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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Oh! Don't worry about the wait, my friend! I was under the impression that you'd been accepted already; I'm sorry.
Gotcha! I'll wait for you to post first
CorruptedShadow said
They help a lot, actually! Thanks you two.Is there any specific place the groups are heading to? Like a farm, a building, cabin, military base, anything like that? The three characters are country-folk, so I wanted to start them somewhere off nice.

If you'd like, I can just post as the Scavengers and they can stumble upon wherever you make your first IC post at.
Emma - Haywood - The New and Improved OG Gang

Emma couldn't help but cry a little as the girl fell to the ground. Rob appeared in the doorway and she felt as if she might rip his eyes out and leave him for the walkers. She began to tear when she finished talking, bringing back awful memories. It was only morning; not the time of day for her to cry. It happened many nights, the same way; she'd go to bed in her room, have nightmares about Hex, Tyler, and hordes of walkers, and then she'd find herself crawling into bed beside Daniel, nestling close to his massive body. He made her feel safe; and she'd kill for a bit of safety. She'd then wake up to find Daniel there and still feel safe until she crawled out of his over sized bed. She'd carry on silent for most of the day; she didn't have much to talk about... All she did was do her best to push the memories away.

She watched as Rob carried the little girl out and towards O'Connor's infirmary. Emma heard Shannon speak and walked with her out the door and out of the building. "Rob, be careful with her!" She called after the man. Daniel followed behind her, only to stop outside to speak with Robert.
Damo021 said
Cool I have a couple of characters in mind :) One civilian and one other Navy. well former considering the dead are walking the earth lol.

We have several people with military pasts. I think a citizen would be best
@Raven, sorry for bailing out last night. I had planned to come back but I ended up falling asleep.

I tried to have Emma say all the in the simplest way she could but apparently she achieved nothing xD
Emma - Haywood - Robert/Daniel/Shannon/Valentina

Emma saw the face of Robert, the man that had posed as the surrogate leader after Bruce Levi was killed. She'd not talked to him, nor had they been introduced at all. He waited for her to catch up and instantly went into a barrage of questions.

"I wouldn't really consider myself a helpless survivor, Mr. Dalton." Emma said. She didn't enjoy the feeling of his presence. It reminded her to much of Tyler and Hex... she shivered absently at the thought of the two men. "I- uh... I spent about the last four months alone after my dad passed away." She found that when she entered the apartments, that Robert followed right into their house.

The seen in the kitchen caused Emma to take a heavy double-take. As Robert began talking to the little girl, Daniel thrust a hand back at him to tell him to be quiet. "Emma, can you come here?" Emma reluctantly came to Daniel's side. It was then that she took a good look at the girl. She was malnourished and probably dehydrated as well. Most of all, the girl look scared; scared out of her mind. She looked like a deer in caught in the headlights. "This-" Daniel said as he lightly placed a hand on her shoulder, at which Emma had to force herself not to cringe. She was like this whenever anyone touched her; especially men. But then she remembered that this was her brother she was talking about. "There are other kids here, too. This is my sister, Emma."

"Hi..." Emma began. "You look like a survivor, am I right? You know what you're doing when it comes to these situations." Emma began lowering herself down, and ended up sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor. "I used to be like you, too. I had to fight the sick people... I also had to fight some bad men..." She rose her eyebrows and pursed her lips. "Those men; they did some really mean things to me, and I was scared, too!" She gave one hand of indication to Daniel. "But this is Daniel, my brother; he's not one of those bad men. He's a really good man and he saved me from those bad men. Yes, I am still scared all the time because of those men, but these people are my friends and they make me feel safe." Emma gave a small smile. "And if you let them, they can be your friends, too."

"Now you look like you're hungry, am I right?" She scooted a tad bit closer. "I think I'm right. If you want, I can even get the food for you, you can keep your gun." She looked back at Robert. "Now this is my other friend, too. His name is Robert and if you want, he can put his gun down and unload it, too. Just like Daniel." She smiled and waited for the girl's reaction
Daniel - Apartment - Shannon and Valentina

Daniel slowly lowered his gun, appalled by the sight of this girl. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He slowly lowered to his knees to be more on the little girl's level. "My names Daniel, and this is my friend, Shannon." He clicked the gun on safety, dropped the clip from the pistol. With a loud click, he ejected the chambered round and in clattered to the floor. He slipped unhooked the ring of keys from his belt and slid them over to the girl. "You- uh- you look like you're hungry. The key is the bright blue one. That'll let you into the closet."

He eyed her gun, cautiously. "You've got a gun too, I see... It's a very nice one, too." He clasped his hands together, balancing in a squat. "I hope that no one has to use their gun."

Emma - Haywood Infirmary/Complex Courtyard - O'Connor

Emma sat in the infirmary, swinging her left foot back and fort under the examiner's table. "Breath in..." O'Connor said in his Scottish accent. Emma obeyed and inhaled. "Breath out." Again, Emma obeyed. "Well your breathing is fine right now... When exactly were you having trouble?"

"Last night... I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt like I was suffocating." She recounted the event to the man, who in return scratched his red beard.

"I'd like to say it's simply a repercussion of your wound... " The man admitted. "I think you've got the slightest case of pneumonia. Even still, it was most likely given a kickstart from the problems you had after I first took the bullet out."

"So what does that mean for me?"

"It means that you'll have to keep an inhaler on you. We've currently got three available, but I can give you advair as an alternative." He quickly walked to the a closet and came back with a red inhaler. After he instructed her on how to use it, Emma slid it into the pocket of her jacket. She was thankful for this man, deeply grateful. He'd saved he from death and he'd helped her recover.

"Riley, could you... uh... could you do me a favor and not mention this to Daniel? He's got enough to worry about." Emma pleaded. Daniel was now the leader of Haywood, and he had a lot to keep his mind busy.

"What, ya don't think the mighty Mayor can keep himself together?"

"I think he's more than capable, I just don't want to be his burden to bear." Emma confessed. Grimly, O'Connor nodded. She exited the infirmary and left the main building, stepping out into the cold morning air. She stuffed her hands in her coat and began to walk home.
Savato said
Also sorry for the double-post. But considering how my browsing is screwing with me the layout makes all posts here look like utter scat. I'm deeply sorry to hear about Myst's recent medical problem. I wish her the best and as we would say in my country "Bon rétablissement". Anyhoo, you may all have a nice day/evening. c:

So as far as I'm concerned, your accepted. If there are any problems that QT, Myst, or Atom find in your app, but feel free to make your first IC post. Btw, your character is very interesting.
Daniel Crowe - Haywood/Crowe’s House - Shannon

Daniel peered at the mirror for a minute and overlooked his face for a moment. He briefly washed the razor of in the sink and set it down, shutting off the water. He was satisfied with his shaving job and quickly dried his face. He noticed that his hair had grown a little longer, and he needed to trim it.

Daniel turned and went out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He tiredly went to his room and found a shirt, sliding it over his toned torso. He’d already made his bed; tight military style. He slid his feet into socks and then into his black boots, sliding the legs over the laces of the shoes. He continued his routine, just like each morning. He walked over to a tall cabinet that housed an AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington hunting rifle, and an M9 beretta. He pulled the pistol from the bottom of the dresser after grabbing a belted holster from the drawer under the cabinet, holstering the weapon.

The man left his room, quietly closing the door behind him, peeking into the living room. He saw that Emma's blanket was on the floor and she was no where to be found. She must have gone out, he decided. At that time, a knock resounded on the door. Daniel stood upright and went to the front. He opened the door and his lips wound into a grin as he saw Shannon standing outside of apartment 2304, the last apartment on the first floor of building No. 23.

Hey, How’s it going?

“Hey, I’m doing good.” He said, moving aside and motioning her inside. He closed the door behind her, but as he did, a loud rattling sounded from the kitchen. Instinctively, Daniel’s hand dropped to his gun. He peered into the living room. He pulled the Beretta from the holster and quickly, but gently, pressed Shannon against the wall, motioning for her to stay put. He took three steps, one, two, three, to the the corner of the kitchen. Taking two more steps, he turned in to the kitchen, pointing his pistol forward at- Daniel stopped in his tracks. His pistol was pointed directly at a little girl who was prying at the food cabinet. .

“Hello there…”
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