I was too tired to get my CS up last night, but here ya go.
Name: Alice Fariday
Age: 19
Gender: Female

PERSONALITY: Alice is quiet around strangers, not because she's shy, but because she's tactically oriented and preffers to scope out any possibility of danger to herself. She can be a pessimist at time, but she will take risks if she needs to.
Biography: Alice grew up in the slums of the city, and experienced, firsthand, the violence that acompanied poverty. Her mother was sweet and kind, but her father was a drunkard, often resorting to taking his anger out on Alice. The violence of her father made her insecure in her younger years, so she never found the strength to fight back. While her mother loved her, she could never be helped when her father was in one of his drunken fits of rage. When she was thirteen her father was murdered by a gang in the district, leaving Alice and her mother free of his wrath, but with less income for the already debted family.
At the age of fifteen, Alice was arrested for stealing from a shopowner. Before the officers could force her into the vehicle, she broke free and ran away, but was still hindered by the cuffs around her wrists. She took refuge in an abandoned storehouse, trying to wait out the police so she could get away. When the police fell to the warehouse, Alice was in panick, about to run. However, a tall, muscled man busted in through the top window, swinging a heavy, spiked chain into the neck of one of the officers. He quickly dispatched the other 4 policemen.
When the man climbed to where Alice was hiding, he used the keys to one of the keys from the officers to unlock the handcuffs and free her. That was the very first time Alice came in contact with Night Raid. When she was 17, a year after her mother died, she had learned to use a gun and shoot a rifle very well. She found herself in another predicament when she was helping an old man being harrassed by officers of the police force. She found herself unable to take out all of the officers, but again, a man from Night Raid came to the rescue. This time, the man extended an offer for her to join the Night Raid.
Weapon:Close Combat Skills,Sniper Rifle
Extra: I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks of Batman when a Night Raid member is mentioned....