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    1. OuterClockwork 11 yrs ago


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Hey Jenno, it's been a few days. How's the OOC/IC coming along? Sorry if I seem impatient, it's just that the anticipation is soaring exponentially.
Nonetheless, I welcome you personally- and I guess I have an unspoken privilege to say we all welcome you back to the guild as well. Happy RPing, and don't forget to check the rules just in case something is new or you feel hazy on a subject.
Until we meet again!
Fixed yet again.
The situation wasn't meant to happen, of course. Let's say the unit he was with was flanked, causing Darwin to flee to safety midst the chaos. Just two days after the unit was presumably killed or captured, the enemy sent a scout to search for reinforcements, plans, and/or unit positions. Darwin was unarmed, showing he was not combat-ready. If the troop he was with was expecting to be attacked, Darwin would have either been assigned another troop or at the very least armed. Sorry if I was unclear on that; Darwin wasn't sent to fight, but that's what he had to do.
I don't know what I was thinking when I typed "Dante" (Whoops! That's pretty embarrassing) and I should have been more careful with the move choices. My apologies! I have fixed everything and it should look a lot better. Again, so sorry.
And in some cases journalists have been put with troops out in war-zones, with the idea that they can get a better idea of what is actually going on when compared to what is being reported back, edited, and then cropped into the media. Though these articles were often subjected to heavy censorship anyways, they did bring light to the media as first hand accounts. These people were called "War correspondents".
Trainer’s Papers

Trainer name: Darwin Cranor
Gender: Male
Date of Birth [Age]: December 4th, 1900 (23)
Region of Origin: Johto
Physical description: Short (5’7), thin build, Green eyes, golden curled hair, dresses in quasi-formal attire
Occupation during war: Wartime Journalist for the Johto/Kanto newsletters
Post-War Occupation: Columnist for local publications, journalist, and critic
Brief Biography: Born in Johto to a loving family, Darwin was the only child of the household. Always an intuitive and intelligent student, he focused on writing for much of his life. Though shy and introverted, he always seemed to keep an open mind when it came to interaction. In 1917, on his 17th Birthday, he decided to enlist as a journalist for the Johto/Kanto military efforts over Orre. He was soon dispatched to various areas, some zones of live combat, and was honorably discharged in 1923 when the war officially was over. Now he has moved into Goldenrod to settle into civilian life once again.
Legal alignment: Lawful

Pokémon’s Papers

First Pokémon (primary partner)
Name: Ether
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Type: Psychic
Physical description: Prefers to wear a thin, jade-encrusted collar around her neck when in public
Met: Originally met as a newly hatched Eevee his father brought home as a birthday present, Darwin met his first pokemon at a young age at his home in Johto.
Brief personality description: Ether is distrusting of other people, and is usually unwilling to cooperate without Darwin there to help. She is extremely loyal to her owner, and will literally sacrifice her own life to save his. She has jealous tendencies when around other pokemon.
Relationship with trainer: While Darwin and Ether were inseparable as children, their relationship went beyond typical trainer-pokemon stereotypes when Darwin entered the war. He took his beloved Eevee and had her registered as his companion, even though she had not been trained for combat. On July 15th, 1922, the area Darwin was sent to report on was suddenly barraged by the enemy, separating Darwin from the combat troop he was reporting with. For two days, Darwin hid in a cave with little hope of rescue. He planned on releasing Ether to the wilds beyond to ensure her safety, but she stood firm, not leaving her owner even when she had a chance to be free. At the dawn of the third day, as the sun rose in the distance, an enemy scout located their position. In his terror, Darwin grabbed a stone in preparation for what could be his last moments. The enemy raised his weapon, but before he could fire, Ether jumped from behind, tackling the foe to the ground. The man was quick to grab Ether and counterattack. As he watched his companion fight for not only her life, but his as well, Darwin snatched the gun from the cave ground and prepared to fire. In a brief instant he forgot about his fears, and he fired the gun. As the man fell, he too collapsed on the wall, slumping into a balled heap of tears. He looked over the corpse at the battered Ether, barely breathing and in need of medical help. He walked over to her, gently picked her up, and slouched back into the wall. With the last of the three-day’s rations he had on him and his limited medical supplies, he attempted to nurse her to a stable state. Finally, as the sun began to set, Ether awoke in Darwin’s arms outside of the cave. Darwin, who had all but given up hope looked to his Eevee and swore he would defend her to the death. This brief moment of heartfelt sincerity from her life-long friend in the presence of the waning sun prompted Eevee’s time, and she evolved into a Espeon, much to Darwin’s surprise. They left the cave and successfully snuck back into allied territory, where Espeon was properly taken care of.
[Future Sight] [Morning Sun]
[Quick Attack][Psychic]

Second Pokémon (secondary partner)
Name: Wes
Species: Beedrill
Gender: Male
Type: Bug/Poison
Physical description: Wes is just a bit taller than most Beedrill, but not so much so that he looms or towers
Met: During one of his expeditions in the homeland between conflicts, Darwin had been tasked with interviewing a professor in order to obtain some knowledge on his thoughts about various militarized poison pokemon. After the interview, Darwin took an interest himself in the bug-typed pokemon; specifically, he was interested in the evolution chains of Weedle and Caterpie. After a tour of the facility labs and synthetic Beedrill hive, the professor offered Darwin a Kakuna that the Beedrill rejected due to its unusual size. Though it was distrustful of humans and antisocial, it quickly came to like Darwin, and soon evolved into a Beedrill within a week of being under Darwin’s care. When brought back for analysis, the other Beedrill still payed no mind to Wes and so the professor left him in Darwin’s care, stating it would be “Better for all of us.”
Brief personality description: Wes is energetic, passionate about training, and very sharp. Despite his upbringing, Wes has blossomed into a powerful addition to Darwin’s party.
Relationship with trainer: Wes and Darwin have bonded since meeting, now becoming Darwin’s go-to pokemon for dangerous battles or situations. Wes has become something of a trump-card in Darwin’s repertoire, and because of that Darwin’s confidence in Wes almost borders indomitable.
[Twineedle] [Toxic Spikes]

Third Pokémon
Name: Ezel
Species: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Type: Dark/Ice
Physical description: Bears a deep scar along the back, unknown in origin
Met: Upon killing the Sinnoh scout, Darwin caught sight of a pokeball on his belt. Inscribed in golden letters upon it was the name, “Ezel”. When he returned to safety, he opened it and for the first time met Ezel.
Brief personality description: Ezel is naturally sly and often devious. His outwardly arrogant persona leads him to be limited socially, only associating with those he happens to like. He is not always happy with Darwin, rather he tolerates his trainer because he must, but he does seem to have strong feelings for Ether.
Relationship with trainer: When initially meeting Darwin, Ezel was confused and frustrated. He did not know what to do about losing his first trainer, but he seemed to adapt quite quickly after the initial turmoil. He still does not completely like Darwin, but he seems to have developed a unique chemistry with Ether. He often attempts to impress her when possible, and is the only pokemon he associates with in Darwin’s party.
[Punishment] [Brick Break]
[Steel Claw][Agility]

Fourth Pokémon
Name: Mago
Species: Pichu
Gender: Female
Type: Electric
Physical description: Mago can be distinguished from other pichu by her fondness for soft, silky material. As such she wears a beautiful red ribbon around the base of her right ear.
Met: More recently, in Viridian Forest on the way to Viridian City for an interview, Darwin encountered the young Pichu battling with a Pikachu over what seemed to be a small pile of berries. Of course, the more experienced Pikachu left the match as the victor, but Darwin didn’t take any interest in him but rather the slightly-injured Pichu. She gave resistance, but Darwin decided not to battle the Pichu in hopes of coaxing her to join him. In the end, he offered her a handful of berries, which seemed to be all that was necessary. Darwin named the Pichu after her favorite berry, the Mago Berry.
Brief personality description: Mago is cheery, kind, social, curious, and often downright silly- almost to a self-destructive level. Though she can be clever at times, Mago has had a tendency to take things into her own hands, especially when she has a personal strife with others. She has a blatant distaste for Ezel.
Relationship with trainer: Though she is Darwin’s latest companion, the two have a unique fondness for each other. Mago’s blissful attitude and steadfast courage seems to motivate both her teammates and trainer alike. It was that courageous aura about her that caught Darwin’s eye in the first place.
[Attract] [Thunderbolt]
[ThunderPunch][Thunder Wave]
I'm actually very interested in this; if you have room still, I'd love to take a slot for this. I'll begin working on my character sheet tomorrow.
I'm very interested, but I have a few questions.
For starters, what genre of roleplay do you have in mind? How similar do you want the whole experience to be when compared to pen-paper roleplaying games of the same genre? I guess I shouldn't be asking about story-specifics quite yet, but I am curious. Regardless of the answers, I'm quite interested to see what can come of this.
It's been a long time, and I see much has changed since then... You remember those days, don't you?
Good to see this place still exists, and it's even more suave than I remember it! My name is Clockwork, Outer, or any combination of those words (RE: My username). I have been roleplaying for a long, long time and only recently decided to check up on this place again. I'll give you a brief rundown;
  • Lovecraftian Horror

  • Deep Fantasy

  • Light Fantasy

  • Nation (Any kind)

  • Historical/Realistic

  • Any combination of the above

  • Now you may have noticed how general this list is; that's because I don't limit things, especially imagination and creativity. I'm honestly interested in anything with potential to be interesting and original. As for availability, I am available much of the time each day to write and such, as this is how I devote my free time. Feel free to message me if you think I'm a good candidate for a roleplay, I'll be sure to respond.
    Good to meet you all, I hope to stay in touch.
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