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Gotcha! Sorry for incoveniences
I was too tired to get my CS up last night, but here ya go.

Name: Alice Fariday
Age: 19
Gender: Female
PERSONALITY: Alice is quiet around strangers, not because she's shy, but because she's tactically oriented and preffers to scope out any possibility of danger to herself. She can be a pessimist at time, but she will take risks if she needs to.
Biography: Alice grew up in the slums of the city, and experienced, firsthand, the violence that acompanied poverty. Her mother was sweet and kind, but her father was a drunkard, often resorting to taking his anger out on Alice. The violence of her father made her insecure in her younger years, so she never found the strength to fight back. While her mother loved her, she could never be helped when her father was in one of his drunken fits of rage. When she was thirteen her father was murdered by a gang in the district, leaving Alice and her mother free of his wrath, but with less income for the already debted family.

At the age of fifteen, Alice was arrested for stealing from a shopowner. Before the officers could force her into the vehicle, she broke free and ran away, but was still hindered by the cuffs around her wrists. She took refuge in an abandoned storehouse, trying to wait out the police so she could get away. When the police fell to the warehouse, Alice was in panick, about to run. However, a tall, muscled man busted in through the top window, swinging a heavy, spiked chain into the neck of one of the officers. He quickly dispatched the other 4 policemen.

When the man climbed to where Alice was hiding, he used the keys to one of the keys from the officers to unlock the handcuffs and free her. That was the very first time Alice came in contact with Night Raid. When she was 17, a year after her mother died, she had learned to use a gun and shoot a rifle very well. She found herself in another predicament when she was helping an old man being harrassed by officers of the police force. She found herself unable to take out all of the officers, but again, a man from Night Raid came to the rescue. This time, the man extended an offer for her to join the Night Raid.

Weapon:Close Combat Skills,Sniper Rifle
Extra: I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks of Batman when a Night Raid member is mentioned....
I see what you're driving at. Can't wait for the OOC!
Definitely interested to make a sword-fighter girl... This looks really cool. Am I correct in assuming that its set in the future? Or...?
We have several military characters(1 less now that there's been deaths), so we can build a freaking task force with all of them. I forgot to tell you earlier, but as far as I'm concerned, your character is accepted. You can go ahead and make your first post in the IC. You can also join our group chat(Link found on the first page fo the OOC) if you have questions. Welcome to the RP!
Nice CS :D Your character makes 3 total special forces members in the RP, Lol(Daniel Crowe and Abram Chamberlins are both CAG/DELTA Force)
Emma - Haywood - Katie/Daniel/ETC

Emma's hands dropped to her waist, her right hand gripping around the 9mm pistol. She had never done something so surely, so decidedly, not even blinking when she pulled the trigger and killed Robert. Despite what many people in the community believed, the life of Robert Dalton was not the first she'd taken, and as the pistol smoked at her side, she burried any hint of regret for what she'd done in her heart. However, what did make her flinch, even stagger is what happened when she turned around. Katie...

"Baby, I need you to go back inside-"
BANG! Katie dropped to the ground with a startled scream. A shrill scream broke from Emma's mouth as she ran toward the little girl. "Katie!!" She slid to her knees, scraping her skin through the denim of her jeans. Where had the shot come from? "Daniel!" She cried; she needed his help. He was at her side moments after she went beside Katie. "W-w-what do I do?!" She sputtered, meeting her brother's eyes with tears streaming from her own and down to her cheeks. "

"Emma, you need to keep yourself together, or you'll be no help to Katie!" He commanded. "Put pressure on the wound, keep the blood inside, and take her to Doctor O'Connor!" Daniel tore away and broke into dead sprint toward the gate. Emma wrapped her arms around the girl, pressing her arm hard on her shoulder. Only minutes later, she burst through the doors of the infirmary with the Doctor. When they were in the room, Emma lay Katie on the vacant operation table, Doctor Riley came to her side.

"Alright, we're going to do the same thing we did with Lauren and we're going to cauterize the wound." They went through the proccess in a short two-minutes. "She's going to be okay, but she'll be in pain when she comes to."

Daniel - Haywood

Daniel raced away from Emma, stopping at Audrey's side. He bent down, putting a hand on the girl's arm. "Audrey, we have to help the gates!" He pressed her pistol back into her hands, pulled her from Henry's limp corpse. He took a sprint back to Eric's body, flipping him over and removing dark, green AUG from his shoulders. He rejoined Audrey and the two ran to the gates. What he saw was chaos; walkers in a group of at least two dozen. Audrey stammered a slight whimper from her lips, but followed Daniels lead and raised her weapon.

Daniel aimed down the sites, pulling the trigger. One, two, three; he gun downed the walkers in precise speed, but they seemed to keep on coming. "MAKE EVERY SHOT COUNT!" He barked, firing again and piercing a walkers head. He tried to fire again, but his weapon clicked; he was out of ammunition. He swore loudly, tossing the rifle away and reaching back to pull his combat axe from its strap on his belt. He waited for a walker to come close, rushing it and swing a heavy blow into its head and killing it. He swung his axe at another, another, a third! It seemed like and endless stream of undead. The man could feel his heart racing, as biters flowed into their home. It wasn't over, though. Oh no, it wasn't over. "Come on, soldiers!" He screamed, swinging his axe to kill yet another walker. They might have won the battle with Robert, but the war was not over...
I can breath again! The Robert Dalton arc is over! :D Now we can have peace
Haywood - Showdown

Henry stood stalwart as he held his .22 pistol level to Robert's chest. He was ready to pull the trigger. "I'm an old man, Robert. My police days were years ago, but I sure can shoot straight." The man said in his raspy voice and southern tongue. Before Henry could squeeze the trigger, a shot resounded from behind Robert and blue sprouted from Henry's shirt. The old man fell to his knees, holding himself up with only one arm.

It was at that moment that Audrey ran into the entrance to the Alley and Eric walked past Robert. He didn't even look at him, but walked toward Henry, lifting a long revolver, formerly belonging to Riley O'Connor. In one quick, thoughtless motion, he pulled the hammer and put a shot into Henry's head. Audrey's eyes widened and time seemed to slow as Henry's body fell to the ground. She let out one startled, shrill scream, her eyes beginning to stream with tears. The pistol in her hand shook as she tried to aim as Eric approached her. When Eric was almost two yards away from Audrey, he rose his pistol, preparing to fire. It was then that Daniel tore through the front of the the alley, throwing all of his weight into Eric, the two tumbling to the ground.

Daniel threw a strong fist into Eric's jaw. Eric brought his right leg up and shoved Daniel away. Daniel quickly jumped for Eric's gun, wrapping his fingers around around the hilt. Eric stopped, mid lunge. "Why, Eric?!"

"Becuase, Daniel. You're a little punk who thinks he can rule the world!" His last words fell from his tongue as Daniel fired the last round from the gun into Eric's chest. He then walked behind the building, turning to face Robert. He threw the gun away and spread his arms. "Come on, Robert."
Daniel - Haywood

The moment that Daniel heard the tires screech, he closed his eyes, steaying his breathing. Breath... he told himself that one word several times. He grew completely calm, and he didn't even flinch when bullets began to tear through the fence like it was little more than paper. The wooden reinforcments and metal base did little to protect them from the bullets. Daniel kept his eyes closed, even when he felt a bullet whizz past his ear. The was a six second pocket when the firing ceased. Go! Daniel sprung from his hiding spot, inserting the barrel of his rifle into a hole in the fence. He lined his sights with a man near Robert, and fired presicely into the man's head.

Daniel saw Robert approach a gun propped on the hood of his truck. Daniel swore as he sighted the markings on the weapon through his scope. "Watch out!" He bellowed. He looked over to see that Amy still stood in the bed of his truck; completely exposed to head fire. "Amy!" He shouted towards her. She turned and met eyes with him, but Daniel was already moving. He reached up, grabbed ahold of her tactical belt and pulled her from the truck bed, possibly too hard. When they were on the ground, Daniel but his body over her to cover her. He rolled towards the truck, sliding himself under the car. He reached into his vest and found the round grenade, pulling it ready. He breathed steadily and then pulled the pin. 5 seconds 'till detonation. Robert's truck was an easy roll. He counted off, 1.... 2... 3! He threw the grenade under the gate as hard as he could towards Robert.

The air shattered with a monstrous, BOOM!
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