Avatar of Orpheus
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  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
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I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat 😥
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Michi said Martini, Brandy, and Songbird have done nothing but risk their lives for these humans so I wanna see how this plays out.

Yeah. :c

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW Section

While Trixie went on to ‘interrogate’ the scoundrel, Lute picked up the communicator from where it fell near Sebastian. After yet another look at Rose, he straightened from his crouch and activated the device just in time for everyone to hear Angel. His frown deepened but he knew that by now one of the other groups could be heading towards their location to help.

“..This is Lute. We got the thief… The one over here at least. But more importantly, we need a medic,” He spoke into the communicator, completely unaware that his words weren’t exclusive to the Pride anymore. The virtuoso paused, and then added as an afterthought, “In case any of you were worried, Trixie’s fine. She’s…” Lute glanced over where the prankster was just in time to see her handling one of those accursed stink grenades, “Wait, don’t touch that!”

It didn’t explode, though. Thank goodness.

Just when Lute was about to finish the transmission, Delilah pointed him towards the struggling thief. The brat now had a less tense air about him, and had even threatened Trixie… He was either bluffing or was serious about them “being in trouble now”.

“… Requesting for back-up.”

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts

Francesca adjusted her earpiece as she hurried through the halls. “Of all the times it could have done that,” She sighed as she took it off and then inspected the side. Hers had an annoying habit of automatically changing volumes, an instance of which was earlier where that infernal screech blasted through at the device’s loudest right into her eardrum. To be honest, she could still hear something.

“… I fear I haven’t followed the order to the letter…” She reported in moments later when the noise in her ear subsided. “The guards might have left the location I encountered them… in…” Francesca trailed off as she saw a cat pouncing towards her. With her eyes narrowed, the thief stepped away from the feline and one of her hands snapped out and lifted it up by the nape. She held it away from her in case the feisty little thing, scratching and clawing away as it is, decided to pee on her dress, then addressed the summoner.

“From bear to cat, what have you next? An ostrich?” She gently shook the feline in her grasp and it hissed. “This isn’t a real animal, is it? I would dearly loathe to harm a real cat…” That bear from earlier vanished in a puff of smoke… So were these forms merely a vessel for that robed boy? That makes it easier for her conscience to swallow. Francesca threw the ‘animal’ up in the air and sent it hurtling back towards Lucien with a powerful swing, the poor thing yowling all the way back home.

“Back to the matter at hand. Since Mattis is heading towards our dear Fabbee, I shall go check on the knight in shining fedora,” The woman entered the room she came from earlier and glanced up at the skylight. “Does anyone know of his whereabouts?” She inquired softly after maneuvering back onto the roof. “Tell me where you are, Jay. I’ll help to the best of my capabilities.” They all knew neither Fabian nor Jay would stay quiet unless they were in a real spot of trouble, and even that wasn't able to stop the former from gabbing off earlier.
Posted! Personally I'm not really happy with what happened to the cat but OTL
K just had to be a gory death huh. Seriously Michi, where do you find these? XD
Kimchi said Sometimes she'd get the same emotions around Harper, Haku, and even Song.

|DDDD Jasper is our queen

Awww Anon. :0 Yeah, we've joined a lot of really beautiful roleplays that just wither away within a week. Really amazing ones that just make you want to clutch your heart and die from the world offered to you. It's such a huge blow to my heart when those masterpieces die. I think it's because of those experiences that we're a bit aggressive on player attendance, sorry guys OTL

Glad you're enjoying your experience! It's Michi who deserves the love though, I'm basically just the taste tester! But in any case, here's to more fun and happiness and suffering!

Avian was silent as they made their way towards the cabin. He was carrying Martini and walked with a pronounced limp, but it seemed as if the pain constantly shooting through his ribs and up his leg wasn’t the reason behind the gray pallor over his face.

They began their search although at first it seemed like there was nothing to be found. Harper asked about the possibility of there being a secret room somewhere in the cabin, and if there was one then where could the entry point be? The other guides agreed that there might be something more to the rickety old shack- Martini almost slammed her tail against Avian’s face as she blurted out her opinion but he barely noticed- and he set the mermaid down on a chair to help with the investigation.

Riley suggested burning the house down.

“Uhhh, don’t do that. You all fought so hard to defeat that hag just to die in a house fire. Right, beefcake?” Songbird rapped on the shoulder where Brandy leaned against as he turned towards the soldier, who gave him a bland, disinterested nod before turning his broad back on them. “Is he okay?” The item hunter nudged Leila and pointed at the dark-haired nobody. The two of them chose the same place to search so Songbird decided to strike up a conversation with the girl- somebody once told him that social interaction, at times, has the power to soothe nerves- but it was a bad move seeing that not only was he a poor conversationalist, so was Leila, as it seemed. Fluffy and Stuffy, cute little darlings that they are, circled around the human’s legs while squeaking in turn.

Songbird’s hat, if anyone read my last post, had been petrified by the wisps and he left it back in the battlefield. His face was in full view of everyone who dared to look, heterochromia and the odd, slightly circular marks that trailed up from the bottom of his left eye and ended barely an inch from his hairline included. He didn’t seem to mind though, or perhaps the current nonchalance was due to the fact that he was busy digging around in the tool chest for a key.

Also, for someone who got thrown around a lot, Songbird seemed to be just as energetic as Ace. Maybe it was because of his vocation that he didn’t seem that shaken by the fight they’ve all been through? Truth be told, his two fluffballs seemed to be in worse shape, judging from the overall beaten look the orange and pink duo had, not to mention the matted pieces of fluff on their round, plush bodies.

Ace suggested burning the house down.

Songbird sighed.

Jasper approached Avian and compared a piece of metal to the one on his arm. The dragoon was startled enough that he turned to look at the human, despite being in a gloomy mood. Victoria really should’ve been the one on this mission. Not only was she skilled with ranged attacks, which could’ve helped earlier, but he had no doubt that his wife had more skill and would have possibly prevented Lesley’s hand from reaching its current nonexistent state. He wiped his hands on his pants and took the chunk from the white-haired girl, turning it over his palm before returning it to Jasper.


“57th Training Corps, Guardian Sect. Whoever owned this was training to be a part of Aven’s city guard, see those three dots on the edge?” Before he could properly hand the armor back to the girl, she snatched it away and jumped up and down energetically. Oh well. Avian’s dry lips cracked into a faint smile. Glad to see her morale was boosted.
Writing my post!

Also, now that the battle scenes are done, I'm going to post a lot more frequently. You guys might've noticed that the guide posts disappear during fights, and that's because we were hoping the Lost Souls would be able to do it with teamwork and blood and tears! From the feels and the well-oiled mechanism with how you all took turns to dish out that witch (also these interactions, how precious), looks like we won't have to hold back for the next chapters (probably with the exception of the group containing Toby and Ran)!

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW Section

By this, Lute meant a forceful vertical sound slash towards where he had located the thief using the feed from his previous attack. It wasn’t a special attack or anything… He just made it sound like one for reasons he didn’t understand himself. Anyway, Fabian had already toppled over from the multitude of attacks the three had inflicted, so now it was time to apprehend him.

“Got you! Come on, Trixie!”

With the three of them working together, the thief was stunned and trapped by the vines, hopefully ending his reign of stink bombs. Lute was still far from placated, however, and so was Delilah; both had at least one eye twitching as the virtuoso (with his pants back in their rightful domain) checked up on Rose. If Fabian so much as twitched, he would throw a VERY loud screech over there with his free hand, and trust the gods that he wouldn’t miss this time.

“… We should get you to a medic,” Lute, after trying to wake Sebastian, offered to carry Rose on his back since he doubted that she would appreciate the stink coming off of his chest, but before that he turned towards Trixie. “Hey Wondergirl, great job. Sorry for being a dummy back then; I got confused too. Want to do the honors of apprehending the criminal?” His tone had softened from its previous agitated state, but Lute was still upset about … everything. He was a very hygienic person after all.

Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Central Section

In the lapse it took between the launching of the third crate and its destruction, Francesca had already planted herself on the roof facing the small courtyard; no small feat considering that it sloped downwards and that she was working against gravity. It was tempting to leave this group and skirt over to where the others were, but she had to abide by orders... At least until they were called off. The charge had been planted anyway; the only reason Francesca prowled around was to prevent its discovery.

The woman crouched and waited for the swordswoman and her friend to take the bait, but it was only the former who ran to that location. That was enough.

… By this time either Fabian or Jay should have been crowing about how easy the mission was.

Francesca moved over to where Estelle ran out from and prepared. Her eyes darted over to the glowing weapon held by the redhead as she scouted for the enemy, whom she still seemed to believe came from that direction. Now. The thief narrowed her eyes and broke into a run, latching onto the roof with one of her hands as she jumped off. Francesca used the momentum of her last swing to throw herself back into the corridor, her legs poised to give the cleric an aerial kick.

Her calculations were thrown off as there were new elements that had been added to the equation; the woman bearing the staff had moved, the handsome man was back on his feet and the bear whisperer was awake once more.

It was the newly-risen Tobias who met the brunt of Francesca’s kick, and she was well-within Amy’s lit area for a second before the thief managed to move out of sight. She swiftly stood up from her place beside the aristocrat, his rapier in her hand as the woman prepared to move in and bury the hilt in the cleric's face. Before she could, however, Fabian’s voice rang through the communicator. Concern replaced the cold and calculating expression on her face as she listened in on the boy's report.

And it was disrupted by a shrill screech, amplified by the tiny device’s own static from having to relay such volume.

Merde!” Francesca’s anguished cry was for everyone, thieves and guilders alike, to hear. Her left ear was ringing painfully, almost as if her nerves were swelling in response to the sudden auditory relay, and her eyes watered. She dropped her aggressive tactic and instead ripped off the Academy banner hanging from the nearest pillar, then flung it towards Amy as she bid a wobbly retreat.
Meh, I'm fine with anything.

I'll work on my post too. I'll edit this comment a lot...

Edit: POSTED! I might not be able to read the OOC because of the fluctuating internet, so if somebody wants me to edit my post I would, but delayed?
Why do I have a feeling Frances is going to get in trouble soon....? (I'm looking at you Michi I swear if that bird summon poops on her head)
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