Avatar of Orpheus
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  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat 😥
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Posted uvu The length is a bit meeeh because I went a bit too detailed on a few things. I'm sorry OTL I'm going to cut down on future posts of course, it's just that some explanations were necessary in this one

I hope your Riley's getting better as we speak, Rex! And... Good luck on that midterm! D8

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW Section

Why all these stink bombs? They could’ve fought each other with flash grenades!

The air which was slowly starting to clear was clogged with an unidentifiable stink again, and the combined scents made Lute want to retch. In the dizzy state he was in, he barely even realized that Trixie had turned his request around and just followed the order. Searching for the hulk which must be a horse was easy and the virtuoso quickly found Rose.

“Miss Rose?” The smog cleared a bit as a draft blew in, causing Lute’s feed to get clogged up with blurry outlines and the like, and it enabled the man to see the young lady pinned under her steed. She didn’t look too good either… “Are… Are you… Did you break a bone!? I’ll get you out of there, don’t worry!” He managed to wheeze out with the back of his hand pressed against his lower face. Lute stood up, groped around for Sebastian’s saddle, and then tried to pull the horse off its rider. While he was exerting his efforts on this though, a certain pair of hands snaked around his waist and…

Lute and Delilah both had no time to react as a circular object was quickly stuffed within the virtuoso’s shirt, the cold material rolling down his chest slowly thanks to the fabric. And then it exploded. A cloud of stink practically erupted from every escapable place there could be in a shirt. But that wasn’t enough. The figure pushed the virtuoso forward while a quick chirp rippled forth from Lute’s hand, scanning the assailant’s form as he threw yet another stick bomb before retreating.

Judging from that voice and the scan results… ‘… You’re up against a small fry.’

You. Little. Brat.

Runoff was dripping through Lute’s shirt and down his back, where a damp circle stood out from the dark red fabric of his jacket. His skin from where the grenade exploded was repulsively sticky, not to mention raw from the impact. “I’m going to get him for you, miss Rose,” The virtuoso growled out through gritted teeth as he pushed himself up from the ground and reached for his sword, not minding the fact that his patterned boxers were on show for the entire world to see once the smog cleared.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson!” Lute snarled and swung his sword horizontally, a sound wave following the trajectory and range of the slash. “And if that didn’t hit you, this will!”

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Central Section

… Now this was off-topic, but Francesca idly wondered whether the two ladies were secretly relieved that the gorgeous fellow was temporarily disposed of; for someone who looked like he was brought up in a well-mannered household, the man sure had a sharp tongue and was also being overly cruel to his teammates. Francesca knew for sure that she was fine with having Tobias, as the pretty redhead called him, out of the picture.

“… If you’re having trouble, call on one of us. No sense playing ‘big boss’ tonight, my dear,” The lady covered her mouth as she parted one final piece of advice for Fabian… For now, at least. The swordswoman had drawn her weapon and it ignited, throwing light around as the flames shimmered upwards. She and her blonde friend were still together but if they separated, it would be quite…

Vexing. But, ah…. The worst of it all seemed to be that fireblade. She didn’t want those embers anywhere near her lovely dress nor her skin, thank you very much. Francesca narrowed her eyes as she retreated into the further reaches of the shadowed hallway, and a plan formed in her mind as her gaze raked past a few scattered objects.

As both Amy and Estelle made sense of their concealed assailant, either one of the two swinging her light source from side to side to ward off the darkness, a medium-sized wooden crate flew in from the north. The flying object was followed quickly by another crate of the same make thrown in from the far northeast… and then another one from their immediate left, as if the source was getting closer and closer to successfully circumventing them.
Hey guys, sorry for the wait! Got caught up in a few things so this is truly the moment where I begin writing my post OTL
I'm going to work on my post now!
*insert enthusiastic fangirling*

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW Section

‘Got some movement on the right- and welp, it’s gone!’

Lute’s eyes were tearing up and he almost fainted again. What is with these people and their stinky friends!? ... No offense to Sebastian, but twice in one night was far too much! He coughed and coughed as multicolored pieces of paper floated down and got stuck to his hair, but he paid no attention to it in light of Delilah’s report. "What do you mean it's gone!?" Lute hacked out and his familiar pinpointed instead where she heard the remainder of the strange sounds before it disappeared.

“Trixie, can you go and see if miss Rose is injured?” He turned to the prankster and asked her with his hand over the lower half of his face. With no further explanation he darted off towards the location where this mystery person last left his or her footprints. Lute unsheathed his sword and rapped the tip on the floor, angrily scanning for the fellow.

“Stop being a coward and fight us face to face!” He growled and furiously wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand. Stupid stink bomb.

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Central Section

Oh, this group was so much fun. A rampaging bear, two handsome young men, a newly-arrived swordswoman and a lady who could conjure light, the last one being the most troublesome of them all. Francesca tilted her head to the side and pressed on the communicator, shaking her head when Jay’s muffled voice reached her ear. “Yes, I think I’ll be able to do this. You sound like the one in trouble though- Ah, don't get too distracted,” The lady quipped, raising an eyebrow before focusing on the guards in front of her. Already the boy in the robes was talking about summoning yet another bear, an idea Francesca was not fond of, and although she wanted to slip behind him and knock him into oblivion, the light in that staff was a pest.

A jarring sound distracted Francesca before she could do anything. “Fabbee, is everything all right on your end?” She inquired and waited for a few seconds. When no immediate reply came, the thief shook her head and brought her hands together as she walked out of her hiding place, stalking towards the summoner like a tigress on the hunt.

From where Amy or Estelle was standing, they could easily see a pair of gloved hands swoop in from the darkness before crashing down on Lucien’s neck in a swift jab before the owner withdrew and pushed the summoner towards Tobias.
(I'll be posting later in the evening, I hope nobody minds.)

Edit: Okay, writing my post now.

Why do people keep throwing him around?

Songbird slammed against a smooth surface and crumpled down on the ground. His elbows and shins smarted from the impact, but it could’ve been worse; if Martini’s bubble dome didn’t hold, he would’ve been sent flying into the arms of the undead outside. However, remaining in the same area as the others presented a brand new dilemma. The item hunter rocketed up again when the earth shook and pillars burst out from under, and in doing so came in contact with a few floating wisps.

“My hat!” The nobody’s screech was so high-pitched that it even jarred the witch, who was already convulsing enough as it is with those multiple stabs to the chest. The black headgear was taken off and dropped to the ground where it immediately stiffened to a chunk of rock. Songbird didn’t mind his second fall as much as the fact that one of his beloved (and trademark) clothing apparel was now petrified; that hat had been with him since he was born!

Meanwhile, when their companion had been hurled across the better half of the domed battlefield, Fluffy and Stuffy scurried over to a prone figure near what would be Songbird’s landing site. The two fluffballs slithered under the flat boulder pinning the person down, and used their combined leverage to tip it upwards. In doing so, they gave Avian arm room to crawl out from under the debris. “Thank you,” He murmured as the pets squealed in unison, and then winced when he started to walk. Great, a limp, not to mention that his body was sore all over thanks to that seism magic.

“Hey beefcake! A little help here!”

The dragoon heard a voice from the near left and limped over to it. Songbird was stuck between a log and a rock pillar, so Avian pulled him out and the two collapsed on the ground from the effort. “My back hurts,” The item hunter whined but the soldier pulled him up anyway, the latter pointing to a certain object and then saying, “Is that yours?”
Upon being reminded of the sad loss of his hat (it was roughly equivalent to how important Lesley’s hand was to him, poor darling) Songbird grimaced. “Why are you asking- Whoa whoa get your hands off my hat!” The item hunter tripped over a vine and landed flat on his face when he attempted to nab his beloved hat away from Avian, who was inspecting it from side to side. “It’s the perfect shape,” The dragoon declared before snapping- gasp- what used to be the plume on the side, then dropping it. He now had a medium-length, jagged piece of rock that could be mistaken for a neanderthal’s dagger if it didn’t have those telltale feather marks on it.

Witch’s head was in the air.

“You really like throwing things, don’t you?” Songbird muttered as the soldier swung his arm down and then threw the piece in a lower curve. The flat rock sailed over the distance, whirling around steadily like a disc, and hit the witch’s bleeding neck. The tip of the hag’s nose touched a black wisp as it tilted half an inch higher in the air from the impact with Avian’s rock, before descending quite marvelously back to the ground.

That ought to take care of it; even from this distance, both Avian and Songbird could see the start of an icky grey pallor reaching up the witch’s face.
Sorry for the tardiness! I'm getting my post up (OTL again)
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