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I'm also interested. I'm a girl so I can fill in as a female character
Daniel - Haywood - The Peeps in the House

Daniel pulled the buttons on his shirt together and pressed out the wrinkled plaid patterns. He clipped down the buttons on his pistol holster and then proceeded down the stairs, his black boots resonating a loud thud on the wood. He saw the three girls sitting in the common room, the little girl named Katie seemed to be tearing up. "I hope I'm not interrupting..." He turned as Emma began to stand.

"I'm gonna take Katie upstairs." Emma stood and took Katie's hand. "C'mon, sweetheart." Just then, a knock resounded at the door. Emma proceeded upstairs with Katie and Daniel went to the door. He was surprised when he found a red-faced Audrey standing on the doorstep.

"M-Mister Mayor-"

"Audrey, you can call me Daniel."

"Daniel, y-you were right, a-about Robert." Audrey said. Daniel stepped outside and closed the door. "Henry and I went to the farm- t-to look for survivors like you said. I-it was crazy, that's when we found the new three. Robert's pals opened fire on the farmers, but they got away. Th-then Anthony saw us. I-I thought he was gun shoot, but- but he just shot Johnson! We came back, I went to the mess hall to find you; then Robert looked like he was about to snap, but he- he pulled my gun and put it to his chest, told me to pull it... He's crazy, Daniel!"

"Audrey, I need you to listen to me. You and Henry are going to be alright. You don't tell anyone about this, alright? You lay low. I don't know who all is on Roberts side."

"Are you gonna tell everyone? Cause they need to know that Tyler is still alive!"

"For all we know, he's just a walker that's stumbling around the catacombs."

"But we don't know that!" Audrey said. At that, she turned around and walked away. Daniel sighed and turned into the house, returning to Shannon.
Emma - Haywood - Shannon

Emma listened as Shannon spoke, almost laughing when she spoke of the scary movies. She was completely right... Those movies were nothing compared to their world now. She let the silence linger for just a minute when Shannon was done. Emma liked Shannon, but she didn't know much about her. Apparently Daniel liked her very much... and that was good enough for her.

"I- uh..." She began. "I miss a lot of things... I miss doing things like gymnastics and free-running... There isn't much time for either and I've kinda been shot in the rib cage." She thought for moment. "What else.... I miss my books. I had over two hundred in my room; loved to read all the time." She took a breath for a second. "I can't really say I miss my friends... I didn't really have many. I was quite the introvert." She then added, sarcastically. "Believe it or not."

"Back to books, I miss having my journals. I loved writing and I had kinda wanted to be a novelist when I got older." She picked her feet up and curled into the chair.

"...I miss my Dad...." It was all she had to say to bring tears from her eyes. The girl rested her chin on her knees and sat in silence.
Hey guys, I'm back! I'll post as soon as I get home(about an hour an a half). I missed all you guys!
Hey everyone, Conner and I will be gone until Friday. We won't be able to post, obviously. I give respective control of characters to Atom, and Myst(QT as well if it applies). I think Conner is going to post later, but I won't be. So yeah, Bye guys, love you all!
Riley O'Connor - The Infirmary - Lauren/Valentina/Robert

He smiled at Valentina as she stammered the words. "That is a very pretty name." He offered. He stood up to take his coat off, just as the doors opened, and in-stormed Robert. Riley listened to his comments for a moment and shook his head. "No, Robert, the lass is my patient, and I'll formally ask you to leave her be. I don't know what you think she's going to do; she's injured and unconscious. Even if she were to wake up angry or even as a walker, it's not like I'm defenseless." At that, he slid his coat all the way off, letting his pistol, a .357 revolver, hang in it's holster on his belt. "As a matter of fact, there was only one raider. He's locked in Daniel's office until we can find a better place to detain him. Daniel may be compassionate, but his brain isn't the size of a wee peanut. The third of the group was actually a small lass that was younger than Ms. Valentina here."

Emma - The Blanket Fortress - Katie/Magic Blanket

"Hey, now. Don't worry, sweetie." She coaxed as Katie, who'd obviously interpreted the booming as a gunshot, crawled into her lap. She carefully pulled the blanket away until she could see Katie's face. "Don't worry, we're safe." She gently stroked the little girl's hair. "Would you like to go somewhere to get some food? We don't have to eat with everyone else if you're not ready for that, yet. We can go to my house."

Audrey - Haywood -Robert/Henry

Audrey's heart pounded as Robert tightly gripped her arm and forced her to pull the gun on him. A few tears escaped her eyes as he yelled in her face. She couldn't hide the fact that he scared her. She closed her eyes and waited for the man to strike her down. When a loud bang resounded from behind, she felt her arm jerk, and her finger squeezed the trigger, sending a round in to the far wall. She opened her still tearing eyes to see that Robert was gone. Instantly, she turned and hurried from the mess hall and out of the building, going towards the apartment building that she and Henry lived in.

She found him in the main room of their apartment, sitting on the couch that doubled as his bed. He'd refused to let her sleep on the couch when they'd first arrived and made her take the bedroom. He turned to look at her before jumping to his feet and putting his arms around her. He was much larger than she was, albeit Audrey barely hit 5'6 and weighed in around 120 pounds.

"Come on now, tell me what happened." Henry said in his kind and gentle tone. Audrey quickly recounted the encounter with Robert, Henry listening intently. "He's right."

"W-what do you mean?" Audrey muttered.

"We can prove it to Daniel, but how are we going to show the others?" Henry said. "I'm sorry, but it's the word of an old man and a girl versus the word of Haywood's military captain."
Emma - The Blanket Fortress - Katie

Emma listened to Katie. "You that's a really pretty name." When Katie stuck her head out, and spoke, Emma almost smiled at how small her voice sounded. Not that she could say anything; her own voice made her sound like she was younger than fourteen. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I know how you feel. My daddy and my mom have been gone for a long time now. They both got sick."

"I bet you that you're daddy loved you a lot. I don't know where you're daddy is, but I guarantee that he's thinking about you and he's really proud of you."
Emma - The Invincible Blanket Fortress(AKA the Laundry Room) - Katie

Emma sat down under the table beside the girl without asking permission. As the girl sobbed, she gently stroked her back, just letting her know that she was there. "You know... when I was little, me and my brother would build forts out of blankets, just like this one... They were pretty cool, if you ask me..."

"My brother's name is Daniel, he's a really nice man once you get to meet him." Emma said, placing her hands in her lap after crossing her legs. "You know... I think you look tough... Yeah, definitely. I think that the reason everyone was mad was because you scared them, huh?" Emma gave an approving "Hm" sound. "Yeah... just look at your muscles; heck, I'm scared right now. But- uh... I'd bet you're pretty nice too, though? Am I right?"

"My name's Emma, what's your name?"

Daniel - Haywood Courtyard - Shannon

Daniel climbed off of his truck, standing beside Shannon. He nodded as she spoke. He couldn't disagree; today had been unusually eventful. He took a glance back at the infirmary windows. The largest window was propped open, and Riley stood, watching while buttoning his black pea coat. He could see the little girl through the windows, too.

"Yeah... I... I think that'll do us some good." He said, and lead her toward his apartment.

Audrey - Mess Hall - Robert

Audrey shook her head. Anthony felt for her... but didn't want to ruin her relationship with Henry? "I don't know what you think and Anthony think is going on between Henry and I. No, Robert, Henry is the only man who I consider my father, seeing as my Dad has been gone for quite a while, now. He's not some messed up lover and I'm no slut!"

"A-and Daniel! He's twice the man you'll won't come close to being." She looked furiously into the man's eyes, but was not void of the fear she held of him. She trembled lightly as she spoke.

"You haven't helped me one bit. Robert Dalton helped me; and the man I'm speaking to isn't half the man Robert Dalton was. I'll help Robert Dalton, but not you. You're not the same man you used to be. And just wait till Henry and I tell Daniel; then you'll see what happens to people like you and Anthony." All the while, Audrey's hand hovered around the pistol that was holstered on her belt. She was still geared from the trip

Riley O'Connor - The Infirmary - Valentina

Riley held a small syringe that held 1 millimeter of pure epinephrine. He slowly brought it to the woman's wrist, pushing the point of the syringe into the most prominent vein under her skin. When he was done, he pulled the syringe out, and set it on the tray. She would wake up anytime now, with the added the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Presently he stood in front of the bay window, as the crowd in the courtyard dispersed. He turned to the little girl, slowly sitting down on the opposite side of the medical bed. "You know, I used to have a daughter. She was real pretty, just like you."

"Would you do me the honor of telling me your name?"
Daniel - Haywood - You Know Who You Are

As the little girl clung to Bull for dear life, Daniel's soul seemed to sink. Alas, he allowed Henry to drag her away. "Bull, I'm sorry, but we've got no other choice." He walked closer to the man. "I'll do what I can for your friends, I promise you." He nodded to Alex, the youngest of the militia guards. "Take him up to my office; have a guard at the door at all times." The boy nodded and led the largely over sized man towards the stairs.

At the open doors of the building, tenants of Haywood began to gather around, watching the scene. Daniel turned to address them. "People... please I'd like you to spread the word around; everyone needs to meet in the center courtyard in half an hour at five, P.M. Questions will be answered there."

(5:00 PM)

As the crowd built up, Daniel climbed into the back of his truck, standing high over everyone so he could see the crowd. "Everyone, please. I beg your attention for just a moment." When everyone was silent, he nodded. "Word has been spreading around, and I think we all know what's on everyone's mind."

"Yes we are having a food shortage since the past few weeks. We've had new arrivals; that, plus the women rescued from the Catacombs." The mood of the crowd fell grim as the event was mentioned. "And we're all happy to have these new members of our growing family here." He looked into the eyes of multiple citizens. "This is how it should be; we as humans should be banding together to help each other survive." A few murmurs of agreement arose from the crowd.

"But it's a fact, my friends... We're running low in the area of supplies." Daniel stepped closer the edge of the tailgate. "Especially food."

"Mr. Mayor, what are we supposed to do?" A voice came loudly from the crowd; Mr. Charleston.

"Mr. Charleston, that is what I've asked you here for." He said. "I, as well as others, think we would be right in slightly shortening the rations." A few murmurs came from the people again. After objections were settled, proposals made and declined, and the general public put into a rather disappointed mood, the decision was made to shorten the rations.
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