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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Emma and James - The Catacombs - Bex

Emma was about to object being taken away, but the serious look in Daniels eyes told her that it wasn't a great idea. James quickly picked her up and carried her in his armsm and in turn, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. They turned down the corner and Emma felt relieved to be away from the cells. She momentarily looked James over, and she saw that, in truth, he was kinda cute. He had dark brown hair that was pushed to the left side of his forehead. His eyes were funny, though; a strange, murky green color. Right then, James stopped in the middle of the hallway as a raider came running down by himself. Emma gave a surprised gasp and shouted a with relief. "Bex!"
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Tori entered the restrooms and took her glasses off, beginning to wash them in the sink. After a minute, she inspected them, and decided that they were adequately cleaned, and put them back on. She didn't go out just yet, rather she took a look to make sure she looked okay before going outside again. Her curling hair touched her shoulders, but it would reach farther if the back wasn't tied into a tail. Tori worked a gymnastics instructor, so her frame was lean, but not scrawny. The girl wouldn't say she wasn't pretty, rather that she, indeed, was blessed enough to be on the better side. However, she still felt awkward, and(because of past events) still jumped at sudden touch. Besides that, she tended to stutter when she spoke, but it wasn't that bad. Thankfully, none of her students poked fun when she slipped during a lesson. She buttoned her the bottom button of her black blazer, and straightened out the wrinkles in her red plaid shirt and dark blue jeans. After leaving the bathrooms, she sat down on a bench outside, not paying attention to the crowd. She crossed her right leg over her leg, but then pulled up the leg of jeans. She readjusted the pesky ankle brace; a repercussion of a trampoline accident during one of her classes.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
KatherinWinter said
Sometimes I wonder about the people I hang with

Thank you for not making me be the one to say that.
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Tori watched the crowd nervously before looking at her name tag for the fifth time today. "OutlawedPanda.... Tori Crowe." She read silently. It seemed strange to come to a convention like this, but shed decided to come anyway. She touched the back of her read hair, pushing her beanie back into place. She had no idea who to match with what guild name, but she silently rattled a few off in her head that she could remember.
Atomyk, Myst, QT, Winter...
Daniel Crowe - The Raiding Party

One might say that Daniel was pleased with how well the Haywood soldiers followed his move. Robert trained them well, that was for certain. Each hallway brought the same maneuver; Daniel dropped to one knee; Henry, the sharpshooter, kept stand with his rifle pointed forward; and finally, Amelia would whisper, "Cleared." The group moved with precision, and precision is what Daniel wanted. He had one suspicion though; Where was everyone? Had Robert's diversion been effective enough to draw every Raider to the gates?

Daniel must have jinxed himself; as the second they rounded the next corner, they came face to face with three men. The loud bang of Henry's rifle sounded and the leftmost man fell dead. Daniel and Amy quickly tapped their triggers, sending several rounds into both men; dead. As they passed the bodies, Daniel stopped and fired three shots, one into each man's head. They couldn't afford to kill their enemies twice. "Combat Position, all eyes forward. The shots were heard somewhere, trust me." The squad moved forward, and two halls down, Daniel's theory was proven right. This hallway was a long line of cells. It was so long, Daniel could barely see the end. Near one of the cells, four armed raiders were walking their way. With startled eyes Daniel slid to the ground and lay prone, firing shots quickly into the first raider. Three shouts whizzed past Daniel and he heard a cry from his group. In moments, everyone had jumped into a cell. Henry and Amy were with him. "In three, two, one." Amy dove to the floor, Daniel fell crouched, and Henry stood level. All three of them fired at a different raider. The last three fell heavy to the ground.

The silence hung in the air for a moment, when a shout came from one of the far cells. "Hey! What's going on?" Immediately Daniel registered the voice. Emma. Daniel sprang to his feet, much to the objection of Amy. Right before he could reach the cell, a raider came around the corner. The man skidded to a halt, but then charged Daniel, swinging a knife toward him. He was to close for Daniel to shoot him, so he dropped his gun and ripped his axe from it's strap. Adrenaline kicked in, and Daniel felt alive as he clashed with the man. First, he caught the knife hand by the wrist, swiveled 180 degrees, and then used the man's momentum to throw him the ground. The man jumped to his feet, taking a jab towards Daniel's liver. Barely missing the attack, Daniel turned his torso to doge and quickly gave a furious kick to knock the knife away. With one swing of his tomohawk, Daniel had put a large gash in the man's skull. Breathing hard, he watched as his team came toward him. His eyes turned to a cell a few yards away as he heard the voice of his sister. "Daniel..."

"Oh, my God." He heard Audrey murmured. "You move like Robert." Daniel payed no attention to these words and gave Audrey no recognition, as he hurried to Emma's cell. He saw the that bars were very rusted and somewhat corroded. Daniel reared back and put all his weight in his leg as he forcefully kicked the rusted lock as hard as he could. With a loud pang, the lock broke with another kick. Instantly, he had Emma in his arms, and she wound hers around his waist.

"Look at me; we're gonna get out of here-"

"Daniel, we've got to hurry!" Amelia said urgently.

"I can't walk." Emma protested as Daniel pulled her along. Daniel turned to one of the men in his team. "James, I need you to help her; take her back to the hatch and get her to the trucks." James came forward, said a few words to Emma, who nodded.

"We'll get through this, and then I'll be back with you." Daniel said to Emma, who nodded hastily. He clapped James on the shoulder and stepped out of the cell, giving way. James carefully pick Emma up and hurried off towards the hidden entrance. Daniel turned back to face his team, his hope renewed. "Lets go!"
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Just wondering... does our RP kinda just stop when the convention's over?
In Be Yourself 11 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
REAL NAME: Tori Crowe
AGE: 17
OCCUPATION: Gymnastics Instructor
HOBBIES: Roleplaying, Reading, and Soccer
PREFERRED TYPE OF RP: Fantasy and Apocalyptic
I'm definitely interested.

I'd just like to point out that maybe we should base or ideas of the Force abilities around the books and not so much the movies(Especially the recent trilogy). Coming from the perspective of writing, we would be able to get a better feel for what the Jedi(s) could do. Take a look at something like I, Jedi or something like that.
Wow I've been thinking about something like this for a long time. I'm definitely interested
Daniel Crowe - The Catacombs - The Raid Party

Daniel slowly nodded to each man as they were assigned to his squad. It felt good to be back in command, and he was at ease with himself. However, by the time the gravity of the situation set in, the groups were split. He had no idea of the capabilities of these men. Could they fight, shoot, and hold themselves high enough to stand tall in a firefight? He realized that this is how the foreign insurgent soldiers must have felt against heavily trained soldiers.

“Men,” Daniel gave a slight nod to a young woman, maybe around shannon’s age.”and women. I am Master Sergeant Daniel Crowe; US Army CAG. I don’t know the slightest bit about any of you, but I can tell you’re good people, so I wish you well when we enter the catacombs.” Daniel motioned to Amy, who stood at his side. “This is Amelia Stephens, and I trust her with my life. Robert has given me charge of each of you and now I tell you that some of you will be taking orders Amy. Before we go, I’d like to know a few things.” A total of eight people looked at him.

“First; who’s your best sharpshooter?” A man called Henry stepped out. “Good, you’ll assume point with me. Now; I need the two fastest people here.” Daniel continued to list of the requirements until he came up with what he needed. With him, Henry the sharpshooter, James the fastest, Miles the shotgun, and Audrey. He’d picked Audrey for a specific reason, and pulled her aside to explain to her.

“Audrey… these men keep women locked up for pleasure…at all times, I’d like you to keep yourself hidden from view of the raiders. The reason being that, with your permission I’d like to use you as a decoy.”

“Wait, wait, wait- What!” Audrey sputtered.

“Look, you meet the criteria; you’re young and pretty, and I’ll bet that the raiders would hesitate if I pretended to threaten your life.” He set his eyes hard on the girl for a minute. “That would only be an absolute, last minute resort. Tell me if you can’t do it.”

“I… I can do it…” Audrey nodded and returned to the group. Daniel triumphantly returned as well, leading the group away from the trucks. It took a total of five and a half minutes to get through the streets and find the store that the raider had told him the secret entrance was to. They’d broken in after another two minutes of lock picking, and slowly checked the dim corridor.

Daniel held his AR-15 leveled forward and began to proceed into the den of the raiders.
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