Appearance :

Name : Jacob "Flynn" Haggerton
Age : 24
Skill : Excellent marksmanship due to a dependent hunting life, a little bit of medicine(not for serious wounds, unless maybe something like removing an object from a wound), and simple cooking(E.X. Cooking up beans or anything canned/factory produced.)
Weapon (up three): Remington Model 798(5 Rounds per. Cartridge)and a Black Folding Knife.
Personality : Jacob has always been a sort of "out-going" young man. Whenever he wasn't' hunting out in the woods, he'd be socializing with his friends at local bars, getting piss drunk and returning home to crash. Laid-back, but very strong-willed when it came to his work. In fact, he was the only one really making money for his small household via selling anything he killed out in the woods, whether it be deer, rabbits, ducks, and on rare occasions, bears. He is confident in his abilities, along with others, and has a soft heart for those who are weak. However, Jacob usually makes quick and rash actions, to the point where one might call him "bull-headed" or "arrogant" and will not take judgement lightly.
Brief Bio : Jacob was helping his father with the Farm when the outbreak had first begun. They were unaware of the situation, due to their lack of many electronics in their home, until a large horde had attacked their house. They were barely able to fend off the Walkers, but were successful...however, their mother had been ravaged, with nothing but her arm remaining. The death of their mother was a major event in Jacob and Sam's lives, but the toll was the greatest in Ben, who'm became so depressed and shaken that he lost hope in the world, resorting to a suicide attempt. Jacob was able to stop his father in time and has now banned Ben from access to any weaponry...the Haggerton family now stays in their farmhouse for shelter.