Daniel - Haywood - Peeps of Peepyness
An hour after his conversation with Anthony, Daniel had spread the word to every soldier still loyal to him. Now he stood on the edge of the fountain in the middle of the apartment complex, facing the entirety of Haywood. He took one large swallow, clearing his throat. "My friends, tenants of Haywood... you gave me the honor of serving you as your acclaimed 'leader'.... and as your leader it has become my task to deliver a difficult news to you all. Robert Dalton, ladies and gentleman, plan to, and probably already has, kill the man we brought here a few days ago because he was accused of being a raider." Murmurs broke out among the crowd. "Please, listen..." He nodded as the silence returned. He glanced down at Eric, who stood loyally beside the truck.
"As you are all aware, we have an increasing supply shortage, and its not gotten any better. Mr. Dalton suggested that we kill off unnecessary members off Haywood, seniors and sick being the main ideal." At this the crowd exploded into shouts. "I'm afraid I still have to tell the full; Robert plans to kill the woman that came with the raider and that is now under Doctor O'Conner's care. Mr. Dalton also sent his men to wipe out a farmer family that we've considered reaching out to so we could provide surplus food for the community and possibly using the farm to expand our growing community. However, thanks to Mr. Dalton's men, a group who has been found out and are currently with him, the farm was burned down and our means of expansion were eliminated."
"It is my regret to inform you that a fight between us and Robert Dalton and his men is inevitable; a fight that will be quite gruesome. Soldiers of Haywood are armed and trained to fight." Daniel sighed, regretting the fact that he was about to come clean. "Ladies and gentlemen, I also need to confess that Robert Dalton is not the only man who's been dishonest. Upon returning from the catacombs, you were informed that Tyler died in the raid. While we do not know if Tyler is alive, my team did not end his life. I did not get the honor of doing so. We assumed Tyler was killed in the repercussions and gave you false hope on a leap of faith."
The crowd exploded into chaos, ignoring Daniel's request of silence. It was then that Eric stepped into the truck bed, racked the pump action on his shotgun and fired one loud blast into the air. Within milliseconds, the crowd went dead quiet. Eric looked at the people of Haywood. "Get ahold of yourselves, people!" He barked. "Look at this man!" No one disobeyed Eric's deadly voice of command and all eyes went to Daniel. "He might not be who you thought he was, but I'll tell you what he is! He's a good man! He's a better man than I'll ever be! Now if you want to try and take him down," Eric shook the pump to his shotgun and chambered a shell, sending the used shell flying into the air. "Go ahead and try!" He breathed for a moment. "This man is about to fight for you and he's ready to die for you people and you better be on your knees thanking him! I don't know about you, but me and my team will fight with this man!"
Eric stepped down and re-assumed his former position beside the truck. "Eric's right. You may not want me to lead you anymore, but at least let me fight for you." Daniel nodded and stepped down from his truck, picking up his assault rifle from the bed. He walked back towards his house and one of the soldiers, Alex, started up the truck, driving it to the gates and parking it dead in front of the entrance. Order were given to take everyone to the building farthest from the gates,
Daniel flipped his AR-15 on its side and pulled the slid back, confirming that a the chamber was full. He shouldered his weapon and opened the door to the house, aware of Eric behind him. "Ever shot an Steyr AUG?" Eric gave a pleased chuckle. "Thank you, man... really." In about fifteen, minutes, the entire Haywood guard was armed to the teeth with weapons. They were ready to give their lives... They were ready for Robert Dalton.
Riley O'Conner - Haywood - Lauren/Eric/Ryder/Shanellet
As Lauren came to, O'Conner snapped to attention and went to her bedside. "Careful, lass, don't want to rupture the wound again." He spoke in his thick accent. He went through a few tests to check her senses and nodded. "You're looking fine. You've been out for a day or two due to the loss of blood that you experienced." He reached to the foot of the bed and pulled the wheelchair forward. "Unfortunately, this chair'll be your best friend for about the next two weeks."
"Where's bull? Where's- where's Katie?"
"Katie is safe with Emma Crowe, the mayor's sister. She tells me you've met her already." Riley offered his hand to Lauren and lifted her into the wheelchair. "You've caught us in a very bad time. We've got a threat and everyone that isn't a soldier is going to be hiding in the farthest building from the gates. That's where we must go." It took a few minutes to get needed medicines in small box and get Lauren to the apartment building. He turned to the guard called Rob. "Bring the wheelchair upstairs." He reached down and picked lauren up again, carrying her to the farthest room in the hallway. He ignored the stairs of judgmental tenants who disliked Bull and Lauren and made sure his patient was attended to.
O'Connor then made sure Lauren had help if she needed by asking Roger Chaney to watch over her. He hurried to the stairs through the crowd of people trying to get into the apartments. Eric stood by the door, ushering people in. "Eric, I'm going to go find Shanelle and Ryder and send them here. When they get here, take them to the 204 and make sure Shanelle is alright. I'm going to get her another tank in case she needs it." Eric nodded.
"Are you not staying with them?" Eric asked. O'Connor shook his head.
"No, heavens, no. If we're going to have a battle on our hands, I'm not sitting in that room. Besides, we're going to have casualties; its a given." Riley hurried off. He found Shan and Ryder close by and hurried to them. "Oi, you two follow the crowd. Eric will meet you at the door, I'm going to bring another tank just in case." When they had gone, O'Connor ran to the infirmary, retrieving one the second to last tank of Oxygen. He hoped they wouldn't need it, but in all honesty, they had no idea how long the fight would last. In five minutes, he had given the tank to Shanelle and was now walking towards Daniel.
"Riley, you should stay with everyone else." Daniel said. He held a long, tan colored AR 15 in his hands, he was ready for war.
"No, Daniel I can shoot straight." He held his revolver in his hand. "I'm going to fight with you."