Emma - The Invincible Blanket Fortress(AKA the Laundry Room) - Katie
Emma sat down under the table beside the girl without asking permission. As the girl sobbed, she gently stroked her back, just letting her know that she was there. "You know... when I was little, me and my brother would build forts out of blankets, just like this one... They were pretty cool, if you ask me..."
"My brother's name is Daniel, he's a really nice man once you get to meet him." Emma said, placing her hands in her lap after crossing her legs. "You know... I think you look tough... Yeah, definitely. I think that the reason everyone was mad was because you scared them, huh?" Emma gave an approving "Hm" sound. "Yeah... just look at your muscles; heck, I'm scared right now. But- uh... I'd bet you're pretty nice too, though? Am I right?"
"My name's Emma, what's your name?"
Daniel - Haywood Courtyard - Shannon
Daniel climbed off of his truck, standing beside Shannon. He nodded as she spoke. He couldn't disagree; today had been unusually eventful. He took a glance back at the infirmary windows. The largest window was propped open, and Riley stood, watching while buttoning his black pea coat. He could see the little girl through the windows, too.
"Yeah... I... I think that'll do us some good." He said, and lead her toward his apartment.
Audrey - Mess Hall - Robert
Audrey shook her head. Anthony felt for her... but didn't want to ruin her relationship with Henry? "I don't know what you think and Anthony think is going on between Henry and I. No, Robert, Henry is the only man who I consider my father, seeing as my Dad has been gone for quite a while, now. He's not some messed up lover and I'm no slut!"
"A-and Daniel! He's twice the man you'll won't come close to being." She looked furiously into the man's eyes, but was not void of the fear she held of him. She trembled lightly as she spoke.
"You haven't helped me one bit. Robert Dalton helped me; and the man I'm speaking to isn't half the man Robert Dalton was. I'll help Robert Dalton, but not you. You're not the same man you used to be. And just wait till Henry and I tell Daniel; then you'll see what happens to people like you and Anthony." All the while, Audrey's hand hovered around the pistol that was holstered on her belt. She was still geared from the trip
Riley O'Connor - The Infirmary - Valentina
Riley held a small syringe that held 1 millimeter of pure epinephrine. He slowly brought it to the woman's wrist, pushing the point of the syringe into the most prominent vein under her skin. When he was done, he pulled the syringe out, and set it on the tray. She would wake up anytime now, with the added the adrenaline pumping through her veins.
Presently he stood in front of the bay window, as the crowd in the courtyard dispersed. He turned to the little girl, slowly sitting down on the opposite side of the medical bed. "You know, I used to have a daughter. She was real pretty, just like you."
"Would you do me the honor of telling me your name?"