Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW SectionWhy all these stink bombs? They could’ve fought each other with flash grenades!
The air which was slowly starting to clear was clogged with an unidentifiable stink again, and the combined scents made Lute want to retch. In the dizzy state he was in, he barely even realized that Trixie had turned his request around and just followed the order. Searching for the hulk which must be a horse was easy and the virtuoso quickly found Rose.
“Miss Rose?” The smog cleared a bit as a draft blew in, causing Lute’s feed to get clogged up with blurry outlines and the like, and it enabled the man to see the young lady pinned under her steed. She didn’t look too good either… “Are… Are you… Did you break a bone!? I’ll get you out of there, don’t worry!” He managed to wheeze out with the back of his hand pressed against his lower face. Lute stood up, groped around for Sebastian’s saddle, and then tried to pull the horse off its rider. While he was exerting his efforts on this though, a certain pair of hands snaked around his waist and…
Lute and Delilah both had no time to react as a circular object was quickly stuffed within the virtuoso’s shirt, the cold material rolling down his chest slowly thanks to the fabric. And then it exploded. A cloud of stink practically erupted from every escapable place there could be in a shirt. But that wasn’t enough. The figure pushed the virtuoso forward while a quick chirp rippled forth from Lute’s hand, scanning the assailant’s form as he threw yet another stick bomb before retreating.
Judging from that voice and the scan results…
‘… You’re up against a small fry.’ “
You. Little. Brat.”
Runoff was dripping through Lute’s shirt and down his back, where a damp circle stood out from the dark red fabric of his jacket. His skin from where the grenade exploded was repulsively sticky, not to mention raw from the impact. “I’m going to get him for you, miss Rose,” The virtuoso growled out through gritted teeth as he pushed himself up from the ground and reached for his sword, not minding the fact that his patterned boxers were on show for the entire world to see once the smog cleared.
“I’m going to teach you a lesson!” Lute snarled and swung his sword horizontally, a sound wave following the trajectory and range of the slash. “And if that didn’t hit you,
this will!”
Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Central Section… Now this was off-topic, but Francesca idly wondered whether the two ladies were secretly relieved that the gorgeous fellow was temporarily disposed of; for someone who looked like he was brought up in a well-mannered household, the man sure had a sharp tongue and was also being overly cruel to his teammates. Francesca knew for sure that
she was fine with having Tobias, as the pretty redhead called him, out of the picture.
“… If you’re having trouble, call on one of us. No sense playing ‘big boss’ tonight, my dear,” The lady covered her mouth as she parted one final piece of advice for Fabian… For now, at least. The swordswoman had drawn her weapon and it ignited, throwing light around as the flames shimmered upwards. She and her blonde friend were still together but if they separated, it would be quite…
Vexing. But, ah…. The worst of it all seemed to be that fireblade. She didn’t want those embers anywhere near her lovely dress nor her skin, thank you very much. Francesca narrowed her eyes as she retreated into the further reaches of the shadowed hallway, and a plan formed in her mind as her gaze raked past a few scattered objects.
As both Amy and Estelle made sense of their concealed assailant, either one of the two swinging her light source from side to side to ward off the darkness, a medium-sized wooden crate flew in from the north. The flying object was followed quickly by another crate of the same make thrown in from the far northeast… and then another one from their immediate left, as if the source was getting closer and closer to successfully circumventing them.