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    1. OutlawedPanda 11 yrs ago


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Haywood Scouting Group - Outside of Haywood - Ryder and Shanelle

A large Yukon drove town the road, containing 4 men, one of the scouting groups of Haywood. Eric, their leader sat in the drivers seat, carefully tending to the wheel. They stopped in the middle of a suburban area, quiet and calm. Well... quiet, save for about five walkers that roamed the street. The four men climbed out, quietly and routinely. Pistols and assault rifles rose to level as the unit crept towards the walkers. The creatures turned around.

The walkers were put down in an instant, shots delivered to each decaying head. This was a usual occurrence. What wasn't usual, was that down the road, maybe seventy-five yards, to teen kids sat in the road. Were they stupid? "Hey!" Eric called. When the distance between the group and the two kids was crossed, Eric saw that the girl had an oxygen tube under her nose. "Hey, are you two alright? We can help you if you let us. We've got a doctor back in our camp." He looked at the boy. "Can she walk?"
If you want, you can jump into the group chat, I can explain it
AnnaBeth said
I hope you guys don't absolutely tear me apart because of my character. She's a little off the beaten path for the Walking Dead, but I have a plan for her. Just trust me :)

I'd just to like to state how ludicrous your thinking that we'd hate your characters is. I think Shanelle is a brilliant character! Plus, she's ginger(Like me!) :D Ryder seems like a butt-kicking character, too!

Hazel and Augustus Shanelle and Ryder are both accepted! If there are any problems, the other GM's will let you know, but for now, you're welcome to make your first IC post
AnnaBeth said
I hope you guys don't absolutely tear me apart because of my character. She's a little off the beaten path for the Walking Dead, but I have a plan for her. Just trust me :)

Did you put a CS up already? If so, then I'm terribly non-vigilant. If you haven't, disregard that. (Btw, I can accept if you want)
CallaLily180 said
Hello there, I was wondering if this was still accepting. I do feel the need for a new X-men RP. And, I need an RP where the majority of people, aren't people I know.

I guess I'm not one of those people. Hi, again! :D
Question Time! Would anyone be against me writing in first person? I'm better at writing first person than third.

I'd just like to input on Boredbrain's issue. If anyone's character is OP, it's Xavier. I doubt that TheMasterNarrator thinks Tom is going to be stronger than Xavier. I suppose one of the possible villains is going to be Magneto, and Magneto is impervious to Xavier's attacks with his helmet, so he'll probably have no problem with Vickers either. If we're talking about non-canon characters, Vickers is still not the most OP.
I've edited my CS
CS coming up!
Name: Ellie York

AKA: Blink

Age: 17

Years attended: 3

Status: Student


Bio: Ellie was adopted into a family at the age of 10 after her parents died, but the father of the family was abusive, causing Ellie to be insecure and timid. She found her abilities when she was 14, but the her "family" viewed her as a monster and sent her away.

Family/loved ones?: Joseph Axe(Adopted Father), Melody Axe(Adopted Mother)

Personality: Shy, and Timid. She doesn't open up to many people. She has a taken a particular liking to Logan because of how she respects him. She has the same respect for Xavier, Storm, and Hank.

Powers/Abilities: Camouflage/Invisibility (She doesn't have full controll of it)/Martial Arts

Other: She can be jumpy to people's touch because of certain past experiences.
Emma - Haywood - Katie

"Thats not a mean man," Emma answered when Katie asked of Daniel. "He's my big brother Daniel. He's a nice man, but he's just really, really strong." She smiled slightly as Katie constructed her nest of blankets. It was then that a wave of grief washed over Emma. Katie was so small, so young, so... innocent. A part of her almost felt bad that the little girl had survived this long, to see this much carnage...

"Can I please go see him? Please?" Emma swore silently. She couldn't do this for much longer... How was she supposed to explain that Bull was a murderer? She couldn't! Still, she couldn't let her think that he was a saint like she did. What would happen when everyone wanted to throw him out, or- or even kill him? Maybe they wouldn't know... Bull could join the soldiers...

"N-not tonight, sweetheart, its too late. We can see him first thing in the morning, I promise." She said, pulling the blanket to Katie's neck.

When Katie was asleep, Emma stripped down to her underwear and tank-top despite the falling snow outside. Emma sat in the window sill, which doubled as a cushioned seat. She laid her head against the wall. The window was quite wide, enough so for her lay curled. She did so, lowering her head onto the pillow she'd taken from her bed, and pulled the extra blanket over herself. She fought yet another fit of coughing, but failed. Only a slight case of pneumonia, O'Connor had said...

That night was not different than many of her dream haunted nights. This time, she found herself on the train tracks, being pursued by several walkers. The walkers were gaining on her, as her injured leg slowed her down. A voice rang in the dark night, "Emma! Emma look out!" It was Aleck... She scanned her surroundings. "Emma!"

"Aleck? Where are you?" Emma called back. "Aleck?" She called again. But her foot caught in the tracks and she went tumbling to the ground. Then Aleck appeared above her, his face urgent. He grabbed her by the arm and began to pick her up. "We have to move! We have to get out of here-" BANG!

Aleck fell to the ground, a scream jumping off Emma's lips. Her heart pounded rapidly as she saw the shooters face. The man pointed his long revolver at her head pulling the hammer back. "No! Please, Hex, no!" She cried. Hex grinned and lowered the gun. "I ain't gonna hurt you, Darling, no need to cry..." He stepped over Aleck's body, lowering to his knees. He put his knees on either side of her body and bent down, sliding his hand under her shirt, taking hold her side. "Shh.... We didn't get to know each other..."

Emma bolted upright in the window sill, her eyes already brimming with tears. She looked around... Katie was still asleep... she was safe...

Daniel - Haywood - Shannon

Daniel shook his head. "No everything's fine. Audrey's just not having a good day..." They proceeded back to the living room where they sat down. "So uh... I have one problem..." He looked at the deck of cards on the coffee table. He didn't know how to play any card games... "The only game I really know how to play is go fish..."
SheriffLlama said
So I thought I'd make another character just because all the cool kids have one. Appearance : 5'11, 195 lbs Name : Sylar MaceyAge : 32Skill : Speaks 3 Languages (English, Russian, and French)/Decent Shot with crossbowWeapon (up three): Crossbow, 4 arrows/Hunting KnifePersonality: Bad - He comes of as a jerk, but deep down is a good guy. Good - He is compassionate for anyone who has trouble speaking a language, as he spent time learning languages himself.Brief Bio : Sylar grew up in Astana, Kazakhstan, where he learned to speak fluent Russian. From the age of 13 to 18, he lived in France, where he learned french as well. He moved to America at 19 to go to college and has no family in america. He had to shoot his best friend in the head when he was bit by a walker.Appearance: Name: Meghan Cordon Age: 17 Skill: She is good at speaking to peopleWeapons: Glock 17/Small Knife Personality: Meghan is a glass-half-full person and she tries to make the best out of everything(Which completely clashes with Sylar's attitude)Brief Bio: Meghan grew up in Louisiana and knows the New Orleans area fairly well. She was adopted in a family at the age of 6, but is the only one remaining, due to the outbreak. PS: I'll be posting soon, sorry for the delays.

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