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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Atomyk said
Yes, I just didn't expect such rich backstory. :D But hey, that's how it goes with migrating characters I suppose.

Yeah, I'll just slowly stand up and applaud. I was impressed too.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to leave the convention(AKA drop from the RP) I don't have time to maintain as many RP's as I'm in. Both of my posts were fun though! >_<
Daniel - The Catacombs

As Daniel led his squad through the winding path of the catacombs, his mind repeatedly panged with one thought; Tyler was no where to be found. It bothered him more than slightly. Besides that, he worried about James and Emma. Had they got out of the catacombs in time and in safetey? "Daniel, I think we should pull out." Henry's voice came quietly.

"Give it some more time; I promised Robert that I'd do my best to put an end to Tyler." He said, enforcingly. The continued walking for what seemed like an hour. Daniel looked down to his wristwatch. It had been hours since they'd come in and all they'd run across were hordes of raiders and hordes of walkers. No Tyler, though. Daniel slowly came to a halt; he'd seen this hallway before; the red markings on one of the doors. That meant that they'd searched the whole of the compound.... Daniel sighed before turning in the direction of the exit. "Let's go..." It took only about ten minutes to backtrack to the exit. Before Daniel climbed up, he saw a body in the hallway. He took a closer look, but couldn't make out the face. Daniel Crowe climbed up the ladder; the raid was over.

Riley O'Connor - New Orleans - Robert

The first thing O'Connor noticed(and feared) was that Robert sounded angry. He held the walkie to his face and relayed in. "Robert, that's the problem. I was guarding the entrance and I found her alone in the halls, she was running from a horde. I don't know how, but she took a rifle round to the back. Now I've fixed her up; but Daniel is no where to be found. Nor are Henry, James, Audrey or any of our guys." Riley waited a moment. "Robert, that was almost three hours ago. Daniel is still in the catacombs, looking for Tyler. He's not abandoned us just yet, it seems."
Emma - Catacombs/New Orleans - James/Walkers/Haywood Guards

Immediately when the shots hit the wall, James put her down; away from the corner. He hurried to the turn of the corridor, peeked out, fired a burst, and dodged a return fire. He jumped out again, firing his rifle and hitting someone; a loud "Agh!" coming from the hall. Emma's heart raced as she sat helplessly. She could shoot a pistol well enough, Daniel had made sure of that, but she didn't have one and she couldn't use an assault rifle like James could. Besides, she was barely conscious anyway. James swore loudly, accompanied by the moans of undead people.

It happened fast; James fired continuously at the walkers, but there were so many. It only took an instant for them to swarm him. Emma scrambled to her feet, painfully running. She lost grip in her step, and went tumbling, just in times to see james fall. To her horror, his gun pointed towards her and misfired as it hit the ground. The three round scattered through the air, the last one piercing through Emma's shirt, and then sinking into her lower back. Emma screamed in pain, which drew the attention of the walkers. The last thing she heard before slipping out of consciousness was the sound of automatic gunfire.

~ Outside the Catacombs, the Haywood Convoy ~

Emma woke with a shock, her chest heaving and and back screaming in pain. Her vision began spot, but she could make out her surroundings. She lay in the bed of a truck, the stars hung over her head. She tried to sit up, but a strong hand pushed her back down. "No, no, don't try and sit up! You'll reopen the wound." The voice came from her right, and the words were inlayed by a heavy Scotland accent. Suddenly, a looming figure stood over Emma, and she could make out the face of an older man with rough, red hair and a scraggly beard.

"Where- where am I?" She asked through heavy breaths.

"You're safe, lass. Now I need you not to talk, you're breathing is already uneven as it is. My name is Riley O'Connor, and I'm going to take care of you." The man disappeared for a second and then came back with a clear mask and blue pump. Emma did not retaliate when he placed the mask over her mouth and nose, slowly pumping the blue end. Emma found her lungs slowing down and her head quit pounding. It was then that she became aware of the situation. She felt a breeze run across her stomach; but why could she feel it against her skin? She looked down to see a tightly wrapped bandage covered her lower abdomen. Her warm soccer jersey was gone and her only covering on top was her grey t shirt, which was pulled past her belly-button so that her wound could be tended to.

"My- my brother..." Emma stammered difficulty.

"You're brother is leading one of the attacks." He slowly and threw a navy blue blanket over her, returning his hand to the pump. When O'Connor seemed satisfied that her breathing had regulated, he quit pumping, but left the mask around her head. She breathed through the ventilation on the mask as he carefully picked her up, and carried her to the truck's cab. "You're going to be okay, now."

The last thing Emma saw before falling into a deep sleep was O'Connor producing a walkie-talkie. "Robert; Daniel Crowe's sister is alive and well. We're awaiting your return."
Here's the CS for one of the Haywood men. He's guarding the back exit and is involved in my next post with Emma.

Appearance :
Name : Riley O'Connor
Age : 38
Skill : Physician level Medical Training
Weapon (up three): 9mm Glock Pistol
Personality : Riley is very compassionate and wants to help people.
Brief Bio : Riley moved to America from Edinburgh, Scotland seven years before the outbreak. In the outbreak, he lost his wife and five year old daughter, leaving him alone. He eventually joined the Haywood settlement several months before the overthrowing of Bruce Levi.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Guys I'm 5'3 so don't talk about short.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Tori took a picture of the crowd and uploaded it to the guild's Facebook page on her phone. She scratched the toe of her dark red TOMS against her heel, tending to an irritating itch. More and more, she continues to regret ever coming in the first place. Slowly, she stood and began to walk around, searching for anyone she knew. With every step she felt an irritating sting nagged her right ankle, as a result of this, she walked with a slight limp in her step.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
I carry pepper spray, but my car has... Louder means of defense... Which I am trained and licensed to used.
Daniel - The Raiding Party

The group turned the corner just as the bomb went off. They all staggered for a moment, but were instantly awaken by the sound of gunfire. It came fast; one, two three, the three haywood soldiers in the back fell dead; and the rest of them fell into the rooms to the side. Daniel peeked out quickly, to examine his group. He swore to himself; but then look to his left, inside the room. Audrey lay on the ground, clutching desperately at her arm. "Audrey!"

"It's just a graze!" She responded. Daniel momentarily peeked out and counted five bodies on the ground; all of them haywood, he then look across the hall to the other room, where Henry stood against the frame, covering himself. Beside him, Amy heaved in an out. Good; she was alive. Beside her, stood Enrique, whom Daniel gave a small nod. Daniel craned his head out of the door frame into the corridor to look at the attackers. There were three, and all three fired as soon as they saw his head. Fortunately, all of them missed. Daniel quickly set his gun to semi-automatic, and dropped to his knee, sliding his backpack from his shoulders. He'd done this once, and it'd broken his gun... he hoped he'd be more fortunate this time. He pulled a roll of duct tape from the pack, before pulling the trigger and firing a shot from his rifle once, but keep his finger on the trigger. He ripped of a strip of tape and carefully wound it around the trigger.

"Ya comin' out, buddy?!" One of them shouted. Daniel secured the trigger in hold, and counted to three. On three, Daniel slid the safety to fully-automatic, and dropped it into the hallway. The force of the bullets and the lack of stabilization on the rifle would cause the barrel to spray the hallway with bullets, and that's what Daniel hoped it would do. Shouts of pain came from the men. Daniel grabbed his side arm and jumped out into the hallway, firing his whole clip into the men. Once they were dead, Daniel picked up his gun, fixed it, and retrieved his pack.

He stopped and regarded the bodies for a moment. "They were good men." Daniel motioned for the group to move forward, and they follow him; right into a pack of a dozen walkers.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
My problem is that I'm very outgoing online and in RP... But I'm not in real life; I'm small and timid in person, so yeah...
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