Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – SW SectionBy
this, Lute meant a forceful vertical sound slash towards where he had located the thief using the feed from his previous attack. It wasn’t a special attack or anything… He just made it sound like one for reasons he didn’t understand himself. Anyway, Fabian had already toppled over from the multitude of attacks the three had inflicted, so now it was time to apprehend him.
“Got you! Come on, Trixie!”
With the three of them working together, the thief was stunned and trapped by the vines, hopefully ending his reign of stink bombs. Lute was still far from placated, however, and so was Delilah; both had at least one eye twitching as the virtuoso (with his pants back in their rightful domain) checked up on Rose. If Fabian so much as twitched, he would throw a
VERY loud screech over there with his free hand, and trust the gods that he wouldn’t miss this time.
“… We should get you to a medic,” Lute, after trying to wake Sebastian, offered to carry Rose on his back since he doubted that she would appreciate the stink coming off of his chest, but before that he turned towards Trixie. “Hey Wondergirl, great job. Sorry for being a dummy back then; I got confused too. Want to do the honors of apprehending the criminal?” His tone had softened from its previous agitated state, but Lute was still upset about … everything. He was a very hygienic person after all.
Aliquam: Academy of the Arts – Central SectionIn the lapse it took between the launching of the third crate and its destruction, Francesca had already planted herself on the roof facing the small courtyard; no small feat considering that it sloped downwards and that she was working against gravity. It was tempting to leave this group and skirt over to where the others were, but she had to abide by orders... At least until they were called off. The charge had been planted anyway; the only reason Francesca prowled around was to prevent its discovery.
The woman crouched and waited for the swordswoman and her friend to take the bait, but it was only the former who ran to that location. That was enough.
… By this time either Fabian or Jay should have been crowing about how easy the mission was.
Francesca moved over to where Estelle ran out from and prepared. Her eyes darted over to the glowing weapon held by the redhead as she scouted for the enemy, whom she still seemed to believe came from that direction.
Now. The thief narrowed her eyes and broke into a run, latching onto the roof with one of her hands as she jumped off. Francesca used the momentum of her last swing to throw herself back into the corridor, her legs poised to give the cleric an aerial kick.
Her calculations were thrown off as there were new elements that had been added to the equation; the woman bearing the staff had moved, the handsome man was back on his feet and the bear whisperer was awake once more.
It was the newly-risen Tobias who met the brunt of Francesca’s kick, and she was well-within Amy’s lit area for a second before the thief managed to move out of sight. She swiftly stood up from her place beside the aristocrat, his rapier in her hand as the woman prepared to move in and bury the hilt in the cleric's face. Before she could, however, Fabian’s voice rang through the communicator. Concern replaced the cold and calculating expression on her face as she listened in on the boy's report.
And it was disrupted by a shrill screech, amplified by the tiny device’s own static from having to relay such volume.
Merde!” Francesca’s anguished cry was for everyone, thieves and guilders alike, to hear. Her left ear was ringing painfully, almost as if her nerves were swelling in response to the sudden auditory relay, and her eyes watered. She dropped her aggressive tactic and instead ripped off the Academy banner hanging from the nearest pillar, then flung it towards Amy as she bid a wobbly retreat.