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Emma Crowe - Haywood - Peoplez of Coolness

Emma listened through the crack in the door; slowly piecing everything together. "Does she know my daddy?"... It couldn't be... Emma's eyes widened when she pieced the puzzle together. Tyler was this little girl's dad... Shannon kept on with her crazed rage, spewing accusation against the lumberjack guy. This, however, made Emma angry. Without thinking, she busted open the doors and stormed into the hallway with a loud shout. "What would you people know?" She was satisfied when everyone went quiet.

"Look at this little girl!" The girl clung to the lumberjack as everyone's attention turned to her. "Pay attention! If you would stop and listen, then I wouldn't be the only one who realized that Tyler is her father!" She stared accusingly at each of them, especially at Daniel. "Now look at this guy!" She pointed up at the large man. "Can't you see that he's protecting this little girl from the horrors that are around? Can't you see that he's trying protect her from what she could have become?" She glanced at Shannon. "We should be thanking him for protecting this little girl!"

"Emma, we're trying to-"

"No, Daniel, you don't get it! I was held captive by Tyler's men! I was the one that almost starved to death because of this guy's friends." She shot a glare to her brother. "Not you!" She jabbed her hand at her chest and pointed at herself. "I was the one who was raped by the raiders, and they are the reasons I don't sleep at night!" She stood upright, breathing slowly. "If I can look past all of that, then you sure as heck can, too!" At this point, Emma was well past holding back her tears. "Thank you, sir, for being so compassionate and loving to take it upon yourself to guide this beautiful little one." She breathed in a sob, hoping no one was going to cut in.

"Now maybe its just me, but I think we have enough problems already. Let's not make another one..." At that, she turned around and walked back in to the infirmary.
Daniel - The Infirmary - Sundry People

As Shannon screamed and the man, Daniel threw himself forward, latching on to her and pulling her back. "Shannon..." He pleaded. He repeated while she ranted. For a third time, Daniel shouted. "Shannon!" She turned to him, still ranting about the man's violent actions. Daniel took Shannon by her good arm, and promptly dragged her out of the infirmary. When they were in the hallway, Daniel pushed her back to the wall. When she didn't stop her angry shouting, Daniel put his hand over her mouth. "Shannon Greene, get a hold of yourself!" He barked sharply. Satisfied, he removed his hand.

"You need to slow down and tell me what you are try to say." He then added. "In a way I can understand you, Shannon."

Riley O'Conner - The Infirmary - Sundry People

As O'Connor watched Emma and the little girl, thoughts raced through his mind. This little girl was so small and sweet... but she'd been stripped of her innocence and was now this reserved little one. She didn't deserve this. Just then, the doors swung open, revealing an urgent Henry and a large man, who carried an unconscious woman. As Henry came to Riley, he explained what happened to the woman as the beast of a man lay his companion on the open hospital bed. It was then that young Shannon began to spit a murderous rage of this man's violent deeds.

Riley looked at the man for a moment... he was definitely capable of doing a great deal of damage, such was obvious by simply looking at him. However, his eyes portrayed a deep grief and sorrow for his companion. Riley met eyes with the man, and his chest caught slightly. Help them, you fool! He screamed at himself. It didn't matter what this man did; he was going to help the woman. He looked around the room; it was very crowed. "I need everyone to join the Mayor and Shannon in the hallway!" He yelled out. "Everyone but Emma." As the others left, Emma stood dutifully waiting for orders. "As obvious, I can't have Brianna help while she's injured, so I need your help." The girl nodded and came to his side.

He went to the bed and examined the woman. Blood had already covered the formerly white sheets of the bed. "That tray over there, bring it here." Emma pulled the rolling cart over, and Riley took a sharp scalpel from the array of tools. He cut through the woman's dampened jeans like butter, exposing her lower thigh. "There's should be a bottle of rubbing alcohol; a brown bottle, white cap." Emma fortunately found the right container. "Gauze, lowest shelf, right drawer." She obeyed, and he soaked the gauze in the alcohol and vigorously cleaned away the blood. This woman had lost a lot of blood, and was continuing to do so. Riley found that he had his tweezers the chest pocket of his red, plaid shirt, which he smeared with blood from his vinyl gloves. He was glad that the woman was asleep, otherwise this would be painful for her.

O'Connor inserted the tweezers in the bullet whole, clasping the claws around the shard of metal. He cautiously pulled the tool out, then dropped the crushed round into the metal bowl on the tray with a clink. "Stitching hook and wire are in the drawer above the gauze." After he quickly sewed the hole, he sat back for a moment, knowing that the beautiful process of mitosis was patching up her skin. He then carefully turned the woman onto her back, examining the cut on her head where she'd hit it. He pulled another gauze pad from the pack and drenched it with the rubbing alcohol.

After cleaning the deep gash, he pulled the round needle through her skin carefully, stitching the gash. When he was finished, he set the needle down and waited for the girl to respond.
CorruptedShadow said
Hey guys, I'm going to the Smithsonian for the weekend and I won't be able to post, sorry!

have fun!
Edited my last post to give Audrey's POV.
Emma - Haywood Infirmary

Emma came close to the quiet girl, hoping she would respond with her name. When she spoke, Emma's expression softened, and her trembling voice almost made her cry again. "That's a very pretty name, Valentina." She smiled lightly. "I promise you, we aren't going to hurt you, sweetheart." She heard footsteps, and she turned to see O'Connor come into the room. He carried a bottle of water and a small, steaming bowl. He lightly set them down on the table beside the bed, and then turned to Emma, unhooking a ring of keys from his belt. He picked out a small key and hand the ring to Emma, indicating his head at the handcuffs. She grinned gratefully.

"Valentina, I'm going to take the handcuffs off now, and they can stay off, but only if you don't try to hit anyone." She slowly slipped the key into the hole and unlocked the cuffs, slowly removing them from Valentina's small hands. O'Connor took the cuffs and then handed her the bowl and bottle, also flashing her a kind smile, looking at her with compassionate eyes. Emma extended the bowl to the little girl, smelling and seeing that it was creamed corn. "I bet you're really hungry, huh?"

Henry/Audrey - Haywood - Bull/Lauren/Katie/Daniel/Emma/ETC.

Audrey sniffed in, looking down at Katie. "I know that's hard, Sweetheart." Her cheeks had dried, but her nose still ran and her face was red. "My dad went away when I was your age, too." She managed a smile. Her mind flooded with memories of her father's funeral when she was a little girl. She'd felt that she'd become strong since then, but here she was, at twenty years old, being comforted by this little girl.

When they reached Haywood, Henry barely slowed down enough for the gates to open, almost skimming the sides of the SUV. Henry slowed to a halt before jumping out of the car. When they climbed out of the car, Bull picked up Lauren from the back seat, and he followed Henry. "Audrey? What's going on? Who're these people?" A voice came from behind, and Audrey turned to see a guard that she recognized as Alex. All she could do was shake her head, turn, and run after Henry.

"Audrey, go to the mess hall and see if you can't find Daniel!" He ordered. She did so, and ran as fast as she could to the cafeteria. She went into the building, turned and opened the mess hall doors." Audrey froze in her tracks; there, looking angrier than ever, sat Robert. Audrey stared at him for a moment and considered what she should do. She'd just returned from a scouting mission where they'd discovered Robert's treachery. If Daniel was right, Robert was unstable. He probably knew that she'd been with Henry. What would he do? She sat and waited for him to move...

Henry and Audrey - Haggerton Farm - Katie, Bull, and Lauren

Audrey shrieked as Anthony put the round in Johnson's head, ending the man's life. "Son of a-" Henry cut his sentence short as he vaulted over the fence, taking a shot at Anthony's truck as he drove away. He ran to assist the three people, one of which was a little, another a man larger than even Daniel or Robert, and the third a wounded and unconscious. "Folks! We gotta get out a' here! Walkers will be swarmin' the place!" The large man produced a firearm which he pointed at Henry.

"Back of, pal!" He roared viciously. This was one man that Henry swore never to get into a fight against. Henry threw his hands up in surrender, removing his hand from the trigger. Meanwhile, the girl sobbed. "Go away, you bad man!"

"I'm a friendly." He promised, then turning to the little girl. "You're lady friend seems like a mighty nice woman, sweetheart. You see that woman over there?" He indicated an elbow to the forthcoming Audrey, who's cheeks still streamed with tears. "Her name is Audrey, and she's real sweet, too. Is it okay if she helps you?" The girl nodded, and Henry turned his focus to the man. "I got a car back in the woods. We can get you to safety and to a mighty fine doctor, but we need to hurry!" As Audrey's eyes fell on Johnson's corpse, she continued to cry. Henry gave a quick embrace, before softly delivering a few things to the girl. She nodded, sobbing and choking back tears as she lowered herself and spoke to the little girl.

"H-hi, I'm Audrey." The girl responded by giving her name. "That's-" She jerked slightly as her chest heaved another forceful sob. "That's a pretty name, Katie. If you can hold my hand, we can go to be safe." Katie followed Audrey's directions with surprising obedience.

"Alright, buddy, I need you to cover us; I can't do that well with my rifle, but you've got a better gun." The man seemed defiant, but then reluctantly relinquished the woman. Henry nodded, thankfully. He picked the woman up with small effort; she was light in his arms. The group hurried over the fence and through the woods, to a beaten up Murano SUV. Audrey and Katie got in the back, where Henry gently laid the woman. He then climbed in to the front and sat beside the large man. As they drove down the rode, Henry looked at the man.

"I'm Henry, and that's Audrey." The older man gave a backwards nod to his companion.

"Most people call me 'Bull'. That's Lauren..." Bull responded.

"Bull... I promise you, we're gonna help you. We've got a doctor; he's a good man, too." Henry explained as they drove towards Haywood. He'd the look on Anthony's face; he'd seen him meet his eyes... Anthony was lying about Daniel's orders, he knew as much. Anthony had murdered Johnson, and he had to get their before the murderer.
Henry and Audrey - Haggerton Farm - The Farm People

As Henry Donnell stared down the scope of his hunting rifle, one thought plagued his mind. Why is Anthony here already? Something was wrong, Henry knew as much. Daniel had given them specific details. Robert seemed unstable, so Daniel wanted Henry and Audrey to go back to the farm to make sure no one was there. Apparently, Daniel questioned whether Robert would be sparing to any survivors, so they were to clear anyone out before the group came in the morning. It was still noon on that day, and yet here were Robert's men; armed and looked down the barrel of a rifle. "Holy..." Henry came to his feet, looking around for Audrey. He called the girl's name quietly.

Daniel had been right; something wasn't right. "Audrey!" He called again. This time, she answered, appearing from a ring of trees a few yards away. He hurriedly motioned her to him and took her by the arm, pulling her to the white fence of the farm. The pair silently trekked closer, just in range of ear. As if realizing that what Henry said was true, Audrey's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh..." She muttered. She delivered her next sentence rather loudly. "There is something wrong with Ro-" Henry clapped a hand over Audrey's mouth.

"Shh!" He snapped, and removed his hand. He settled in and prepared to listen.
CorruptedShadow said
I love how some people are at the farm and Lauren thinks Jacob was speaking to her. I smell a lot of conflict about to happen. Milita trying to take the farm, some others coming up to check the farm out, etc. Dis' gonna be good. I just wonder who the Haggerton family is going to come with.

Well its not exactly a Militia, rather than a scavenging party. I hope that Ben, Sam, and Jacob(Thats right?) can shoot well. I'm pretty sure that they've been instructed by robert to shoot on sight
Daniel - Haywood - Robert

"Now you're treading on some mighty thin ice, Robert." The man said grimly. What was he talking about; kill people off? "If we get rid of people to help ourselves, then what makes us any better than Tyler? Huh? What makes us any better than Bruce Levi?" Daniel looked the man square in the eyes. "When these people elected me as their leader, even if they may not know the entire story, they expected someone who would keep square morals. I plan to do that, Dalton." He took a sharp breath in; a short, curt laugh. "If the little girl endangers the group, then I'll do what I have to do to solve the dilemma."

"As for rations; don't think that I'm so shallow that I can't see when we've got a problem. Will I address it? Of course. Will I address it openly? Absolutely not. Now there may come a time when the whole community has to have a talk about our standpoint in terms of supplies, but I don't see that right now. For now, we leave the herd in the pasture and keep everything under wraps. Mass confusion and chaos isn't going to help us." He ran a hand over his freshly trimmed beard. "Henry and Audrey ran across a farm on their last run. They got lost, wound up about three hours from the city and they found a farm. It's a big one, too. Tomorrow morning, I need you to be leading a group out there and we'll scout the farm. Robert, ya know what that means? That means food. We can grow our own food. And trust me, the farm's going to have a cellar with stored crops."

"We got one problem, though. We don't have any farmers among the group." Daniel said. "Now; I'm hoping that maybe the farm still has people livin' on it. Audrey and Henry didn't get closer than about fifty yards, so they don't know what exactly is out there. We'll found it in the morning. I'd go, but I can't leave the place alone." Daniel began to turn away. "I'm going up to the infirmary to check on the little girl." He stopped in his tracks, as if remembering something important. He turned back to Robert and looked into the man's eyes. Daniel's brow narrow and his voice lowered. "And Robert... You leave my sister to me. Stay away from her."
So even in my linked CS for Emma, I never had a picture of her because I never got one I liked.... But I'e found one! *Triumph!*
But unfortunately Atom told me that it's Ellen Page, who supposedly looks like Ellie from the last of us.... *Triumph Balloon Deflates*
But here it is anyway....
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