Daniel Crowe - Haywood/Crowe’s House - Shannon
Daniel peered at the mirror for a minute and overlooked his face for a moment. He briefly washed the razor of in the sink and set it down, shutting off the water. He was satisfied with his shaving job and quickly dried his face. He noticed that his hair had grown a little longer, and he needed to trim it.
Daniel turned and went out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He tiredly went to his room and found a shirt, sliding it over his toned torso. He’d already made his bed; tight military style. He slid his feet into socks and then into his black boots, sliding the legs over the laces of the shoes. He continued his routine, just like each morning. He walked over to a tall cabinet that housed an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington hunting rifle, and an M9 beretta. He pulled the pistol from the bottom of the dresser after grabbing a belted holster from the drawer under the cabinet, holstering the weapon.
The man left his room, quietly closing the door behind him, peeking into the living room. He saw that Emma's blanket was on the floor and she was no where to be found. She must have gone out, he decided. At that time, a knock resounded on the door. Daniel stood upright and went to the front. He opened the door and his lips wound into a grin as he saw Shannon standing outside of apartment 2304, the last apartment on the first floor of building No. 23.
Hey, How’s it going?
“Hey, I’m doing good.” He said, moving aside and motioning her inside. He closed the door behind her, but as he did, a loud rattling sounded from the kitchen. Instinctively, Daniel’s hand dropped to his gun. He peered into the living room. He pulled the Beretta from the holster and quickly, but gently, pressed Shannon against the wall, motioning for her to stay put. He took three steps, one, two, three, to the the corner of the kitchen. Taking two more steps, he turned in to the kitchen, pointing his pistol forward at- Daniel stopped in his tracks. His pistol was pointed directly at a little girl who was prying at the food cabinet. .
“Hello there…”