffling a lot |D Always grinning like a fox and nodding his head a lot. An english accent is... strange to envision him with... o.O

So thieves wise, Kathi wants Miffy to encounter Moira and Angel's group and Fox wants Fabian to encounter Trixie and Lute's group. These are both fine, but don't be surprised if groups mix and match up if they encounter and tangle up with each other. Same with the thieves, in case Buns and Kei want Jay and Franzeska to drop in on any of these scenes or work together or... whatever. I'm just seeing what's natural with the IC. Masked Phantom will do something in my next post which could use the dynamics of what's going on a little bit too :P
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Starting a post now, guys! ^o^

EDIT: Post is up! See what I mean about shifting groups? HUEHAUEHAUEHUEHEHUAHUE

Hope you all have fun reacting to that!

Good luck with travelling back to your dorm and all of the item rearranging, Fox! Kind of sucks you don't get to share with your cousin anymore, but a single room is pretty sweet too. :)


(I almost typed mac idky)

Kathi, you could translate half of it from the chinese ver and Rex could translate the other half from the japanese <3

Fox now has the best sig ever holy carps
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crescendo


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Omg Lucieeeen *shrieks*

I'll type up a post now since I probably won't be able to in the morning lol

And it's true- horse farts smell absolutely terribad x_ o Poor, poor Lulu.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pachamac


Member Seen 8 mos ago

That's just Sebby showing Lute how much he loves him <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Orpheus
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Orpheus Wandering Salt Pile

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Back! I haven't read the IC yet, just wanted to say hi. I'll go read what I missed now!

Ugh, Rex that sounds horrible! I hope your dog's condition is a mild one, though. > ^ < There was this one time our Zoe wouldn't walk and we thought she was sick in the stomach or something so we took her to the vet... Yeah, I feel those fees. Ugh.

@accents. I've never been able to do other accents and I've never been able to distinguish my own so OTL I do imagine Lute with a soft, tuned down voice and rapid way of speaking though, and his rural accent is even more pronounced whenever he raises his volume/gets agitated. For some reason I imagined Lulu's accent to be a teeny bit like kansai (because there's this character named Komine in a game that spoke like that and the way he spoke was really cute), like adding a subtle "-nya" (no other sound to describe it lol) in between certain letters. Don't have any other way to describe it OTL

Edit: Posted! Just tell me to edit stuff and I'll gladly do it since I'll be on really early. We have Thanksgiving service in about... 4 hours from now. Sorry for the post length, by the way :c
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